模块5—模块8 知识点盘点

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  1. admit 2. delay 3. stand 4.blame 5.persuade 6. anxious 7. lay 8. range 9. appreciate 10. concern 11. raise 12. remain 13. benefit 14. involve 15. approach 16. urge 17. intention
  1. admit 
  【命题角度】 admit doing / having done; 承认做了某事admit that clause; admit ... to be; be admitted into / to 被录用,接纳
  【考题链接】Lily finally admitted ________ my umbrella by mistake.
  ________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________
  A. to takeB. to have taken
  C. having takenD. have taken
  2. blame
  【命题角度】介词搭配,blame sb. for sth. / blame sth. on sb.;主动表被动 sb. is to blame
  【高考链接】Mr. Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one ________. (2006安徽卷)
  A. blamedB. blaming
  C. to blameD. to be blamed
  3. lay
  【易混辨析】lie—lied—lied—lying说谎; lie—lay—lain—lying躺,位于;
  【高考链接】The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining table already ________ for a meal to be cooked. (2010山东卷)
  A. laidB. laying
  C. to layD. being laid
  4. concern
  【命题角度】be concerned about / for对……担心,关心;be concerned with对……感兴趣,与……有关系;as far as...be concerned就……而言;concerning prep.介词,表示关于,涉及
  【考题链接】________ your letter, I am pleased to tell you that you are to receive the answer by the end of this week.
  A. Concerned aboutB. Concerning
  C. Concerning withD. Concerned
  5. remain
  1.用作连系动词,后面接形容词、名词、分词和介词短语。2.剩下、遗留,用作不及物动词,不用被动态。a. 可与不定式连用;b. 用现在分词remaining (剩下的、剩余的) 作定语。
  【高考链接】The palace caught fire three times in the last century, and little of the original building ________ now. (2010重庆卷)
  A. remainsB. is remained
  C. is remainingD. has been remained
  6. raise
  【命题角度】多种含义:raise one’s hands 举手;raise one’s voice 提高声音;raise money 募捐;raise a question 提问题;raise cattle 养牛
  【易混辨析】raise vt. (raised, raised) 举起,抬起; rise vi. ( rose, risen) 上升,起立
  【考题链接】In summer, the temperature sometimes ________ as high as 39℃.
  A. risesB. risingC. raisingD. raises
  7. involve
  【考点】involve sb. / sth. in sth. / doing sth. 使……参与,陷入;be / get involved in... 与……有关联
  【考题链接】There is a new problem ________ in the popularity of private cars, so road conditions need to be improved.
  A. involvedB. involving
  C. involvesD. to involve
  8. urge
  【命题角度】urge...to do / into doing sth. 敦促、怂恿……做; urge 接宾语从句要用虚拟语气, 谓语动词用should (可省略) + 动词原形,
  【考题链接】She ________ he write a letter explaining why he didn’t turn up at her birthday party.
  A. hopedB. urged
  C. expectedD. supposed
  9. intention
  【考点】intention of doing sth; intend vt. intend to do 打算做;intend sb. to do 打算让某人做;be intended to do打算做,是用来;be intended for 打算为……而准备,意欲……
  【考题链接】—I’d like to go to the cinema with you, Dad?
  —Sorry, my dear, but the film is ________ for adults only.
  A. admittedB. intended
  C. promisedD. permitted
  1. get along 2. be absorbed in 3. as a result 4. regardless of 5. discourage...from doing
  6. get through 7. wipe out 8. in addition 9. cut back on 10. run out 11. be stocked with 12. pick out 13. open the floor 14. rely on 15. push ahead with 16. use up 17. put...in place 18. figure out
  19. point out 20. in favor of21. turn out
  1. 动词不定式;2. 现在分词;3. 过去分词;4. 名词性从句;5. must have done
  1. After that, he knew he could ________ any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability. (2010 浙江卷)
  A. get away withB. get on with
  C. get throughD. get across
  2. Well, I have to go and get some oil before it ________.
  A. is run outB. uses up
  C. is given outD. is used up
  3. This restaurant has become popular for its wide ________ of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.(2010湖北卷)
  A. divisionB. area
  C. rangeD. circle
  4. I really appreciate ________ to relax with you on this nice island. 
  A. to have had timeB. to have time
  C. having timeD. to having time
  5. All the candidates were ________ the street being named after a great man ________ his great contributions to the city.
