On Current Situation of English Translation of Chinese TV Series

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  【Abstract】The TV drama is a popular entertainment that has become potential for vision in people’s daily life. It is wise to translate the TV series based on the case study methods in Chinese to English translation, combined with pop culture, traditional Chinese culture and Chinese language culture .All Quiet in Peking has not produced the official English versions. Therefore, taking All Quiet in Peking as a case study example, the thesis describes the characteristic of TV series, and puts forward the strategies and suggestions for the current situation of Chinese-English translation of the Chinese TV series.
  【Key words】Translated TV drama; culture elements; Case study methods; The learning of translation
  【关键词】英译电视剧 文化元素 案例研究法 翻译学习
  The Chinese TV series All Quiet in Peking was published in October 6 2014,which was based on the same name novel. It’s a story during the time of Chinese civil war, lying in the Kuomintang and the Air Force Colonel of the Communist Party of China underground party Fang Meng-ao, ordered by Chiang Ching-kuo through investigation of Peking and the Central Bank of Peking branch of corruption, Peking branch president is his father step Pavilion. Chiang Ching-kuo’s “Peacock Flying Southeast” action ordered He Qi-can and Fang Bu-ting promote the currency system reform, the purpose is to plunder the gold and silver foreign exchange from the hands of the people. Around this major economic front struggle, the Communist Party of China and the Peking Union and the progress of the young people lurking in the KMT key members of the Liang Jing-lung and all the forces of corruption launched a thrilling contest. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for the peaceful liberation of Peking, the further peaceful liberation of the whole of China cities, agreed to General Fu Zuo-yi peace talks requirements, for peace and prosperity of the country, Fang Meng-ao the implementation of a new order, so Fang Meng-ao and its flying brigade removed the Kuomintang gold and silver in the Peking foreign exchange.
  On the decades between the KMT and the Communist Party of the history of art has been very much the performance of it. Different from the previous works, Peking is through this time the event has the most important influence and decision-making power of the parties, from another angle to write this section of history. All Quiet in Peking is not to shock the war to build the play, but from the economic front as a starting point. It comes the reason that the liberation of Peking is necessary and unstoppable.   Chapter 1 About All Quiet in Peking
  1.1 Author and Director of All Quiet in Peking
  All Quiet in Peking adapted from the novel of the same name Liu He-ping,TV series produce by director Kong Sheng and Li Xue. The famous historical playwright Liu He-ping, following the Yong Zhen Dynasty and The Great Ming Dynasty 1566, took seven years to carefully polish the epic masterpieces All Quiet in Peking, for the first time to the history of the interpretation of history has reached the forefront of historical research The Kuomintang civil war era as the creative background, to show the current situation when the excitement of those who are blood boiling, long history of the situation!
  Kong Sheng, as the camera, the director of the work, a total of nearly 400 TV drama works, is now the Shandong Radio and Television Bureau top-notch talent, director of Shandong Film and Television Production Center. Major works: Brave the Journey to Northeast, Romance of Our Parents, Nirvana in Fire, Battle of Changsha.
  All Quiet in Peking as the Chinese version of House of Card! By the Chen Bao-guo, Liu Ye, Ni Da-hong, Wang Qing-xiang, Liao Fan, who composed of seven major film and television as the ultra-luxury lineup, unprecedented!
  1.2 Culture Value of All Quite in Peking
  Since the launch, All Quiet in Peking in a number of TV serials to create a national television evening prime-time ratings of the NO.1 record, at present, after the completion of two TV broadcast into the local station to continue the third round hit. For some time, the play sparked heated debate, a rare good word of mouth has also become the circle of culture is now a hot topic of concern.
  China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Chinese Literary Critics Association and China Television Artists Association held a seminar on All Quiet in Peking . Experts and scholars from many fields such as film and television art, history, literature, military, sociology and youth work carried out “multidisciplinary collision” on the work with “third party discussion” from different academic backgrounds. It is not written directly to the incident at this time the most important influence and decision-making power of the parties, but from another angle to write this history. Chinese culture is deep and large, it is a poetic power, poetry in the best show of people inside the heart of home and country feelings. World events, poetry articles, according to legend, have a long history. It is not written directly to the incident at this time the most important influence and decision-making power of the parties, but from another angle to write this history. Chinese culture is deep, it is a poetic power, poetry in the best show of people inside the heart of home and country feelings. World events, poetry articles, according to legend, have a long history.   Chapter 2 The Methods of Translation
  Translation is to express the meaning of a language expressed in another language, has reached the idea of communication, dissemination of cultural knowledge, promote social civilization, in particular, to promote the purpose of cultural translation. There are many ways of translating can be used in translation of All Quiet in Peking
  2.1 Affirmation in English and Negation in Chinese
  Some English words or phrases from the positive expression can be expressed from the negative. Some English words or sentences from the negative to express the translation can also be expressed from the front.
