在这篇文章,我们将介绍纯在笛卡儿的坐标的 NavierStokes 和连续性方程的三个维的分析解决方案。关键想法是 Barenblatt 的著名自我......
A Generalized Hirota Ansatz to Obtain Soliton-Like Solutions for a (3+1)-Dimensional Nonlinear Evolu
<正> Instead of the usual Hirota ansatz,i.e.,the functions in bilinear equations being chosen as exponentialtypes,a gene......
<正> This paper deals with the solutions of time independent Schrodinger wave equation for a two-dimensionalVT-symmetric......
The second reference state of the open XYZ spin chain with non-diagonal boundary terms is studied. The associated Bethe ......
Multi-soliton configurations of a Moyal-type noncommutative deformed modified 2+1 chiral model have been constructed by ......