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  Fiji Prime Minister and His Fa mily Join SpringFestival Celeb ration of Confucius Institute atUniversity of South Pacific
  当地时间2月3日,斐济总理弗兰克·姆拜尼马拉马( Frank Bainimarama)携全家人出席由斐济华人协会、中国驻斐济大使馆、南太平洋大学孔子学院和中国文化中心联合举办的中国春节庆祝活动。弗兰克·姆拜尼马拉马高度赞赏了在斐华人华侨为斐济的发展所做的努力,并称华人华侨己成为斐济发展过程中不可或缺的的力量,希望两国的友谊能够代代传承。活动中,四川艺术团为观众带来了舞狮、杂技、变脸、舞蹈等精彩表演。
  泰国诗琳通公主参观孔子党院展台 欢度新春佳节
  On the first day of the Chinese New Year,Thailand Princess Sirindhorn, Prime MinisterPrayuth and Chinese Ambassador to Thailand LyuJian visited Bangkok's Chinatown and joined thetheme exhibition "Openness and Cooperation,Mutual Benefit and Win-win Result-Exhibitionof China-Thailand Education Coop erationAchievements ".Sponsored by the EducationSection of the Chinese Embassy in Thailand, thisevent was jointly organized by the ConfuciusInstitute of Maritime Silk Road, the ConfuciusInstitute at Phranakhon Raj abhat University ofMaritime Silk Road and the Confucius Classroomat Traimit Witthayalai School. Thoroughlyfamiliar with the situation of Chinese teaching inThailand, Princess Sirindhorn appreciated theConfucius Institute Headquarters for setting upthe Confucius Classroom at Chitralada School.
  Confucius Institute of State of Washington JoinsChinese New Year Celebration in Seattle
  2019年2月2日,新春佳节来临之际,美国华盛顿州孔子学院受Wing Luke博物馆邀请参加该馆举办的2019中国新年庆典系列活动。众多外籍友人和华人同胞参加了此次庆典。舞动的狮子和热烈的欢呼更是让活动现场充满了浓浓的年味儿。
  On February 2nd, 2019, upon the arrival ofSpring Festival, the Confucius Institute of theState of Washington joined a series of activitiesto celebrate the 2019 Chinese New Year upon theinvitation of the Wing Luke Museum. Many localpeople and overseas Chinese joined the event.Lion dances and rapturous applause livened upthe celebration with festival atmosphere.
  Children were fascinated with interestingChinese-style activities. They enj oyed writingwith Chinese brushes the auspicious Chinesecharacter ch un (spring in Chinese) and thecolorful lanterns. With the help of the teacherspresent, children were very pleased with theartworks made by themselves. Their smilingfaces brightened up the new vear.
  “Amazing China"
  ——宾汉顿大学戏曲孔子学院2019年新春文艺晚会在宾汉顿大学隆重举行   “Amazing China"-Confucius Institute of Chinese Opera Holds 2019Spring Festival Gala at Binghamton University
  作为宾汉顿人学戏曲孔子学院2019年春节系列活动的重要内容之,2019年新春文艺晚会“Amazing China” 在宾汉顿火学Watters Theater降再举行,三百余人观看了演出。演出过程中掌声、叫好声不断,高潮迭起、精彩纷呈。演出结束后,现场观众更是一再给予演员们最热情的掌声和叫好声。很多观众走上舞台,纷纷与演员合影,有的观众还现场学起了京剧动作。演出当天恰逢美国职业橄榄球联赛最重要的比赛超级碗的举办,很多观众都放弃了在家观看这场比赛。部分观众主动向演员表达感激之情:“中困京剧真的太精彩了,感谢你们带来这么棒的演出!这场演出真的比超级碗的比赛精彩多了!我们都知道明天就是中国的春节,希望你们能够度一个幸福温馨的新年!”
  As an important event in a series of celebrations of the2019 Spring Festival, the Confucius In stitute of Chinese Operaat Binghamton University held the 2019 Spring Festival Gala“Amazing China”in the Watters Theater. Over 300 peoplewatched the gala. The theater is fully-packed with cheers andhighlights. After the gala, people applauded and cheered forlong. Many people stepped up the stage and took pictures withthe performers. Some even started to imitate Beijing Operaon the spot. On that day, the Super Bowl, the most importantgame in professional American football, was being held. Manypeople, instead of staying home to watch the game, came tOthe gala to enjoy the Beijing Opera. Some people expressedtheir appreciation and said, "Beijing Opera is really gorgeous.Thank you for bringing such a wonderful performance to us!Itis much more brilliant than the Super Bowl! We all know thattomorrow is the Chinese New Year and we wish you a happynew year.
  Students and Teachers of Kabompo SecondarySchool Celebrate Chinese Sprinq Festival
  Before Spring Festival, students of Kabompo Secondary Schoolin Zambia attended the Spring Festival celebration organized by theConfucius Institute at the University of Zambia. The students, gatheringaround teachers happily, listened with great interest tO the teachers'explanations of Spring Festival customs, and asked various questionsfrom time to time. They made delicacies with the teachers and learnedto make dumplin gs. And they showed great interest in trying tO writecouplets and putting them up. They all sent New Year greetings to eachother. Mr. Kalulu, the assistant principal, encouraged these enthusiasticstudents to learn Chinese with all their efforts, have the whole world inview,and becnme civil ambassadors in the "China-Zambia family”.
