Bachelor of Applied Business Studies

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  Abstract: Cavalier Corp is a vertically integrated group of companies which buy and scour wool, make yarn, and design and make produce broadloom carpet and carpet tiles. Meanwhile, this company is based in New Zealand and Australia with exports around the world. (This is an individual assignment and collusion, copying or plagiarism may result in disciplinary action.)
  Key words: Cavalier Corp; Freightways
  In this assignment, we are going to talk about two companies and discuss whether the company is going to be choosen to be invested. I have already selected two companies which is Cavalier Corp and Freightways. Cavalier Corp is a vertically integrated group of companies which buy and scour wool, make yarn, and design and make produce broadloom carpet and carpet tiles. Meanwhile, this company is based in New Zealand and Australia with exports around the world.
  Freightways is a express company which provide the service of package throughout New Zealand. The Group?蒺s origins date back to 1964 through New Zealand Couriers—a pioneer in the express package industry in New Zealand. Since the business of Freightways is running in Auckland, it is growing organically and becoming a leading New Zealand service provider, with representation in every major town and city throughout the country.
  1.evaluating the financial performance
  This is the profit of Cavalier Corp in four years.
  These figures I get it from the annual report. From this form we can see that income statement is a company?蒺s financial performance that indicates how the revenue is transformed into the net income. The net profit in 2009 is 14,889,000, 11,369,000 in 2010, 18,180,000 in 2011 and loss 1,633,000 in 2012, and it is easy to see that we can not make profit in 2012 and loss 1,633,000. Maybe this company met economy crisis or something like that. In the recent year expect in 2012, the company make the profit continuously. It is a good reason for the investor to invest this company. But the company dose not make profit in 2012 which is a warning for the company.
  Review the comment.
  The Board Chairperson show that compared with the year 2011, in 2012 the company loss 1.6 million dollars at 30 June 2012. From 2010 to 2011, the net profit increases from 18,180,000 to 11,369,000. From 2009 to 2011 the net profit goes down from 14,889,000 to 11,369,000.
  This form below shows the profit of Freightways in four years.   A financial statement that measures a company?蒺s financial performance over a specific accounting period. Financial performance is assessed by giving a summary of how the business incurs its revenues and expenses through both operating and non?鄄operating activities. It also shows the net profit or loss incurred over a specific accounting period, typically over a fiscal quarter or year.
  According to the form, we can see that the profit in 2009 is 34,593,000 and 23,164,000 in 2010 and 29,899,000 in 2011 and 37,005,000 in 2012. From 2009 to 2012, the profit dropped firstly and then increase to 37,005,000 which is more than the figure in 2009. So the company was getting more and more profit in the future. And the shareholder will get more benefits from the company. From the income statement of Freightways, it will attract more investors to invest this company.
  Review the comment.
  The chairman of Freightways report that compared with the year 2011 the profit increases from 29,899,000 to 37,005,000 in 2012.
  Compared with the income statement of this two company. The profit of Freightways is more than Cavalier, and the ROA of Freightways is better than Cavalier. Because the Cavalier in 2012 is loss 1.6 million dollars, so the investors will prefer to invest in Freightways.
  2.firm?蒺s historical performance over a number of years
  This is the part of the cash flow of Cavalier
  Cash inflows usually arise from one of three activities—financing, operations or investing. From the picture we can see that cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period in 2012 is 1,302,000 dollars, and the amount at the end of the period is also 1,950,000 dollars. It means closing balance is more than opening balance. The cash flow is positive. But in 2011 the cash and cash equivalent at the beginning of the period is 2,737,000 dollars, and the amount at the end of this period is 1,302,000 dollars, that means opening balance is more than closing balance. So the cash flow in 2011 is negative. And in 2010 the opening balance is 3,518,000, and the closing balance is 2,737,000 which is less than opening balance so it is also negative. in 2009 the opening balance is less than closing balance. It means the cash flow in 2010 is positive.
  According to the balance sheet of Cavalier, I am going to analysis the current ratio, quick ratio, working capital, and leverage ratio.
