A tentative Study of English Writing: “True Tolerance”

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  1. Introduction
  As English majors, listening, speaking, reading and writing play remarkable role in our learning, among which writing is the most complicated skill. It’s considered to be difficult and time-consuming by many students because it is a relatively high-level exchange of information which requires students’ high written language ability of expression. English writing is an integrated mental activity including not only knowledge but also features of learning method. Writing has an unique function in the development of students’ ability of thinking and expressing. Thus, it is imperative to take some measures to improve students’ writing ability.
  Although most teachers and students make considerable efforts in the learning of writing, English writing is still a weak stage making us headache. Many factors cause students’ weakness in writing, such as teachers’ neglecting of the importance of English writing. Students’ lacking awareness of writing and the lacking of writing method etc, among which I think what matters most is the lacking of appropriate strategies. Up until now, there have been less empirical studies on writing strategies both at home and abroad. Thus, it’s imperative to research some sufficient and adequate English writing strategies to help students to improve their writing. In this essay, I will introduce some strategies for English writing in light of a tentative case study of “What it means to be True Tolerance?”
  2.         A tentative Study of English Writing: “True Tolerance”
  It is one wonder of the world that some countries’ attitudes to homosexuality have changed a lot. These countries include not only the West, but also Latin America, China, and other places. Most Americans already live in states where gay’s marriage is legal. Today gay sex is legal in at least 113countries. Gay marriages or civil unions are recognized in three dozen and parts of others. However, five countries still execute gay people: Iran hangs them; Saudi Arabia stones them.
  2.1 Writing Strategies for the topic: “What It Means to Be True Tolerance”
  As writing strategies are one kind of strategies, I’d like to write something about it firstly in order to learn the writing strategies clearly.
  The tern “learning strategies” was first used by Rubin and Rubin(1975:43) uses learning strategies to mean “the techniques or devices which a learner may use to acquire knowledge”. (Free D.L. and M.H. Long, 2000:199)   In this thesis, I will mainly introduce some writing strategies of Cheng Xiao tang and Zheng Min which include:
  1) Brainstorming: a process of generating a lot of information within a short time by building on the association of precious terms you have mentioned.
  2) Free writing: it is a pre-writing activity in which students write as much as possible about a topic within a given time period without stopping.
  2.1.1 Connotation and denotation of the given topic: “What It Means to Be True Tolerance”
  Tolerance is a hot topic all the time. What’s the true nature of tolerance? Different people stick to different views. But it seems that few people really understand the true meaning of tolerance. If you search the internet, you will find that there are various definitions of the word tolerance. Most people hold that tolerance means a willingness to accept the thing they agree with, the thing that they allow and tolerate, as right and true and correct, and to regard those who do not share the same tolerance as being intolerant, and the ability to accept experience, or survive something harmful or unpleasant. What’ more, the word tolerance means to bear or to put up with. I can put up with the noise made by my doormats who wash clothes when I sleep. The act of tolerance is my great effort to desist or convey my dissatisfactory emotion or complaints to the existence of phenomenon. Although it is difficult, it is a necessity for us to get along well with others. All these are true natures of tolerance.
  2.1.2 Ideas and theories related to the topic
  The following are some ideas and theories which I want to cite to illustrate the true nature of tolerance.
  The opening statement of the Wikipedia entry for tolerance states the following:
  Tolerance or toleration to tolerate, or to put up with, conditionally, also to suggest a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, races, religions, nationality etc. differ from one’s own.
  The Princeton university Wordnet Dictionary simply states:
  Tolerance — a disposition to allow freedom of choice and behavior.
  The Webster’s 1913 Dictionary has some very interesting entries regarding tolerance including this enlightening entry.
  Tolerance--- the endurance of the presence or actions of the expression of offensive opinions; toleration.
  Michael W. Austin, PH D
  A contributing expert to psychology today (publication and website), and a professor of philosophy at Eastern Kentucky University wrote this in his article, “true tolerance” which appears on psychology today website:   The capacity to disagree strongly with another person about issues, including significant ones, while maintaining civility and respecting their right to hold a different view than you, even if you are convinced it is false.
  The Heart Math Solution, Doc Childers and Howard Martin.
  In the long run, it’s not a question of whether they deserve to be forgiven. You’re not forgiving them for their sake. You are doing it for yourself. For your own health a well-being, forgiveness is simply the most energy-efficient option. It frees you from the incredibly toxic, debilitating drain of holding a grudge. Do not let these people live rent free in your head. If they hurt you before, why let them keep doing it year after year in your mind? It’s not worth it but it takes heart efforts to stop it. You can muster that heart power to forgive them as a way of looking out for yourself. It’s one thing you can be totally selfish about.
  Wendy Brown: Tolerance in the Age of Identity and Empire:
  The retreat from more substantive visions of justice heralded by the promulgation of tolerance today is part of a more general depoliticization of citizenship and power and retreat from political life itself. The cultivation of tolerance as a political end implicitly constitutes a rejection of politics a domain in which conflict can be productively articulated and addressed, a domain in which citizens can be transformed by their participation.
