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  Many people agree that chocolate is good for the soul, and researchers are finding that chocolate can be good for the body, too. But the environment? How could chocolate help with global climate change?
  The answer is found in a little piece of 1)paradise, a patch of rainforest in eastern Brazil. Everywhere you look, something is growing. 2)Orchids 3)nestle in the 4)crooks of trees. There are hundreds of shades of green, and the forest is loud with birds and insects.
  Some areas have been thinned-out and planted with 5)cacao trees – the source of chocolate. The 6)pods
  contain the magical beans that 7)Aztecs counted like gold. The 8)cultivated cacao trees grow just a bit higher than a man can reach, and rainforest trees tower over them like something out of Dr. Seuss注1 – some round like
  9)lollipops, some flat like a plate.
  And here’s the climate connection. Rainforest trees and plants store massive amounts of carbon – keeping it from getting into the air as 10)carbon dioxide.
  Can Chocolate Help Save the Rainforest?
  There’s a lot less rainforest than there once was. There used to be 330 million acres of rainforest in eastern Brazil, called the Mata Atlantica注2. Settlers arrived hundreds of years ago and began destroying the forest for the wood, and to create fields for 11)pasture and crops. Only 7% of the Mata Atlantica remains, and destruction is still going on. Every time a tree is burned, its stored carbon is released. As more carbon is released into the air, the planet gets warmer.
  That worries Dario Ahnert, a plant expert at the State University of Santa Cruz in Eastern Brazil. He says farmers need an 12)incentive to save the remaining forest, and he hopes chocolate will be that incentive.
  Chocolate used to be a huge industry here, but in the past two decades, plant disease and low prices in the world market for cocoa beans 13)devastated the industry. Farmers turned to other ways of making a living, including
  14)logging trees or burning the forest for farmland or pasture. When the nutrients in the soil were used up, the land was 15)abandoned.
  Ahnert wants to persuade farmers to return to chocolate farming and preserve the forest. His friend, Joao Tavares, shows it can be done.
  Cabruca Farming
  Joao Tavares is a fourth-generation cocoa producer. Tavares, along with his brother and father, has 2,200 acres of rainforest planted with cacao trees. They grow cocoa using a method called cabruca – cutting down just a few of the tall rainforest trees, and planting the
  mid-height cacao trees 16)underneath.
  Inside Tavares’ cabruca forest, the ground is covered in a thick layer of 17)composting leaves. It’s 18)moist, shady and cool here in the cabruca. Football-shaped pods –19)striped in yellow and green and orange and brown –20)jut out from the trunks and branches of the cacao trees.
  Tavares has worked hard to maintain, and also to restore, his little piece of the rainforest. He says that in the past 10 years, he has planted many wild trees.
  “We understand that we have to preserve the cabruca,” Tavares says, “even if you have less production.”
  He gets fewer cacao trees to the acre by planting inside the forest. But he avoids the 21)drawbacks other farmers struggle with when they grow cacao trees on more open land.
  “You have more production, but you have lots of problems,” Tavares explains. “You have more disease, more insects, so we decide to preserve.”
  There’s also an expanding market for environ-
  mentally friendly chocolate. Tavares has been able to get a 22)premium for some of his crop.
  Carbon Credits for Farmers?
  Still, his friend, professor Ahnert,
  admits that cabruca is a tough sell:
  Farmers want more so-called modern
  approaches and quicker money. That’s
  why Ahnert hopes that cabruca can
  become part of the carbon credit注3 market. Farmers would then get money for preserving forest trees, as well as for their chocolate.
  “You could increase the income, so I hope some day people that maintain this area are able to get carbon credits,” Ahnert says.
  The World Agroforestry Center注4 and the
  chocolate manufacturer Mars Inc. 注5 are currently
  studying how carbon storage can be measured on
  cabruca-like farms, and whether a carbon credit system would help farmers – and the environment.
  Reviving the Land Through Chocolate
  And there’s an even more 23)ambitious idea out there. Howard Shapiro, chief 24)agronomist at Mars, hopes that chocolate could even bring back a little of the forest paradise that’s been lost, and he’s doing tests with local scientists at Brazil’s national chocolate research institute.
  After the forest disappeared, the soil became hard and 25)compact, like yellow 26)cement. Only weeds grew in it. Shapiro and his colleagues asked local
  farmers what sort of plants they would like, both 27)in the long run and while they wait for the soil to become rich enough to support cacao trees.
  “What we decided to do was, we would begin with annual crops,” Shapiro explains. “Corn, beans – things that have a cash crop value –28)melons, 29)squashes, and begin to establish bananas for shade, then start to plant cacao.”
  They also planted rubber trees, and heliconium flowers. The first plants went in seven years ago. Now it’s easy to grab a handful of soil. It’s dark brown, moist and 30)crumbly, like devil’s food cake注6 – with worms. But the worms are good for the soil.
  “See all the little flowers on this tree?” Shapiro asks, pointing to a cacao tree. “All those little pink buds. … It’s healthy. These trees are healthy.”
  Shapiro wants to work out the details, but he’s ready to say the project is a success. “We learned that you could take totally abandoned land, and you could restore it to 31)profitability after about three years,” he says.
  So, will preserving, and even replanting, some of this forest in eastern Brazil fix the Earth’s climate problem? No. But in this little corner of the world, it may help. And at least we’ll have more chocolate.


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