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  No. 1 Brad Pitt / 布拉德·彼特
  Blissfully(充满喜悦地) happy with baby Shiloh and her adopted siblings(兄弟, 姐妹) Maddox, Zahara and Pax, Hollywood’s hottest daddy, 43-year-old actor Brad Pitt, insists that having children is the best thing he has ever done. He and his wife, famous actress Angelina Jolie(安吉莉娜·朱莉,《古墓丽影》女主角,奥斯卡最佳女配角), are planning a massive brood of adopted children.
  Daddy’s Words:
  “It’s a true joy (and) a very profound love. You can write a book, you can make a movie, you can paint a painting, but having kids is the most extraordinary thing I’ve ever taken on.”
  No. 2 Tom Cruise / 汤姆·克鲁斯
  Mission Impossible(《不可能的任务》,也译为《职业特工队》) star Tom Cruise is a father of three kids—13-year-old Isabella, and 11-year-old Connor, whom he adopted with ex-wife, actress Nicole Kidman(妮可·基德曼,好莱坞著名女演员,奥斯卡影后), and Suri, his new daughter with Katie Holmes. The screen star insists he had the best Father’s Day ever with the one-year-old baby girl, as well as his two adopted kids.
  Daddy’s Words:
  “I feel the responsibility of that, because they are the future. I feel so overwhelmed with emotion at times when I look at my children, which I think we all know when you are looking at your own child you love so much.”
  No. 3 Patrick Dempsey / 帕特里克·德姆西
  It was the extraordinary moment Grey’s Anatomy’s Patrick Dempsey(《实习医生格雷》,帕特里克·德姆西在里面饰演成熟完美的德立克医生) had been awaiting for nearly nine months: the birth of his twin sons. The boys join big sister Talula, 5—and their dad is still adjusting to his tripled brood. “The next few years will be a lot of work,” he says, “I’m just trying to enjoy it.”
  Daddy’s Words:
  “I’m learning. Some days you feel like you’re being a good parent, and some days you feel like you’re being a bad parent. I’m trying to be a consistent parent.”
I can¡¯t believe I¡¯m standing here  Been waiting for so many years and  Today I found the queen to reign my heart.  You changed my life so patiently  And turned it into something good and r
One day I decided to plant a garden in our backyard, and my husband began to paint our weathered fence. We’re renters, not owners, and were growing tired of waiting for the day when we would be able t
小兰 译  1)Basements Are Vital for Your Safety   龙卷风本是可怕的,作者却用幽默诙谐的文字为我们演奏了一支让人忍俊不禁的“龙卷风狂想曲”。嬉笑谐趣的同时还不忘提醒人们:要降低龙卷风的危害,人们首先要增强安全意识!  新年快到了,小编在此奉上这篇幽默又不乏睿智的短文,希望大家能于阅读中品味幽默,开怀一笑! ^0^  ——Maisie  The other d
I ago Prytherch his name, though, be allowed,  Just an ordinary man of the bald Welsh hills,  Who pens a few sheep in a gap of cloud.   1)Docking 2)mangels, chipping the green skin  From the yellow bo
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某日下午,编辑部内。  主编Lavender:小编,你这次的主题既然是《妙“想”生花》,那你的 “主题札记”得下点功夫,来一个比较有创意的啊!(微笑着,一脸期待状)  小编:嗯,我正在酝酿呢……(时而托腮沉思发呆,时而口中念念有词:创意啊创意!结果脑海里还是没有什么“火花”闪现,实在是愁煞人啊!)  小狐 & Eva:Oh, My God!这做主题的实在是“受伤”啊,都快走火入魔了!(两人一边摇头
拥有完美身材与美丽面容的模特们一向是时尚潮流的风向标,也是千万女孩艳羡不已的对象,然而谁知道在光鲜的表面下又掩盖了多少的辛酸与压力呢?一位过去的超模向我们袒露了她曾经的心路历程,也告诉我们,只要健康、自信、爱自己,其实每个女孩都是一个天使。    So you want to be a model? With the size zero debate putting the fashion ind
You say my love for you’s not real  But you don’t know how real it feels  All I want to do is to spend some time with you  So I can hold you, hold you    Your sister says that I’m no good  I’d reassur
薇雨 翻译&撰稿    Like so many girls, Jenny Wren could sing   But a broken heart, took her soul away     Like the other girls, Jenny Wren took wing   She could see the world, and its foolish ways     How we