从今年秋季起,六年制小学使用的算术课本,各册都作了一些修改(初小第一、二册只有小的改动)。共中主要的修改有以下几点。一、删去繁琐不必要的内容。主要的有: (1)和差积商的变化(保留了“被除数和除数一同扩大或缩小同样的倍数商不变”这一条);(2)运算定律和运算性质(把这部分内容放在初中代数里讲);(3)数的整除的性质;(4)公制复名数四则计算;(5)时间复名数乘除法;(6)一些较繁难的式题和应用题,如步数过多数目较大的混合运算式题,和差、差倍以及连续求余下的几分之几的应用题等。此
Starting from the autumn of this year, the math textbooks used in six-year primary schools have been revised in a few volumes (with minor changes in the first and second volumes). The main changes in the following points. First, delete cumbersome unnecessary content. The main ones are: (1) the difference of differential product operators (the one that keeps the “same multiplier quoted with the dividend and the divisor expanded or contracted”); (2) the law of operation and the nature of the operation Junior high school algebra in speaking); (3) the nature of the number of divisions; (4) the metric system of four complex number; (5) multiplication and division of the time complex number; (6) some of the more complicated formulas and problems, such as The number of steps is too large a large number of hybrid arithmetic expressions, and poor, poor times and continuous improvement of the remaining fraction of the application problems and so on. this