  According to the different contexts to express the mood of translation is to pay attention. Many scenes of the play, court, barracks, libraries, airports and so on. As well as according to the story set to translate, to fully display the scene at that time, contrast character, to convey feelings. During the series can be shown like this:
  In the court of public prosecutors had up to be found to be Communist identity Lin Da-wei questioning: “Doctrine, each for its master. I can understand that.I don’t talk about doctrine
  (主義,立场) with you,I shall talk about the moral of being a man with you. Lin Da-wei, since you believe in the Communist Party, you should go to the Communist Party to receive salaries, support yourselves and your families. How can you accept the cultivation of party and state, enjoy party to provide life security and medical security, while pay your duty to the Communist Party which provides you nothing? End of the party-state bowl hit party-state of pan, have you ever feel the shame of being a man like this? ”
  Li Da-wei:“The Kuomintang and the communist doctrine who are truthful to history will soon come to the conclusion. You said that the KMT has given me a living guarantee, what is the guarantee of the KMT’s life? You are nothing more than to say that feed your eloth loyal such feudal ethics. please don’t forget, China’s last feudal dynasty was overthrown during the Revolution of 1911. Have you ever heard Mr. Sun Yat-sen said he was the emperor? Has he said that all of your salaries come from him? Including your president Chiang Kai-shek’s salary were all come from people.”
  Zeng Ke-da adding to asking: “You are avoiding my question, without government where the people ah? Which of your pennies is what the people hand it over to you?”
  Li Da-wei:“Every pennies is from the people through the government brought to the current government. But brought the money from the people,what were you thinking for the people and what are you do for the people?”   Zeng ke-da silence.
  2.2 Abstract and Concrete Transformation
  The play cited a lot of ancient poetry. Ancient poetry is the best way to convey the traditional Chinese culture. Through the characters in the play cited ancient poetry expressed emotion to translation in right place. According to transform the abstract and concrete is the best way to understand the main idea of the original. Such as: listen to the thunder in the silent. (心事浩茫連广宇,于无声处听惊雷)Is Lu Xun’s “Untitled” poem image to write the confidence of victory in the revolution, give people in the turbulent era with great encouragements in 1934.
  2.3 Foreignzing Method and Domesticating Method
  Chinese people will always use some idioms, proverbs and when speaking. The use of idioms and proverbs in Chinese can often make the expression more concise and more expressive. Use the foreign zing methods and domesticating methods to define Dialogue in the drama is both a test of actors and to a large extent determine the quality of the drama. There are many classic dialogue, showing the different roles of the personality and the rich content to be expressed. Such as:
  Fang Men-gao tells a story about the Hump flight mission:“The air force all over the world are not allowed to drink alcohol, leaping all the pilots are aware of life and death of all the pilots are strongly required to red wine. Then the report hit to Chennault that Chennault has no way and struggle for it, then came up with red wine mix with cola method, all pilots drinking red wine Coke on the air force. After this special drinks to give a new definition of wine is encouragement, Coke is blessing.”
  Ma Han-Shan heard the story of Meng-Ao on the other side of the implementation of the hump mission issued by the feeling:“The wind blows strongly. the Yi River is so cold, a warrior to did not return.”(The performance of the Jing Ke to assassinate the King of the Qin, feelings and not complete the task of vowing not to return the firm will.)
  Chapter 3 Main issues of Translation of All Quite in Peking
  3.1 The Importance of Discourse Analysis
  In the course of TV series English translation, the translator can take the initiative in the brain according to the purpose of the TV series English translation of the original text of the text of the analysis and re-translation of the original text of the analysis and interpretation, translation into translation,
  On the basis of this, the thesis tries to construct the discourse and textual structure of the original text, correctly understand the original text, absorb the effective information in the original text, discover the intention of the author and use the correct discourse analysis method and translation strategy to ensure the accuracy and accuracy. For example:   A narration of historical backgrounds and scenarios:
  July 6, 1948 night, the KMT Peking garrison headquarters to gather troops and police continue to arrest the progressive students. The student union of Peking protect the wanted students and transferred to the United States Yenching University Hospital, headed by Professor He Qi-chang. On one side is the government of the state on behalf of the machine, while the face of the national representative of public opinion. In the event of conflict, the state machine will march the country’s face grind in the past.