  3. Conclusion
  Students’ English writing has been a troublesome problem. Most teachers and students make efforts to improve it but it seems makes little progress. Some foreign experts ever said:The use of appropriate language learning strategies can improve students’ learning activities, (Wenden & Rubin1987; Cohen 1990; O’Malley & Chamot 2001). So, I think appropriate writing strategies can also improve students’ writing ability. There are fewer studies on writing strategies both at home and abroad. In this essay, I strive to find some studies on writing strategies and classify writing strategies by myself. I falls them into three categories: firstly, the planning strategies which include free writing, brainstorming, clustering, and looping. Secondly, the while-writing strategies include avoidance strategies; strategies of consulting the dictionary; and social strategies. Thirdly, the Revising strategies include: Consulting the dictionary; Giving up the first draft and write another article; Proofreading strategies; Checking if the article digress the subject. Then, I use these strategies to write the essay about the topic “What It Means to Be True Tolerance”. I find that these strategies help me a lot. I hope that more and more students can explore strategies suiting them well and use the strategies appropriately to improve their writing ability. That’s the meaning of writing this essay.
活动领域:体育游戏活动  活动名称:粉刷匠和篮球  活动班级:中班  教案设计:李玲 邵坤玉  一、设计意图   运球是幼儿篮球活动中最重要的一部分。单纯的练习运球对于幼儿来说过于枯燥。为了让幼儿能够在游戏中提高原地拍球运球的能力,提升孩子的自信心。根据幼儿的年龄特点和动作发展需要设计的活动(粉刷匠和篮球)本次活动通过不同形式的拍球运球游戏发展幼儿的运球能力,提高他们的协调能力。 本次活动根据指南
一、教学目标  (一)知识与技能  巩固除数是两位数的除法计算方法,通过对商末尾有零的除法的学习,进一步加深学生对两位数除法计算方法的掌握。  (二)过程与方法  理解不够商1写0占位的意义,掌握除数是两位数的除法的计算方法,并能初步运用所学知识准确地进行计算。  (三)情感态度和价值观  培养学生分析、比较、灵活运用知识的能力,养成仔细观察、认真思考、自觉验算的好习惯。  二、教学重难点  教学
一、教学目标  1、知道服务社会体现人生价值、促进全面发展;  懂得服务社会需要积极参与社会公益活动、热爱劳动、爱岗敬业、担当责任;  2、能力目标:理解服务社会的意义,能够主动参与服务社会的活动;3、情感态度与价值观目标:树立服务社会、奉献社会的意识,培养亲社会行为;  增强社会责任感。  二、教学重、难点  教学重点:服务社会的意义;  教学难点:践行服务和奉献社会;  三、教学方法  自主学
学习内容分析  《奥运开幕》是北师大2014版教材第七单元时、分、秒当中75页、76页中的内容,本课是在学生已经在一年级上学期时初步认识了钟表、钟面上的整时、半时的基础上进行教学的。而通过对“时间单位”的进一步认识,加深对钟面上的时、分的认识,知道1时=60分。分是非常重要的时间单位,也是进一步学习年、月、日的基础。时间单位具有抽象性,低年级学生不容易掌握。因此,教材以学生的生活经验为基础,把学习
教学目标:  1.认识“猴、结”等12个生字,读准多音字“结”,会写“非常”两个生字。  2.正确、流利地朗读课文;利用动作演示等方法正确理解“掰、扛、扔、摘、捧、抱”这些词,并选几个词各说一句话。  3.借助插图,图文对照,读懂课文第一自然段,初步体会“小猴子走到玉米地里看见了(什么),就(怎么做)”这种句式。  教学重难点:   识字写字,利用动作演示等方法正确理解“掰、扛、扔、摘、捧、抱”这
设计意图:  幼儿在掌握和理解了古诗《小池》的基础上,进行水墨画活动。水墨画又是中国传统文化的精华,它博大精深,文化内涵深厚。此前,幼儿以已经接触过毛笔、颜料、宣纸等用品,并尝试过小草等的画法,有一定的基础。让幼儿动手创作水墨画,亲手勾勒小池中的美景,不仅能让幼儿进一步体会诗中的意境,感受大自然的美丽,还有利于培养幼儿对中国民族传统文化的热爱情感。  活动领域:艺术领域  活动目标:  1.通过谈
窗体顶端  “师生成长共同体”建设是郧西县教育推进自主教育改革和“育人导师制”向纵深发展的必然产物,是自主教育改革的升级版。师生成长共同体是支撑以知识建构与意义协商为内涵的学习的平台,在学习中发挥群体动力作用,如果能恰到好处的运用,则可有效地提高教学效率。  一、相互尊重,彼此信任  和谐的师生关系是重要的教育资源。尊重学生的不同见解,尊重学生的知识差异,尊重学生的个性特点,因材施教。在共同体中,
教学目标  1.借助课下注释和工具书,能使用现代汉语翻译课文,并能生动形象的复述课文。  2.理解并掌握重点实词的意思和常用虚词“之” “以” “而”等的用法。  3.学会利用文中关键词句分析人物形象。4.体会本文蕴含的深刻道理。  教学内容  教学重点:  1.借助课下注释和工具书,能使用现代汉语翻译课文,并能生动形象的复述课文。  2.学会利用文中关键词句分析人物形象。  教学难点:  1.学
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