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  A. Polite Friend
  To you, there’s good in everyone and everything. So why dwell on[老是想着] all the bad? That’s why your friends rely on[依赖] you to boost[提高] their self-esteem[自尊心]and tell them what they want to hear. You don’t want anyone mad at[生气的] you.
  B. Realistic Friend
  You try to say what you really think but in a nice way. You’re pretty balanced when someone asks for your opinion. After all, why hurt someone’s feelings when you can offer constructive[建设性的] criticism[评论] and good ideas?
  C. Savage Friend
  You tell it like it is and could not care less what everyone thinks. You pride yourself on your blunt[直言的]honesty. You figure[认为] if someone doesn’t want the truth, why would they ask for it? But remember,if you think before you speak, you’ll have fewer enemies!
翻译:梁碧滢  OurAndy’sgonewithcattlenow—   Ourheartsareoutoforder—   Withdrought[干旱]he’sgonetobattlenow   AcrosstheQueenslandborder.     He’sleftusindejection[沮丧]now,   Ourthoughtswithhimareroving[流浪];   I
翻译:洪馥芝    Despite the fact that South Korea won the women’s gold medal注in both 1988 and 1992, and that over eight million people from over 150 countries play it, handball is largely considered a Europ
from The Polar Express  翻译&撰稿:童桦    I’m wishing on a star  And trying to believe  That even though it’s far  He’ll find me Christmas Eve  I guess that Santa’s busy  ’Cause he’s never come around  I th
翻译:KC  当你去到圣彼得堡,就会发现那里的旅游名胜多得惊人。如果你不够时间,又或者不想错过精彩之处,以下便是圣彼得堡位居前列的必游之地。    The Hermitage Museum   艾尔米塔什博物馆  The Hermitage Museum is one of the most important sights to see for any visitor to St. Peters
翻译:许婉燕  Collecting sunshine sounds like something a Bond villain[坏人] might do, but it’s actually something the charming little Sun Jar does every day. Now light up your inner child with this year’s mu
from Wonderful Crazy  翻译&撰稿:思苇    Like a photo, like a second thought  Always silent, I just think a lot  I still wonder am I still stuck  In your head, in your head  Like I’m waiting, like I strain[使
That Which Makes Us Stronger  Kate’s father was diagnosed[诊断] with Wilson’s disease注 at the age of 46, having lived a happy and healthy life up till then. She’s telling us how she coped with her fathe
翻译:宁波  Outrageous[极不寻常的] shopping bills are a familiar nightmare for many compulsive[强迫的] shoppers. And contrary to[与……相反] popular opinion, men suffer that nightmare nearly as often as women. A new su
翻译:寒星  亨利·劳森(1867-1922),澳大利亚小说家、诗人,先后出版了近20部诗集和短篇小说集。他的主要成就在于短篇小说,着重表现人们的相互关系和真情实感,而不以情节取胜。其语言朴实生动,富于幽默,体现了劳动阶层的口语特点,被评论家誉为“普通人的声音”。他的作品在题材、风格、语言方面都具有鲜明的地方特色,为奠定澳大利亚文学的基础作出了贡献。本文选自《越过活动栏杆》(1900)。  阅读小
翻译:思苇  对ACG来说,12月在某种意义上是一个非常重要的时节,因为马上就会迎来全世界最大型的同人活动—东京同人志即卖会(Comic Market,简称Comiket)。无数动漫名家就是在Comiket开始了他们的梦想之旅,这里还是一个越来越受关注的动漫族群的大本营……    A population the size of a regional city, more than 500,000