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  The Wounaan Indians are used to newcomers. Over the past 500 years the Spanish 1)conquistadors, freed African slaves and Marxist 2)guerrillas have all tried to 3)encroach on their ancestral land. But the Wounaan, one of the oldest 4)indigenous peoples in the region, have held firm. And then came the 5)coca leaf.
  Living in small villages of wooden houses on 6)stilts in riverside 7)clearings in the jungles of Chocó, the Wounaan had largely succeeded in keeping out of Colombia’s bloody conflicts. They hunted, fished and farmed along the banks of the San Juan River, left alone by the battling rebels, 8)paramilitaries and government troops.
  Then, three years ago, the guerrillas came with an order at 9)gunpoint. “They said we had to grow coca or else leave,” Fernando, a Wounaan leader, said. “And so we began planting it on our lands.”
  Chocó, an 10)extravagantly fertile eco-region along Colombia’s Pacific Coast, was never traditionally an area for coca cultivation. Although coca has grown wild in Colombia since 11)time immemorial, and was chewed by indigenous people as a mild 12)stimulant, like coffee, it did not naturally 13)take root in Chocó.
  Under threat of death or expulsion, the Wounaan began planting coca, which the guerrillas then bought from them. The crop was 14)lucrative: a three inch cube of pressed coca would fetch them 1.8 million 15)pesos ($900). The rice they had grown before fetched only 4,000 pesos a small sack.
  Not everyone liked what else the coca brought. “At the beginning there was money,” Fernando said. “But then it started to destroy the culture. Drinking and 16)prostitution, all these things begin when the money comes.”
  In March last year leaders in Union-Wounaan, the largest settlement, sent word to the guerrillas that their coca-growing days were over. A day later guerrillas seized a teacher from his classroom. His 17)mutilated body was found hours later. The next day a tribal leader was seized and beaten to death.

  The killings caused panic in the community. More than 1,000 of the area’s 3,500 Wounaan fled upriver to the town of Istmina, with hundreds more fleeing elsewhere into the jungle. Hundreds more wanted to leave.
  The displaced tribespeople took shelter in a house by the river, 18)crammed 30 to a room. 19)Exile proved too hard for many and some climbed into boats and travelled back. Those who had opposed the guerrillas had no choice but to stay.
  José Llanos, a tribal leader who has been speaking out against coca cultivation, arrived in Istmina with his family last month after receiving death threats from the paramilitaries.
  Many more of Colombia’s one million indigenous people are also under such a threat. A year ago, 80 members of the hunter-gatherer Nukak tribe walked out of the jungle after months 20)on the run from armed groups who ordered them off their land to grow coca. Only 500 remain in the jungle and fears are growing for their survival. For the Wounaan, the future looks 21)bleak. In Istmina, they live in their own small community by the river, surrounded by an alien Afro-Colombian culture of hard drinking and casual sex. An air of tragedy hangs over them. All have taken Spanish names, the ones used here, to hide the Wounaan names that appeared on the guerrillas’ hit lists.
  With their teachers dead, they struggle to teach their children to read and write their own language. At school they are taught in Spanish, which few Wounaan can speak.
  At night, they try to perform traditional dances to preserve their culture but they find little to celebrate. They live as close to the river as they can. “The river is like our blood. Just like somebody without blood cannot live, we cannot live without the river,” said Fernando.
  But their 22)ancestral lands are far away and they have no prospect of return. “The land is like our mother. To lose it is very hard.”
  For the Wounaan, one thing they do know. If no one wanted the little green leaf, no one would plant it. As Colombia 23)gears up for the next chapter in the war on drugs, a dying tribe has this plea for the outside world.
  “If nobody bought the drug, it wouldn’t be produced,” José Llanos says. “To those who buy it, it’s just merchandise. For us, it is disaster. They have our blood on their hands.”

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