  中外嘉宾欢聚安曼TAG孔子学院,共同庆祝中国新年   Local and Chinese Guests Celebrate Chinese New Yearat Amman TAG-Confucius Institute
  Prior to the Sp ring Festival, the Amman TAG-Confucius Institute, clean and bright, well decorated withlanterns and streamers, was filled with joyous festivalatmosphere amid melodious music. About 150 peoplefrom all walks of life gathered to cheerfully celebrate thefestival. Various performances, rich in folk elements, andinteresting Chinese cultural experience activities offeredguests an opportunityto learn about Spring Festival ina more visualized way. Local and Chinese guests madecolorful dumplings together and had amicable andpleasant conversations. They talked about their prospectsfor the new year and wished each other happiness. Guestsexpressed their sincere thanks tO the Confucius Institutefor providing such a great Spring Festival celebration andtheir willing to join the event every year.
  红红火火贺新年,欢欢喜喜庆元宵——匈牙利赛格德大学孔子学院举办元宵节庆祝活动Confucius Institute at University of SzegedCelebrates Chinese Lantern Festival
  On February 19th, the Confucius Institute atthe University of Szeged, Hungary, celebrated theChinese Lantern Festival. Students from the teachingsite of Kossuth Primary School gave lively singingand dancing performances. In the following part-culture experience, students, with the assistance oftheir teachers, made lanterns and Chinese zodiacanimal pap er-cuts and wrote the Chinese characterm (blessing in Chinese). These activities gave theparticipants a taste of traditional Chinese culture.Magyar Radio and Szeged TV respectively interviewedthe Chinese and Hungarian directors of the ConfuciusInstitute.
摘要:多媒体教学是通过多媒体课件来实现的。多媒体课件具有文字、图像、图形、活动画面等直观媒体信息,并能在同一屏幕上同时显示相关的文本、图像或活动画面,并伴有音乐、声响运用多媒体进行语文教学,动静结合,变隐为显,缩小时空,使得形、声、情有机融合,互为相济,师生容易接受。  关键词:阅读能力;课件;丰富多彩  多媒体教学是通过多媒体课件来实现的。多媒体课件具有文字、图像、图形、活动画面等直观媒体信息,
摘要:少数民族第二语言学习中写作指导蒙语授课的高中汉语教学,写作教学或称为作文教学,是汉语教学较高层面的内容。是识字写字、用词造句、布局谋篇,运用语言文字反映社会生活、表达思想感情的综合训练,蒙授高中汉语教学应遵循汉语作为第二语言教学的基本规律,课堂教学中要目标明确,鼓励学生更多地接触语言材料。  关键词:背景和意义;实施进展;需要进一步研究的内容  少数民族汉语课程是一门学习运用国家通用语言文字
摘要:随着新课程改革的发展,现阶段的高中生物课堂教学中越来越重视学生自主学习意识的培养,这就要求教师在高中生物课堂上通过有效提问策略吸引学生的注意力及学习兴趣,促使学生深入生物问题中主动地思考分析,活跃课堂教学氛围,提高高中生物课堂的教学有效性,强化学生们的生物素养。因此,在高中生物课堂教学过程中开展有效的提问策略显得尤为重要,本文主要针对高中生物课堂教学中有效提问策略展开了探究。  关键词:高中
Early Spring is the Best Time of a Year-Reading and Appreciation of Han Yu's EarlySpring Written for Secretary Zhang Ji  我們中国人总是对春天有着格外的期待,古人的诗情,也总是在早春时便早早醒来,从心里、从笔端,舒展开自己的温情与发现。我觉得韩愈的七绝《早春呈水部张十八员外》便是
摘要:担任平行班的英语教学工作中,发现平行班的大多数学生对学习英语都缺乏兴趣,而且只有在老师的强迫下才学习。但很多学生不是智力很差,相反他们的记忆力和理解力还要比其他基础稍微好点的同学还要好。关键是他们不喜欢学,所以调动他们学习英语的兴趣就显得很有必要。经过实践,我发现游戏就是调动学生英语学习兴趣的最有效的方法之一。  关键词:游戏;英语教学;运用  学英语的主要目的在于能用英语进行交际。培养英语
Science Fiction Is a Window——Abstract of Liu Cixin'sInterview im Germany  劉慈欣因其广获赞誉科幻小说而为人所知,但他本人比较低调。较少在公众面前出现的他,于去年10月13日,首次亮相于海外书展的刘慈欣携科幻小说《三体》系列第二部《黑暗森林》德文版与读者见面,并与德国演员Mark Bremer分别用中文和德文朗读了书中的片段,
摘要:教学反思是“教师以自己的教学活动为思考对象,对自己所做出的行为、决策以及由此产生的结果进行审视和分析的过程”。能够不断地发现自己教学过程中遇到的困惑和发现不足,从而促使自己在书海中寻宝。在课程改革的当前教学反思是一种良好的教学习惯,进一步激发教师终身学习的意识。因此很有必要探讨促进教师专业发展的教学反思。  关键词:教学反思;自我反思;反思能力  美国学者波斯纳所言:“没有反思的经验是狭隘的
[教学目标]  1知识与技能.通过反复的练习使学生能够正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。  2过程与方法.通过品读翠鸟美丽的外形和捕鱼时动作的敏捷,初步学习仔细观察、抓住特点进行事物描写的方法。  3情感、态度与价值观.通过学习使学生体会人与动物的和谐相处,培养其热爱自然、爱护动物的情感。  [教学重难点]  1.通过对课文的学习,培养学生热爱自然、爱护动物的美好情感。(重点)  2.引导学生品读对翠