  A. in honour of; in memory of
  B. in memory of; in praise of
  C. in favour of; in need of
  D. in favour of; in honour of
  6. They have ________ most carefully the time and materials needed to complete the project. 
  A. picked outB. taken out
  C. wiped outD. figured out 
  7. Thousands of people ________ to watch yesterday’s match against Ireland. (2010辽宁卷)
  A. turned onB. turned in
  C. turned aroundD. turned out
  8. As these new products are not selling well, the members of the board have decided to ________ on production.
  A. cut upB. cut in
  C. cut downD. cut off
  9. A large sum of money has been raised for the ________ of the poorly-educated children in the mountainous areas.
  A. profitB. favor
  C. advantageD. benefit
  10. Many buildings in the city need repairing, but the one ________ first is the library. (2010重庆卷)
  A. repairedB. being repaired
  C. repairingD. to be repaired
  11. The retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake in Yushu, ________ the students to return to their classrooms. (2010江苏卷)
  A. enablingB. having enabled
  C. to enableD. to have enabled
  12. I’m calling to enquire about the position ________ in yesterday’s China Daily. (2010北京卷)
  A. advertisedB. to be advertised
  C. advertisingD. having advertised
  13. ________ the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height. (2010 上海卷)
  A. ApproachingB. Approached
  C. To approachD. To be approached
  14. —I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays.
  —That’s ________ I don’t agree .You should have a more active life. (2010江苏卷)
  A. whereB. howC. whenD. what
  15. Jack described his father, who ________ a brave boy many years ago, as a strongwilled man. (2010安徽卷)
  A. would beB. would have been
  C. must beD. must have been
  Keys: 重点单词讲解1—5 CCABA6—9 AABB
  巩固练习1—5 CDCCD6—10 DDCDD
  11—15 AAAAD
  1. appropriate 2. crowded 3. event 4. accomplish 5. adjust 6. accumulate 7. participate 8. request 9. slight 10. account 11. worthy 12. approval 13. accessible 14. face 15. expense 16. temporary
  1. determined
  【命题角度】be determined to do / determine to do / determine sb. to do / determine + that从句
  The doctor’s lecture ________ me not to drink and smoke any more.
  A. decidedB. determined
  C. madeD. attracted
  2. accumulate
  However, as the evidence began to ________, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate.
  A. accumulateB. expand
  C. collectD. grow
  3. account
  【考点】n. 帐目;描述;理由。
  短语:account for占;对……负有责任;解释……原因
  on account of... 由于……
  Petrochemicals today ________ one fourth of all the chemicals made; in ten years this amount is expected to double.
  A. account ofB. account to
  C. account forD. account on
  4. worthy
  【命题角度】worth, worthy, worthwhile 相关固定搭配
  be worthy of being done; be worthy to be done; be well worth doing / n.; be worthwhile doing / to do 
  There are several characteristics of the book ________ special attention.
  A. worthyB. worthy of
  C. worth ofD. worthwhile
  5. approval
  【考点】approve of doing
  You’d better cut your hair short. Our school doesn’t ________ long hair.
  A. approve of students wearing
  B. approve students to wear
  C. approve students wearing
  D. approve of students to wear
  6. face
  【命题角度】考查两个结构face sth. / be faced with
  ________ with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice. 
  A. To faceB. Having faced
  C. FacedD. Facing
  7. request
  【易混辨析】request / demand / require
  request 是正式用语,指非常有礼貌的请求或恳求。demand 一般指理直气壮地提出强烈要求,不可用demand sb. to do。 require 指根据事业、需要或纪律、法律等而提出的要求。
  【高考链接】Don’t respond to any e-mails ________ personal information, no matter how official they look.
