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  “Shame on you! A sixth-grader and still acting like a barbarian1!” Mrs Brimm snarled2, shoving me into the office.
  Nobody even cares about my side! I thought, pushing back a burst anger. John and those guys can trip3/ me and call me names all year, and every time I start to pay someone back, Mrs Brimm, with a very fierce look on her face, shows up.
  “When are you going to grow up and behave like a young lady...” Mrs Brimm yakked4 on endlessly, while I tried covertly5 to inspect what was left of my right upper arm. It was the same arm that punched John and his friends when they called me “Pole”, “Bamboo”, “Cucumber”.
  I was the first to admit that I was not beauty. I had sprouted to my present unenviable height of five-foot-eight, leaving me “as scrawny6 as a plucked crow”, as my grandma was fond of saying. Braces on both upper and lower teeth, corrective shoes and the hated glasses did nothing to improve the picture. Although I hunched my shoulders and stooped to look smaller, I was still the tallest kid in the whole school, quite alien to the other girls.
  This was the third time since school began that I’d been caught by Mrs Brimm for fighting. She wouldn’t spare me and told my parents about it. Following a scolding and a grim7 trip with my parents to John’s house, where I was made to “apologize”. Now I stood outside the classroom, hesitating at the thought of seeing all the smug8 faces of my classmates.
  A hand touched my shoulder and Mrs Peterson’s friendly voice said, “There you are! My goodness, I’ve missed you, Linda.” I looked up into her crinkling eyes. “I’ve been thinking that our room needs some beautification. Perhaps a mural of horses you can sketch well? You’re tall enough to make it fill the bulletin board. Would you come over to my desk when the class settles down and I’ll explain what I have in mind in more detail?” I nodded, feeling warmed and honored as always by her attention.
  Alice grinned and poked me as I walked into the classroom. Suddenly, from behind me I heard some whispers. “Hey, the pole.” That was Cherri. I’ll get you after school, I thought fiercely. “Cucumber, cucumber,” singsonged Wardie under his breath, and John’s voice came ranting, “Here’s the advertisement. Did you lose your bamboo?”The laughter boiled up, making my whole body turn into a highly explosive boiler.
  Then came another voice, resonant9 and musical, dousing10 the whispers and laughter instantly. “Bamboo?” asked Mrs Peterson. “Did someone call our Linda a bamboo?” she asked again, incredulously.
  Our Linda! Mrs Peterson made me almost stop breathing with amazement. “Why, I always think of our Linda as our Powers model.”All uncomprehending faces looked at her blankly. “Why, the Powers Modeling Agency has the most famous models in the world,” she continued to her rapt11 audience. “All of their models are required to be at least six feet tall.” A little gasp from the class, including me. A few pairs of eyes glanced at me appraisingly, but this time, instead of slouching12 at their gaze, I stood straighter, wishing for the first time in my life that I was even taller.
  “Do you know why these models have to be so tall?” she asked. A slow shake of the corporate head. “Why, it’s because tall women are slender and statuesque13, which makes clothing hang more beautifully, gracefully and smoothly.”
  Beautifully, gracefully and smoothly! With these words. I walked regally14 to my desk. The kids in the aisle, even John, hastily squeezed aside to clear a path. I had a lot of thinking to do. For example, how should I develop my artistic talents before I become a great model? I sat down in the seat, savoring the conception15 of a horse. A slender and statuesque horse cavorting16 beautifully, gracefully and smoothly!

  当我走进教室的时候,艾丽丝冲我咧嘴怪笑、指指戳戳。突然,我听到身后有人低声说 :“嗨,长杆子。”那是切里。我下课后再找你算账!我恶狠狠地想。“黄瓜,黄瓜,”沃迪哼唱起来。约翰则大声说:“这里有一条启事。你把竹竿子弄丢了吗?”教室里爆发出一阵哄堂大笑。我的整个身体如同一个压力过大的锅炉,马上就要爆炸了。
  邓笛 摘译自 Children
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