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  King Tutankhamun’s army just lost a major battle. His country could be facing a terrible 1)plague. Egypt’s king probably has a lot on his mind as he goes to bed for the night. Suddenly someone leaps out of the shadows and strikes the king with a 2)fatal 3)blow to the back of the head. Tut’s ten-year 4)reign comes to a quick and mysterious end.
  That’s one of many theories about how Egypt’s most famous king died at age 19. The puzzle has fascinated researchers since 1922, when British 5)archaeologist Howard Carter discovered Tut’s 3,300-year-old tomb. Determined to find the answer, Zahi Hawass, secretary general of Egypt’s 6)Supreme Council of 7)Antiquities, used modern technology to put this old theory to the test.
  The Investigation
  “I was almost 8)trembling when I arrived at the tomb,” Hawass says. His team of experts carefully removed King Tut’s mummy from its grave and placed it in a computerized 9)tomography (CT) scanner. The machine created detailed images of Tut’s mummy, which were 10)reconstructed on a computer. That way, scientists could examine Tut from any angle without damaging him. The result? New clues in this ancient mystery!
  First Suspect
  An old x-ray of King Tut, taken in 1968, showed a bone 11)fragment loose in the back of the mummy’s
  skull and a possible head injury. Many investigators suspected that Tut had been fatally hit from behind. But who would gain from the pharaoh’s death? Perhaps it was his close advisor, Aye. Much older and more experienced than the king, Aye had great power. Was he hungry for more? After all, Aye did take over as pharaoh after Tut’s death.
  Second Suspect
  Or maybe Tut’s army 12)commander, Horemheb, was the murderer. Horemheb became pharaoh after Aye, and removed all mentions of Tut from public 13)monuments. Aye and Horemheb make good suspects, but Hawass’s team concludes that Tut wasn’t hit from behind. The CT scan shows that the bone broke into fragments after Tut’s
  death. The damage probably occurred when Tut’s body was mummified, or when Carter removed the mummy from its 14)coffin.
  More Clues
  It’s unlikely that a teenage king would have died of natural causes. So what really happened? Could Tut have died as a result of an accident? The mummy’s
  15)breastbone and many of its 16)ribs were missing. Some think Tut may have died following a fall from a horse or 17)chariot. “If that were true, the CT scan would have shown damage to Tut’s 18)spine,” Hawass says. “But it didn’t.” Could the king have been poisoned or did he catch a deadly disease? CT scans can’t tell us everything, but the scientists found no evidence of long-term poisoning or illness.
  A Break in the Case
  The CT scan did 19)reveal an important clue: a broken
  left leg. Some experts think the break happened just days before Tut died, which caused a deadly 20)infection.
  Others think Carter’s team accidentally broke the bone. That makes this just one more theory in King Tut’s death. Says Hawass: “The mystery continues.”

  “当我来到陵墓,我几乎忍不住颤抖,” 哈瓦斯说。他的专家队伍小心翼翼地把图坦卡蒙法老的木乃伊从墓穴中移出,放进电脑断层摄影(CT)扫描仪里检测。仪器显示出木乃伊的详细图像,这些图像是经过电脑重组得出的。通过这个方法,科学家可以在不破坏木乃伊的情况下从不同角度研究图坦卡蒙。结果如何?在这个古老的谜里找到了新线索!
  一位少年法老不大可能自然猝死。那么到底发生了什么事情?图坦卡蒙有可能死于一场意外吗?木乃伊的胸骨和许多肋骨都不见了。有人认为图坦卡蒙可能是从马上或战车上摔下致死的。“如果那是真的,CT扫描肯定会显示图坦卡蒙的脊骨有损伤,” 哈瓦斯说。“但没有。”难道法老曾被下毒或患了某种不治之症?CT扫描不能告诉我们一切,但科学家找不到长期中毒或患病的证据。
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