  A. searchingB. requesting
  C. askingD. questioning
  8. expense 
  【命题角度】考查expense相关短语搭配。at one’s expense由某人负担费用;at the expense of以 (损害)……为代价;spare no expense不遗余力,不惜代价
  During the ten-day vacation, they traveled to France ________ their own expense. 
  A. onB. withC. atD. in
  9. remain
  【考点】1. 用作连系动词,后面接形容词、名词、分词和介词短语。2. 剩下、遗留,用作不及物动词。a. 可与不定式连用;b. 用现在分词remaining (剩下的、剩余的) 作定语。
  【考题链接】—Why do you look sad?
  —There are so many problems ________.
  A. remaining to settle
  B. remained settling
  C. remaining to be settled
  D. remained to be settled
  10. situation 
  【考点】situation / state / condition
  The international ________ is heading toward peace.
  A. stateB. situation
  C. conditionD. conditions
  11. deliver 
  【命题角度】deliver sb. from danger / deliver sth. to sb. / deliver a speech / be delivered of
  She was delivered ________ a girl.
  A. atB. inC. ofD. with
  12. persuade 
  【考点】persuade sb. to do / persuade sb. into doing / persuade sb. not to do / persuade sb. out of doing
  【易混辨析】persuade / advise sb. to do
  persuade sb. to do sth.某人成功地做了某事
  advise sb. to do sth. 结果不一定成功,可等同于 try to persuade sb. to do sth.
  —He still smokes a lot, do you know? 
  —Yes, but I don’t know how I can ________ him to give it up.
  A. adviseB. try to persuade
  C. persuadeD. suggest
  1. in response to 2. make jokes about 3. take on 4. burst in 5. apart from 6. cheer up
  7. devote oneself to 8. be tired of 9. in celebration of 10. take up 11. hold up 12. break down 13. belong to 14. have power over 15. refer to 16. under the umbrella of 17. on behalf of
  18. die from 19. remind sb. of 20. make a difference
  1.时态;2.虚拟语气;3.名词性从句中what 用法;4.it 用作形式主语或宾语;5.where 引导定语从句;6.as 引导的原因状语
  1. It wasn’t until nearly a month later ________ I received the manager’s reply. 
  A. sinceB. whenC. asD. that
  2. —Does that make any ________? 
   —Yes, it matters a great deal.
  A. moneyB. sense
  C. differenceD. trouble
  3. Lianyungang is a beautiful harbor city and it ________ a second time.
  A. is worth being visited
  B. is worthy of visiting
  C. is worthy to visit
  D. is worthy of being visited
  4. Tom has devoted all his time and energy to teaching. His devotion to his job is ________.
  A. admirableB. accessible
  C. availableD. acceptable
  5. My camera can be ________ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.
  A. treatedB. adopted
  C. adjustedD. adapted
  6. Most people are ________ bringing down the price of housing, because it’s too high for them.
  A. in favor ofB. in celebration of
  C. on behalf ofD. under the umbrella of
  7. —How about joining us in the game?
  —I’m sorry. I have an urgent matter to ________.
  A. relate toB. handle to
  C. attend toD. refer to
  8. The good thing about children is that they ________ very easily to new environments.
  A. adaptB. appealC. attachD. apply
  9. —________ Mr. Barton changed his mind to take part in the movement?
  —After he listened to the speech by Mr. King.
  A. When was that itB. When was it that
  C. When was thatD. When was it
  10. China has been developing rapidly since her foundation, but as is known to us, she is still a country ________ the Third World. 
  A. belonging toB. belongs to
  C. belonged toD. belong to
  11. ________ seems to be a strong competition in China for senior high students to enter college or university.
  A. ItB. ThereC. WhatD. That
  12. —Is there any possible way to help them get rid of such a bad habit? 
  —To tell the truth, it’s very hard. But we ________ on this problem, trying to improve the situation.