  3.2 The Use of Idioms
  It is avoid improper using of words, wrong translation. There is an old saying in China called the drinker’s heart is not in the cup—to have ulterior motives, the intention of the drunkard lies not on the wine, one’s real interest is not in wine that is often quoted idioms and proverbs to express the meaning is not the original meaning, but according to the situation and feeling. Applying the Conception of idioms to English Translation.
  3.2.1 Exaggerated Expression
  The face of the brink of collapse of the economy, the issue of gold round coup is simply retroaction(倒行逆施)
  Kuomintang official Ma Han-shan was about to be arrested for corruption,and he said:Anyhow, bare feet are not afraid of the shoes, I have no way out of this;(反正我也沒有退路了,光脚的不怕穿鞋的)
  Mr. Wen Yi-duo commented on the Kuomintang officials: Two AS general:Spend money as soil,cut man down as one cuts hempen stalks.( 二如将军:挥金如土,杀人如麻)
  Ma Han-shan exaggerated to describe the four major families of Jiang Song Kong Chen,says:relatives of an emperor(皇亲国戚);
  Some people said that during the civil time Kuomintang Area has no any methods to recover its economic.it’s a write itself off as hopeless and act recklessly.(破罐破摔)General Zeng Ke-da answer the question about the the economic situation in Kuomintang Area: it is not too late to mend the fold even after some of the sheep have been lost.(亡羊补牢犹未为晚——《战国策》)
  Zeng Ke-da believed that this was the borrow a knife to kill a man(借刀杀人to make a third party the instrument of a crime)instrument used by the Communist Party.
  it’s not a time for us to discuss the before the flowers and under the moon(花前月下ideal setting for a couple in love)
  Bookworm Ironically to Professor Yan Chun-ming is a person who does not understand anything but reading;
  Ten thousand horses standing mute.(万马齐喑) This phrase was used to describe the tragedy of the dynasty by Zeng Ke-da;   jade and stone burned together(玉石俱焚)Also can be known as perish together;
  Quench a thirst with poison(饮鸩止渴);
  It is better to kill one thousand by mistake than one.
  Is not the Communist Party will not write those three words on the face.To describe to underground communist is really hard to find.
  3.2.2 The Expression of The Scenes
  Chiang Ching-kuo described the current employment policy “A man being used cannot be suspected while a suspected man cannot be used.” (用人要疑,疑人要用) To reflect the current lack of human resources;
  To express Fang Mengao miss his mother “Who says that the heart of an inch-long plant,’ can requite the radiance of full spring?”(谁言寸草心,报得三春晖);
  Killing a trustworthy person is a kind of hatred and quick approach,which extremely stupid杀掉一个可以信任的人是一种亲痛仇快的做法,愚蠢之极。
  In order to encourage the members of the KMT,Chiang Ching - kuo ’s Speech to The National Salvation Association:
  In this life and death must continue the moment, the moment of life and death struggle. I hope that we become a remnants(孤臣孽子), and Loyalty to the leader, To conquer or to die. The current serious corruption within the Kuomintang, but also against the increasingly worsening of the Communist Party. We are faced with one revolution, two operations. It is necessary to oppose the corruption of the Kuomintang, but also against the deterioration of the Communist Party. The two great revolutionary achievements.
  The narration about underground struggles between KMT and CPC:
  A communist and Kuomintang underground work struggle for decades. Some of them is particularly special, and therefore known as the special history of the Chinese Communist Party. Because of its extremely complex background, the reasons are extremely complex, often in the description of their words not elaborate(語焉不详).
  3.2.3 The Quoting Allusions
  Ceng Ke-da cited the history of the other side to Fang Meng Ao,explain why reuse Liang Jing-lun in important position:
  China’s feudal autocratic history for thousands of years, is a vested interest groups to maintain the history. Chu banishment Qu Yuan, Si Ma Group murder Ji Kang(嵇康), The result is not rapid death. lead to tragedy of ten thousand horses standing mute. Tang Su-zong not to kill Li Bai, Song Shen-zong not to kill Su Dong-po, because the lessons learned before, to kill the wise man is ominous.