  According to the working capital ratio, the 2009 working ratio was lower than any other years which means that Freightways has less capital to pay off its short-term liabilities in 2009. The 2009 current ratio is lower than the any other three years current ratio which shows that Freightways have as strong an ability to pay the short?鄄term obligations as in 2009. In the four years the current ratios are over 1, it would be able to pay off its obligations on their due day. 2012 quick ratio goes up from 2011 it has a stronger liquid asset to pay current liability. When Freightways had a low rate on debt ratio, it could get the finance from lenders easily. Leverage ratio in this four years are over 1, the company will hold more liabilities which is more risky in the long term business.   This is the part of cash flow of Freightways
  Cash flow analysis is a method of analyzing the financing, investing, and operating activities of a company. This is the annual report of cash flow of Freightways. From the cash flow statement we can see that the company of the cash and cash equivalent at the beginning year in 2012 is 4,325,000 dollars, and cash and cash equivalent at the end of year in 2012 is 9,130,000 dollars. So the closing balance is more than the opening balance. Therefore, it is a positive cash flow. Meanwhile, the company of cash f and cash equivalent at the beginning year in 2011 is 4,996,000 dollars, and at the end of year in 2011 is 4,325,000 dollars. It means the closing balance is less than the opening balance. Therefore, it is a negative cash flow. From the form it is easy to see that the cash flow in 2010 is negative and in 2009 is also negative. So this is a risk for the investor.
  According to the working capital, 2009 has the highest figure in this four years, and followed by 2012, 2011 and 2010. The 2010 current ratio is lowest one which shows that Freightways does not have as strong an ability to pay the short?鄄term obligations as in other there years. When Freightways had a low rate on debt ratio, it could get the finance from lenders easily. All this four year the current ratio is over 1, the Freightways will hold too much liability which is risky in their long term business.
  3.firm?蒺s dividend policy
  From the annual report of this two companies, I can not find any information about the dividend policy. But I find some information about dividend policy on the official website. These are the information below:
  Dividend policy of Cavalier:
  Cavalier Corporation usually pays dividends three times a year as follows:
  ?誗 First interim announced at the Annual Meeting in early November and payable in early December.
  ?誗Second interim announced together with the half year result in mid February and payable in early March.
  ?誗Final dividend announced together with the annual result in late August and payable in early October.
  The Company has established a dividend reinvestment plan under which shareholders may elect to reinvest the net proceeds of cash dividends to be paid or credited on some or all of their ordinary shares held in the Company from time to time towards acquiring further fully paid up ordinary shares in the Company.
  The Directors may, in their sole discretion, at any time terminate, suspend or modify the plan.   The terms and conditions of the plan can be viewed by downloading the Dividend Reinvestment Plan or obtained from the Company?蒺s share registrar, Computershare Investor Services Ltd, Private Bag 92119, Auckland 1142.
  Shareholders who receive their dividends in cash have the option of having a dividend cheque mailed to them or having the payment directly credited to their nominated bank accounts in New Zealand. The Company strongly recommends that shareholders choose to have their dividend payments directly credited to their nominated bank accounts in New Zealand. To do this, shareholders should contact the Company?蒺s share registrar by phoning Computershare on 09 488 8777 or by visiting the Computershare website.
  Dividend policy of Freightways:
  The Company?蒺s dividend policy is to declare dividends at a rate of 75% of NPATA (net profit after tax and amortisation) in conjunction with the release of the half year and full year results. Payment of dividends is proposed to be in March and September each year.
  The Directors reserve the right to amend the dividend policy at any time. Each dividend will be determined after due consideration of the capital requirements, operating performance, financial position and cash flows of the Company at the time.
  4.Agency theory
  Agency theory is a concept that explains why behavior or decisions vary when exhibited by members of a group. Specifically, it describes the relationship between one party, called the principal, that delegates work to another, called the agent. It explains their differences in behavior or decisions by noting that the two parties often have different goals and, independent of their respective goals, may have different attitudes toward risk. As a whole, from the cash flow and balance and income statement and dividend payment history, these are the important factor which to be considered whether or not should be invested in this two company. Compared with net income, the Freightways is more than Cavalier. In addition, the Cavalier does not make profit in 2012. On the contrary, it loss about 1.6 million dollars. so If the investor invest in Freightways, they will get stable profit, and even more than Cavalier.