  A. workedB. had worked
  C. are workingD. had been working
  13. Near the table ________ a hungry dog, which desired to satisfy his hunger with ________ fell from the table.
  A. lay; whatB. lay; that
  C. laid; thatD. laid; something
  14. The national education Department says school safety has set off alarm bells with frequent serious accidents ________ students got injured or even killed.
  A. thatB. whereC. whatD. when
  15. Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot at Huaguo Mountain, ________ this was a memory she especially treasured.
  A. asB. whatC. whenD. where
  16. Not until I came home last night ________ to bed.
  A. Mum did goB. did Mum go
  C. went MumD. Mum went
  17. So sudden ________ that the enemy had no time to escape.
  A. did the attackB. the attack did
  C. was the attackD. the attack was
  Keys: 重点单词讲解1—5 BACBA
  6—10 CBCCB11—12 CC
  巩固练习1—5 DCDAC6—10 ACABA
  11—15 ACABA16-17 BC
  1. superior 2. apply 3. approach 4. assume 5. associate 6. addict 7. adjustable 8. addiction
  9. convenience 10. accurate 11. occur 12. access 13. predict 14. consideration 15. attach
  16. permit 17. consume 18. arise 19. punctual 20. reliable
  1. apply
  【命题角度】基本含义以及与介词的搭配:apply sth. to 把……运用于……;apply...for 申请;还有其他的含义:敷 (药);涂;从事。
  例:These ideas are often difficult to be applied ________ your teaching work.
  A. toB. forC. withD. of
  2. superior
  【命题角度】基本含义以及与介词的搭配:be superior to (介) 优于……;be inferior to 劣于……;be superior / inferior to...in sth.在某方面优于/ 劣于……
  例:This cloth is superior to that.
  You must be superior ________ me ________ this skills.
  A. to; inB. over; to
  C. to; byD. over; by
  3. treat
  【命题角度】词义较多,要视具体情况进行翻译。做及物动词时,意为“治疗、对待、看待”;常见搭配treat...as...视为、以为;treat...to... 请客、款待
  例:More people ________ in hospital this year than at any time since the start of the Health Service.
  A. are being treatedB. have treated
  C. are treatingD. have been treated
  4. consideration 
  take...into consideration 把……考虑在内;considering=given 考虑到;be under consideration在考虑中;out of consideration for 体谅,顾及……
  When marking Tom’s examination papers, the teacher ________ Tom’s long illness into consideration.
  A. goneB. tookC. madeD. got 
  5. occur
  【命题角度】occur的过去式和过去分词的拼写是occurred。 (1) 作不及物动词,意为“发生”; (2)It occurs / occurred to sb. to do / that ...意思是“某人想到做某事”;(3) sth. occurs / occurred to sb. 意思是“某人想到某事”或“(某想法) 出现在某人脑中”。
  【词义辨析】take place / happen / occur
  take place 发生,有意识的行为;happen 偶然发生;occur 正式用语,意为发生,也有想起之意。常考句型 It occurs to sb. that...某人突然想起……
  例:It suddenly ________ to me that they went there by bike.
  A. occurredB. happened
  C. took placeD. look
  6. permit
  【命题角度】permit的过去式和过去分词为permitted。 (1) permit 可做及物动词,常见permit sth.;permit sb. sth.; permit doing sth.; permit sb. to do (2)也可以用作不及物动词,重要短语有:作独立主格结构的time permitting, weather permitting等;(3)作名词时,重音在前,意思是“许可证、执照”。 注意:名词permission 和permit意思不同。
  例:Weather ________, we’ll have a picnic in the woods.
  A. permitsB. to permit
  C. permittingD. permitted
  7. dozen
  【命题角度】前面有数词如three, four 或several, a few等时,dozen 用单数;dozen 前面有数词,后面的名词前有限定词如the, these, those, my, their等时,dozen后面要加of; dozens of的意思是“好几十个、许多”,dozens of 前面可以用some, many修饰;in dozens意思是“成打的、一打一打地”; by the dozen 的意思是“以打计”。注意:score表示“二十”时,用法和dozen相仿。
  例:The number of deaths has risen to more than ________.