  Chiang Ching-kuo cited the new chant of jade in the “peacock flies southeast” as the economic war action code, the metaphor of Fang Mengao to Jiao Zhongqing, Liang Liang Lun likened to Liu Lanzhi.   Quote original “Peacock flies southeast, five miles a wandering. And lift the body to clear the pool, from the hanging Southeast branch.”
  Used to describe the economic reform plan to be implemented, intended to prevent the history of the tragedy. To express the success of the economic war will make the Communist army’s offensive failure.
  He Qi-cang quoted the traditional saying, “the fate of their parents, the matchmaker of the words.” He Xiao-yu implied to his daughter should get married, so that he can enjoy in his later years to do the elders of happiness.
  My great achievements, worth casting in bronze, engraved on the marble, engraved on the board, eternal life. When these deeds of my spread in the world when the era of happiness and well-being of the century is coming.
  Liang Jing-lun laments his dual identity when the reference from the Bridges of Madison County. The ancient night and distant music is eternal, but not to me. (古老的夜晚和远方的音乐是永恒的,但不属于我。)
  3.3 The Translation of Variety of forms
  First, translated the文言文and文白夹杂into vernacular, and then through the scenario for translation。Next, according to translation of vernacular, use the vernacular type translated to English.Last,combine with secne in series get the best translation type. Applying the Conception of Ancient Poems to English Translation For examples:
  To quell the rebellion and save the country(戡亂救国);
  Fang Bu-ting cited the story of a Confucius:There was a time his students ask Confucius, what is the filial piety(孝) ?Confucius said: To the heart, to the attitude of obedience to parents is very difficult.(色难)
  for the purpose of the national benefits,every one is obligated to sacrifice himself rather than escape from the misfortune for his own benefits;岂因祸福避趋之(原文出处:苟利国家生死已,岂因祸福避趋之——林则徐《赴戍登程口占示家人》)
  Chiang Ching-kuo on the Kuomintang during the liberation war of China for the internal and external circumstances of the speech:
  Now is the era of national salvation, the national economy in a temporary storm which stage. The Government empathy the public, the students of the suffering, is to raise funds to alleviate the plight of the people. (正在百方筹措,以紓民困)I hope the people in Peking, would understand the current situation of the difficulties, the Government’s difficulties, not to excess action brew bleeding tragedy. (勿再以过激之行动酿流血之惨剧)On behalf of the Government, I hereby order the Peking police to stop the action of arresting students immediately. The July 5 incident of the conflict will be trial in Nanjing Special Criminal Court.   Cui Zhongshi has a son and a daughter, the son named Bo birds, daughter named Pingyang. The name is derived from the poetry of Li Bai(娇女字平阳,折花倚桃边。折花不见我,泪下如流泉。小儿名伯禽,与姊亦齐肩。双行桃树下,抚背复谁怜?——《东鲁二稚子》)
  3.4 Specific Personality Translation
  The characters have a lot of classic dialogue, and speech, to show the history in front of us,Which appeared in a lot of Chinese characters quibble(咬文嚼字).In Chinese a word can express a variety of meanings, and a word can be composed of many different words.
  Liang Jing-lun’s ideas on new China: A new China is coming, we can not just wait for its arrival, it can not just meet its arrival. The arrival of new China, is the need for many people to make selfless contributions and sacrifices. But it’s the footsteps of the time, that there should be you, and me.
  Narration quoted the KMT secret service leader Dai Li eat two bowl of noodle theory: which were Scenes and Sensibilities.(吃两碗面,情面和场面)In Chinese 面 can use and combine as different words like noodle, face, respect, sides…In this sentences it shows the meaning of Scenes and Sensibilities, which request people to show respect to someone or some scenes.
  Facing the government has not issued relief grain, students began a procession shouting slogans: There is no savior, to fight for our own interests depends on our own.(This is the song callThe International(国际歌),which Means that the proletarian working people freedom of liberation, access to justice
  Zhang Gongquan was an industrialist in the Republic of China, His concluded economic situation under the National Government of KMT was summed up in Three Increasingly: Treasury increasingly empty; commodity price increasingly rising; Speculation increasingly rampant.( 三个日益:国库里空虚,物价日益上涨,投机日益猖狂)
  Fang Bu-ting described the national government is: the name of the name of the merchant, dressed in the country’s coat. The right hand to seize the government, the left hand kidnapping the people. One foot in China, one foot in a foreign country.