  To sum up, with lots of comparisons, the company of Freightways is the best choice to invest. The investor who will invest in this company will get higher return with lower risk.
  [1]Cavalier Corporation Ltd annual report (2012) Retrieved from
  [2]Cavalier Corporation Ltd annual report (2011) Retrieved from
  [3]Cavalier Corporation Ltd annual report (2010) Retrieved from
  [4]Cavalier Corporation Ltd annual report (2009) Retrieved from
  [5]Cavalier Corporation Ltd (2012) Retrieved from
[摘要]本文根据新的普通高中英语课程标准的总目标,结合自己多年的教学实践经验,提出了听说读写的整合,即在具体的教学中提高学生的写作能力。  [关键词]听与写的整合 说与写的整合 读与写的整合  写作在高中英语教学的地位举足轻重,且在英语写作教学中学生常常写出不地道的英语或汉语式的英语,出现了“老师难教,学生难学”的局面。为了扭转这一局面,根据新的《普通高中英语课程标准》(实验)(下文简称《新课
摘 要:文章指出了在大学英语学习中,词汇学习的重要性,提出了兴趣记忆,词缀记忆,语境记忆和比较辨析记忆的方法,旨在帮助学生有效地扩充其词汇量并能正确地运用词汇。  关键词:大学英语 词汇 记忆方法。  词汇不仅是语言系统中最重要的元素,而且也是语言系统赖以存在的支柱。词汇在语言学习中始终占据重要位置。英国语言学家D.Wilkins说过,“没有语法,人们可以表达的事物寥寥无几,而没有词汇,人们则无法
中学英语的教学目的是培养学生的听、说、读、写能力,但其最根本的目的是培养阅读理解能力。要求学生在规定时间内完成对篇章的阅读理解,并能就设置好的问题进行准确地回答。这就要求我们在平时的教学中除了对词汇、语句的教授、辨析外,还要培养学生的阅读技能、技巧及语篇综合理解能力,并通过不断的练习,逐步积累、提高英语的综合运用能力。  一、下面是学生在平时阅读中存在的一些问题  1.不良习惯  在阅读时,有的学
[摘要]中职生言语技能的培养,对帮助中职生提高学习英语的兴趣,具有很重要的作用。在英语教学中,应注意营造浓厚的英语氛围;让课堂教学走向世界;并努力运用交际功能法来实施课堂教学。  [关键词]言语技能 培养 课堂教学  引言:本文将研究如何培养中等职业学校学生的英语语言技能问题。如何提高中职生的言语技能,很多文章已有这方面的研究,如通过情境教学法,利用多媒体教学法,并注意发挥教师的主导作用,让学生最
“课堂教学是一门遗憾的艺术”,而科学有效的反思可以帮助教师减少遗憾。思之则活,思活则深,思深则新,思新则进。教学反思是教师把自己作为研究对象,研究自己的教学实践,反思自己的教学行为、观念及效果。它也是一个复杂的认知过程和心理过程。通过反思和审视,教师不断更新教学观念,改善教学行为,丰富自我素养,提升教学水平和完善教学艺术。  教学反思还可以激活教师的教学智慧,探索教材内容的崭新表达方式,构建师生互
摘要:本文主要阐述新课程理念下英语作文批改如何体现“以学生为主体”,以适应时代的需要。  关键词:作文批改 自能 主体 潜能 创造力   前苏联教育家赞科夫早就说过,作文教学不仅发展学生的智力,而且对培养学生情感、意志、品质、性格和集体主义思想都有极为重要的作用。因此,培养学生的观察能力和创造能力,扩大学生的知识面,就应成为作文教学的主攻方向。传统批改作文的方法无法体现“教师为主导,学生为主体”的
摘要:语言学习的最终目的是交流,培养学生正确、得体、自然灵活地运用语言进行交流的能力是语言教学的根本目的,而培养学生这种能力的根本途径被认为是教师与学生或学生与学生在课堂上的有效互动。本文从理论的角度对课堂互动教学模式进行了分析探索,并从语言学习的特点及互动教学模式的实践效果探讨了第二语言习得应充分体现教师的主导作用与学生的主体作用并重和学得与习得统一的原则。  关键词:二语习得 课堂教学模式 互