Effects of rhamnolipid biosurfactant JBR425 and synthetic surfactant Surfynol465 on the peroxidase-c
The kinetics of the recombinant Coprinus cinereus peroxidase-catalyzed2-naphthol oxidationwas investigated in the presen......
Coprinus comatus-derived nitrogen-containing biocarbon electrocatalyst with the addition of self-gen
The development of nitrogen-rich biomassderived carbon catalysts provides an attractive perspective to substitute for Pt......
SOMMARIO-Questo contributo,il sesto della serie,persegue gli stessi scopi dei precedenti,cioè quelli diapprofondire le......
Following up the published earlier in this journal(Natura Bresciana numbers 4,6, 1967.
[Objective]To research the antioxidant activity in vitro of crude polysaccharides from Coprinus comatus. [Methods]With V......
蛋白质非酶糖基化(non-enzymatic protein glycation,NEPG)是引起糖尿病并发症的主要因素之一,因此开发具有抑制非酶糖基化反应的......
1874 ~ 1944, was ......
白鸡腿蘑原名小孢毛鬼伞(Coprinus comatus),异名Coprinus ovatus。属担子菌亚门,层菌纲,同担子菌亚纲,伞菌目,鬼伞科,鬼伞属。在......
巨型的牛肝菌 1936年,海姆在非洲的马达加斯加发现一种牛肝菌,菌盖直径60厘米,厚4~6厘米,菌柄长25厘米,基部膨大处直径达22厘米,重......
鸡腿蘑Coprinus comatur (Muell.ex Fr.)Gray,又称毛头鬼伞,属于担子菌纲、伞菌目、鬼伞科、鬼伞属,是一种很有开发价值的野生食......
43 红丝膜菌 Cortinarius sanguinens。岳西县道义、舒城县晓天等。标本号8362844 粪鬼伞 Coprinus sterquilinus。安大校园。六......
鸡腿蘑[Coprinus comatus(Muelj exFr.)].又称毛头鬼伞。隶属于真菌门,担子菌纲,伞菌目,鬼伞科,鬼伞属。鸡腿蘑营养丰富,菌肉肥厚......
鸡腿蘑,学名毛头鬼伞(Coprinus comatus)在我国北方各省均有分布,是食、药两用真菌。人们素有喜食的习惯。为了开发这一野生资源,......
小孢毛鬼伞(Coprinus ovatus),营养丰富,含多种氨基酸,矿物质和维生素,幼嫩时味道鲜美可口,是西北地区人们喜欢采食的一种野生食......
鸡腿蘑学名毛头鬼伞(Coprinus conatus),其肉质细嫩,鲜美可口,营养丰富,是一种具有较高商业潜力的食用菌种类。为了更好地开发利......
Of eight Coprinus comatus strains tested, strain C_6 was found to be the most suitable with respect to mycelial growth v......
Eighty-four different types of pathogenic and competitive microorganisms, and 92 types of pests, were identified during ......
Four different media for growing Coprinus comatus strain CC16-8 in submerged culture were screened and subjected to orth......
A total of 147 species of macro-fungi were identified in the Huangzhulin Nature Reservation Zone of Fujian Province, of ......
A 508 bp fragment of a putative pheromone receptor gene from Lentinula edodes was amplified by PCR using a pair of degen......
An efficient transformation method mediated by PEG-protoplasts was developed for the newly commercial edible mushroom Pl......
鸡腿菇(Coprinus comatusc(Mull.Fr)Gray),又名毛头鬼,是近几年发展起来的一种食药兼用菌。因其原料来源广、栽培工艺简单、生产周......
鸡腿菇Coprinus comatus,又名毛头鬼伞,属真菌门、担子菌亚门、层菌纲、伞菌目、鬼伞科、鬼伞属。鸡腿菇是近年来人工开发培育可被......
Ninety-five wild fungi species belonging to 56 genera from 33 families have been identified in Yichang, and their distri......
运用SRAP、RAPD、ISSR3种分子标记技术对来源不同地区的57株毛头鬼伞Coprinus comatus进行了遗传多样性分析,通过3种分子标记进行......
两种植物内生真菌Coprinus micaccus和Alteranaria sp.的醇提取物可促进水稻根系发达,增加水稻产量,为了明确4种提取物对水稻全基......
网纹马勃,子实体一般小。倒卵形至陀螺形,高3~8 cm,宽2~6 cm。外包被由无数小疣组织,间有较大易脱的刺,刺脱落后显出淡色而光滑的......