  3.5 The Proper Nouns
  The Central club,the abbreviation is called CC(军统).is The Nationalist Secret Service of the Kuomintang;
  The Bureau of Investigation and Statistics, abridges BIS. One of the intelligence agencies of the Republic of China;
  The National Salvation Association,(鐵血救国会)The KMT order Chiang Ching-kuo to come forward to form a small group within the party, “The National Salvation Association”, the intention is self-evident: on the one hand to counter serious KMT split and corruption, Infiltration and united front work, instead of the people, public opinion.   Zhong-zheng Society(中正學社),The same like “The National Salvation Association”, also lead by Chiang Ching-kuo in 1948 The decisive moment of the war of liberation. The aim is to turn the tide at the last minute.
  The underground party, which has been mention for many times, especially for Communist Party; 1934,The National Government introduced the New Life Movement(新生活运动)is an important historical event in the Republic of China. In the entire period, the New Life Movement launched the cleaning movement. the life “militarization, productivity. artistic quality” Movement. the community undesirable customs reformation movement;
  Reactionaries(反动派), The expression of the Communist Party members of KMT government;
  Camaraderie(亲爱精诚)is The motto of the Whampoa Military Academy(黄埔军校),meaning of Love each other, live in harmony and also the excellence, sincerity;
  Chapter 4 The Future of the Translation of Chinese TV Series
  4.1 The Influence of Chinese TV Plays on Foreign Countries
  China also has a lot of excellent TV series in overseas broadcast. But which mainly concentrated in Southeast Asia, Africa. Especially in the African region, many of the best before the domestic drama is well known to the African people, which is also our country’s assistance to Africa policy has a great relationship.
  Set aside national policy and cultural differences, the Chinese TV drama to the real world is more to establish a complete system of film and television industry, and to add more cultural way out. Especially in the field of English translation of excellent Chinese culture, as long as through the English translation, will allow more people in the English-speaking countries to understand and recognize our excellent culture.
  4.2 Transferring Aesthetic Values
  The essential characteristic of aesthetics is the non-utilitarianism, which is opposite to the materialistic ideal. Therefore, aesthetic judgment is the wise of the development of TV drama creation. Humanized narration is the inner cultural appeal of the historical theme TV series, and also the external manifestation of TV drama creation coming from the masses and going to the masses.
  All Quiet in Peking for the characterization of the characters, no real sense of the decent people and villains can be divided into moral and non-moralist, and even neutral. The standard of moral judgment is the powerful performance of human narration.
  Through the traditional classical poems and idioms quoted in the text. The use of poems and proverbs reflects a strong cultural color, and give each character personality, so that the role of fullness and conveys good cultural connotations. Different characters for the translation of lines according to the story situation and characters, respectively, reflect the personality of each character. Through the aesthetic point of view to examine the dialogue in the film translation, will highlight the characteristics in the film character, scenarios and other factors, the English translation just found a different taste of it.   Conclusion
  I usually watch all kinds of TV drama works so I learn a lot from them, it makes me have a certain understanding of US drama and the Chinese TV series. Through the US drama and Chinese TV series contrast, makes me have a lot of different sense of cultures identity. This article through I watch the TV series All Quiet in Peking for the analysis and translation of a more in-depth understanding of a lot of knowledge and culture. And through reference to further improve the many translation knowledge and translation skills.
  In the process of Chinese TV series translation, it is necessary to know a lot about the culture of TV drama. For analysis of television series, a profound understanding of the cultural connotation of the drama, takes together with the interpretation after the English translation. Through the usual translation methods and techniques taught by teachers in the classroom, the translation of the drama is not so difficult, but rather interesting, and I am more fully aware of the Chinese and Western thinking gap, and cultural barriers. As a student of English major, it is a pleasure to make better translate Chinese TV series into English so that foreigners can accept it. Through translation, we can learn and analyze all kinds of knowledge, difficult words, new words and synonyms, and finally select words, sentences and expressions according to the original text. How to use the teacher to teach the various types of translation methods and techniques, when is the translation, when the reverse translation? How to abstract for specific, how to disperse as a whole? These are the need to pay attention to, and are required to access the information, the reference is fully understood.
  Through this graduation thesis I learned that: Although China’s TV series in the country has a great market share, but the cultural connotations of Chinese TV series can not be familiar to most foreigners. US drama makes the world whom are fiery, set off to watch the US drama culture boom. In addition to the US film and television industry based on its own good, more is the publicity, especially important is the popular cultural connotation, can let the majority of the world people are accepted. This is worthy of our study, but also the Chinese film and television entertainment should focus on reference.