  A. two dozensB. two dozen
  C. dozens ofD. a few dozens of
  1. be familiar with 2. be associated with. 3. have faith in 4. turn up (to) 5. be accustomed to
  6. be happy with 7. keep...in mind 8. take notice of 9. make better use of 10. make up for
  11. put through (of) 12. let out 13. under repair 14. up to sb. 15. be worn out 16. in addition (to)
  17. for the time being 18. spring up 19. in large quantities 20. block sb. / sth. from doing
  1.介词 (短语)(表示时间、地点等);2.动词短语;3.系动词;4.动词的-ed和ing (分词) 用法
  1. You gave your opinion so directly. I wonder how they ________ your criticism.
  A. answered forB. agreed with
  C. combined withD. responded to
  2. He had to be reminded twice or three times ________ he actually avoided making the same mistake.
  A. whenB. beforeC. as D. until
  3. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, the price of ________ was very reasonable.
  A. itB. thatC. whichD. whose
  4. The thing that ________ is not whether you fail or not but whether you try or not.
  A. caresB. considers
  C. mindsD. matters
  5. —I’d like to go with you to the cinema, but I’m short of money these days.
   —That’s all right. ________.
  A. We are friends, and I’ll help you
  B. It will be my treat
  C. You know I’m a millionaire
  D. I’ll pay for myself
  6. The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see ________ the next year.
  A. carry outB. carrying out
  C. carried outD. to carry out
  7. It was not ________ she took off her dark glasses ________ I realized she was the famous film star Zhou Xun.
  A. when; thatB. until; that
  C. until; whenD. when; then
  8. Also ________ is a ________ probability that your holiday meals were higher in fat than your normal ones at home.
  A. it; littleB. that; no
  C. there; highD. there; highly
  9. It remains ________ whether he’ll pass the driving test.
  A. to seeB. seeing
  C. to be seenD. to have seen
  10. If you find the answer to the question you are not sure ________, ________ your teacher. Which is wrong?
  A. of; consultB. of; turn to
  C. about; look forD. about; consult
  11. They were accused of interfering in China’s internal ________.
  A. thingsB. conditions 
  C. affairsD. work
  12. A judge, however, perhaps more than any other person, is accustomed to ________ and announcing his decision in public.
  A. makeB. be made
  C. makingD. being made
  13. Asked if he could come to the party that night, ________.
  A. nobody said anything
  B. they did not get an answer from him
  C. nothing was said by him
  D. John nodded his head and left the room
  14. Do you know any of her friends she has made there ________ her a lot in her daily life?
  A. helpB. helped
  C. to help.D. helping
