A Novel Trust Enhanced Grid Authentication Mechanism

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mainonewf
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To improve trustworthiness in grid authentication,a novel trust enhanced grid authentication mechanism (TEGAM) is proposed in this paper where trust is divided into trust on grid entity (GE) and trust on third party (TP). In order to obtain precise trust evaluation on GE’s behaviors,trust on GE is further subdi-vided into trust as service consumer and trust as service provider. Details for the structure of TEGAM and related TEGAM-based authentication process are also given. Simulation results and prop-erty analysis show that,compared with current trust-based grid authentication techniques,TEGAM can not only help establish explicit and dynamic trust relationships among grid entities but also will significantly increase the efficacy of grid authentication. To improve trustworthiness in grid authentication, a novel trust enhanced grid authentication mechanism (TEGAM) is proposed in this paper where trust is divided into trust on grid entity (GE) and trust on third party (TP). on GE’s behaviors, trust on GE is further subdi-vided into trust as service consumer and trust as service provider. Details for the structure of TEGAM and related TEGAM-based authentication process are also given. Simulation results and prop-erty analysis show that, compared with current trust-based grid authentication techniques, TEGAM can not only help establish explicit and dynamic trust relationships among grid entities but also significantly enhance the efficacy of grid authentication.
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