  So, how does Chinese TV series go abroad to the world. First of all, is the most basic is the translation. The use of proper translation skills, the translation of foreigners’ thoughts and expressions, and the interpretation of the Chinese story are all things that make everyone happy. Empresses of Palace make a good example for it, is still in the United States hit. I believe that in addition to the Chinese in the United States, there are a large part of people look at Empresses of Palace!   Secondly, with China’s continuous progress and development, our progress in the field of film and television culture is very obvious, but our cultural output has been very little. Expect to some excellent traditional culture such as Confucianism, Taoism, art of war by foreigners knows, and also research and learning for them. China’s culture in the contemporary world is rarely accepted by foreigners. TV is undoubtedly one of the most convenient, most intuitive, the most easily acceptable cultural output. I suggest that Chinese TV series should publish English posters, edit English subtitles, and even English dubbing for Chinese TV series.
  In the end, the TV drama translation is very intuitive, most of the time can even use literal translation to translate the dialogue. Only for a small number of costume drama, historical drama, to more and better to interpret the historical background, cultural origin, so that foreigners can more easily understood. The future of Chinese TV shows that going abroad is bright and long-term, and should start with the recent English translation. So that more and more foreigners will understanding of our TV culture, recognition of our TV culture.
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【摘要】美国语言教育家克拉申的“输入假说理论”(Input Hypothesis)是对我国外语教学界影响最为广泛的理论之一,其核心“可理解性输入理论”为探究我国多媒体英语教学与语言输入之间的关系提供了一个很好的理论框架。本文基于克拉申的“输入假说理论”,结合基础教育阶段学生认知发展的特点,分析了可理解性输入理论对基础教育阶段多媒体英语教学的指导意义,着重阐释了输入假说理论和多媒体英语教学融合的积极
【摘要】从语言学的角度来解决翻译中的问题,是西方语言学的最大的特点。在翻译中应用语言学知识方面,“语域理论”尤为突出。简单来说,语域就是指人们说话是为了什么。语域理论,是以韩礼德为代表的西方语言学家,将社会与语言联系在一起的语言学理论,揭示了不同的情景下语言变化的总体原则。在翻译中,语域的恰当处理能够使译文锦上添花,更准确传达语言的情感与意图。  【关键词】语域理论;翻译实践;语场;语式;语旨  
【Abstract】Chinese quadrisyllabic phrases are indispensable in English-Chinese translation. It can be said that their existence is one distinct feature of Chinese. Without them the translated text can
【摘要】国内传统英语学科课程安排大多有早自习或早读,虽然时间很短,但如果对其精心安排,有效利用会对英语的学习、英语知识的巩固、运用和英语综合能力的提高等多方面起到辅助作用。本文阐述了早自习的必要性,分析影响学生早自习的各种因素以及教师采用灵活多样的方法充分发挥早自习的时效性。  【关键词】英语;早自习;时效性  【作者简介】杨晶,临夏县田家炳中学。  俗话说:“一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。”可
【摘要】传统上,隐喻被看作是一种修辞手段,但随着认知语言学理论的日益成熟,隐喻引起了认知学家的关注。而介词,作为英语词类中的一大类,不仅仅用于日常生活中表达方位,而且把介词抽象化用来表达人们情绪或者感受。因此,本文从认知视角下,以意象图式为理论基础来探索介词in的隐喻扩展。  【关键词】认知语言学 介词 隐喻 意象图式  一、引言  在西方的亚里士多德时期,隐喻就成为了语言学家和修辞学家关注的焦点
【摘要】在高中英语课堂中,若想提高教学成效,激发学生英语学习兴趣,就需要教师对不同的教学环节予以精心设计,借助创设形式多样的情境让学生和英语氛围融为一体,使其对英语产生浓厚的兴趣,让学生在课堂学习中可以全身心参与到学习活动中,主动和教师互动,由此充分掌握英语知识。  【关键词】高中英语;情境教学;兴趣  【作者简介】李剑,大连市朝鲜族学校高中英语组。  在我国教育体制的不断完善和健全下,传统的教育
【摘要】在社会经济不断发展的背景形势下,我国教育行业正处于一个全面发展的阶段,这其中也包含了初中英语教学。在初中教育改革工作深入开展的过程中,初中英语教学面临着更高的质量要求。这篇文章针对初中英语教学展开了分析和讨论,将仁爱版初中英语教学作为案例,探讨了情感教育在初中英语教学中的渗透,并对如何将情感教育渗透到初中英语教学中提供了相关的教学方法,希望可以为教育人员提供一定的参考意见。  【关键词】情