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  Letter:A Romantic Love Letter written by Pierre Curie to his future wife Marie Curie
  August 10, 1894
  Dear Marie,
  Nothing could have given me greater pleasure than to get news of you. The 1)prospect of remaining two months without hearing about you had been extremely disagreeable to me: that is to say, ①your little note was more than welcome.
  I hope you are ②laying up a stock of good air and that you will come back to us in October. As for me, I think I shall not go anywhere; I shall stay in the country, where I spend the whole day in front of my open window or in the garden.
  We have promised each other—haven’t we?—to be at least great friends. If you will only not change your mind! For there are no promises that are 2)binding; such things cannot be ordered ③at will. It would be a fine thing, just the same, in which I hardly dare believe, to pass our lives near each other, 3)hypnotized by our dreams: your 4)patriotic dream, our 5)humanitarian dream, and our scientific dream.
  ④See how it works out: it is agreed that we shall be great friends, but if you leave France in a year it would be an altogether too 6)Platonic friendship, that of two creatures who would never see each other again. Wouldn’t it be better for you to stay with me? I know that this question angers you, and that you don’t want to speak of it again—and then, too, I feel so thoroughly unworthy of you from every point of view.
  I thought of asking your permission to meet you ⑤by chance in Fribourg. But you are staying there, unless I am mistaken, only one day, and on that day you will of course belong to our friends the Kovalskis.
   Believe me your very devoted,Pierre Curie
  我们已相互承诺—不是吗?—至少要成为知己。如果你不会改变主意的话!因为诺言并没有约束力;这种事情是不能刻意要求的。不过,虽然我不敢相信,但要是我们能相伴一生,沉醉在我们的梦想之中:你的爱国梦、我们的人道主义之梦和我们的科学梦, 那也会是一件多么美妙的事情。
  Smart Sentences
  ① your little note was more than welcome
  作一般比较级用时,大家都很熟悉more than的用法。这里呢,可以说是比较级的特殊用法,说特殊是因为它没有具体可比的东西,更多是表达说话者的态度。more than welcome已成为一种固定表达方式,表示所指的事情或做法很对口味。
  ②laying up储存,储备
  lay up这个词组是stock up、amass、build up等的近义词,都是指“储存,储备”的意思。不过相对来说,它的使用不是太常见。
  ③at will随意,任意
  词组at will是常用结构,口语中和书面语言都使用得较多,指“随意,任意”,如:I can use the equipment at will。注意,这个词组虽然经常可以理解为“随心所欲,为所欲为”,但词组本身并没有褒贬之分。
  ④See how it works out.这该怎么办。
  在口语里how sth. works out是指看某事的发展情况如何、能否成功等。当然,它也可以用在事情已经有了结果之后,如:Things work out quite differently.
   ⑤by chance可能,或许
  大家熟悉的by chance也许是指事情的发生是意料之外的。不过这里是它的另一种用法,指“可能,或许”,如:Do you by chance have an extra pen I can borrow?

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