  15. —I hear Alice is very sad these days because she has lost the chance to go abroad.
   —So she is. But if ________ in another way, the situation doesn’t seem so disappointing.
  A. looking atB. look at
  C. looked atD. to look at
  Keys: 重点单词讲解1—5 AADBA6-7 CB
  巩固练习1—5 DBCDB6—10 CBCCC
  11—15 CCDDC
  1. range 2. reputation 3. defence 4. simple 5. settle 6. sensitive 7. bargain 8. suspect 9. desire
  10. cast 11. pattern 12. resist 13. reform 14. constantly 15. explore 16. absolute 17. abstract 
  18. disgusting 19. possess 20. abandon
  1. range n.“种类,界限”
  【考点】a wide range of“一系列”;a full range of “各种各样”;
  【高考链接】This restaurant has become popular for its wide ________ of foods that suit all tastes and pockets. (2010湖北卷)
  A. divisionB. areaC. rangeD. circle
  2. reputation n.“名声,名望”
  【命题角度】have a good / bad reputation“有好/坏名声”;earn / establish / build a reputation“赢得/确立/树立名声”
  【高考链接】The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good ________. (2010江苏卷)
考试说明指出,评价文章的思想内容和作者的观点态度,应用现代观念审视作品,评价其积极意义和历史局限。  用文章表现观点,传递思想,讽时劝政,是文章的最基本的功能之一。对于这方面的认识,我们的先人已有很多的表述。《尚书尧典》中记舜的话说:“诗言志,歌永言,声依永,律和声。”荀子在《解蔽》、《儒效》、《正名》等文章中提出,“文以明道”。 三国时期的曹丕在《典论论文》中提出:“文以载道。”这些主张中的“志
  阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。  某公司举行摄影比赛,一位德高望重的老摄影家做评委会主席。有一幅作品并不是什么上乘之作,构图一般,用光也没有什么可取之处,但是附着的那封信却写得非常感人。作者是一位残疾人,从小腿就瘸了,他在信里历数了自己为了摄影而付出的常人难以想像的艰辛以及表明把摄影作为自己终身事业的决心。这让几个评委非常感动:太难能可贵了!一位评委说,对于一位残疾人来说,能有这样的作品,
正方体是最规则又熟悉的几何体,本身具有很多性质.仔细留意便会发现立体几何题目中有许多是直接以正方体作为载体的,也有的一部分试题,题干中并没有涉及正方体,可根据题目结构特征,构造出正方体这个特殊模型,将问题放在正方体里来处理,思路清晰且易操作.下面主要例析构造正方体巧解题.  一、借助正方体判断命题真假  例1 (2009江西卷9改编)如图,正四面体ABCD的顶点A,B,C分别在两两垂直的三条射线O
一、that和what  先看一道高考题:  impressed me most was such a little boy could play the violin so well.    A. That; whatB. What; that  C. That; thatD. What; what  答案:B。第一空是what 引导的主语从句,并在主语从句中作主语;第二空是that
恒成立问题,涉及到一次函数、二次函数等函数的性质、图象,渗透着换元、化归、数形结合、函数与方程等思想方法,解决恒成立问题的方法手段多,思路广,切入口较多,本文仅对数形结合法解决含参数不等式恒成立问题谈一点看法.  我们首先来看一个数形结合解决向量中恒成立问题的例子.  例1 向量a≠e,|e|=1,对任意t∈R,|a-te|≥|a-e|恒成立,则下面选项正确的是( )    A. a⊥e  
分类是解题中常见的数学思想,要求熟练掌握.然而我们分类时往往会因忽视某种情形而失误,或因运算而错误.对可分可不分类的数学问题能否回避分类,避免这些失误?这里,向同学们介绍几招.  招术一:巧用函数的性质  例1 若(x+1)-15|1-x|(1+2x)2>(1-x)2.  解得x>0或x0)的焦点为F,经过点F的直线交抛物线于A,B两点,点C在抛物线的准线上, 且BC∥x轴,求证:
求解数学题的关键在于准确快速地找到解题的突破口,那么,如何寻找解题的突破口呢?本文结合实例谈一些具体做法.  1. 紧扣定义  理解定义、掌握定义、活用定义是解题的一把金钥匙,也是寻找解题突破口的一条重要途径.  例1 若点M(x,y)满足(x+3)2+(y-1)2-|x-y+3|=0,则点M的轨迹是   解:由(x+3)2+(y-1)2-|x-y+3|=0,得(x+3)2+(y-1)
1.下列词语中加点字的注音,只有一处错误的一组( )   A.卓(zhuō)越脂(zhǐ)肪  看质(zhǐ)量规规矩矩(jǔ)  B.法 (fà)国氛(fèn)围  令(lìng)狐冲浑身解(jiě)数  C.挫(cuǒ)折潜(qiǎn)能  办公室(shǐ)天气暖和(hé)  D.体(tí)己炽(zhì)热  好模(mó)样发生口角(jiǎo)  2.下列词语中加点字的读音全
“数形结合、以形助数”是重要的数学思想方法之一,利用这种思想方法解题直观形象、一目了然.但利用不当往往会出现失误,而且具有一定的隐蔽性.就此试举几种常见的失误,期待对同学们有所帮助.  一、作图不规范导致失误  例1 若直线y=2a与函数y=|ax-1|(a>0且a≠1)的图象有两个公共点,则a的取值范围是   错解:在同一坐标系中分别作出y=2a与y=|ax-1|(a>0且a≠1)的图象. 