俄罗斯雕塑家A.C.查尔金(A.C. Charkin)

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  这期间, 查尔金还完成了数不清的雕塑作品,比如:俄罗斯诗人谢尔盖·叶塞宁像(1995年,俄罗斯);《美人鱼》(1995年,德国);A.明什可夫胸像(1997年,俄罗斯);阿斯塔普·宾德纪念碑(2000年,俄罗斯)等等。
  Russian Sculptor, A.C. Charkin
  by Olga Tolstaya
  In 1966 he graduated from sculpture department of Repin Fine Arts Institute, it is the 40 nniversary for the Russian sculptor A.C. Charkin who engaged in sculpture creation this year.
  To make comments on the sculptor’s artistic achievements, we should connect his growth experience and social responsibility together, rather than only pay attention on his artworks.
   In 1956, young Charkin had served in the Black Sea navy, he came across two persons who played an important role in his destiny during the period of enlistment: V.Krigorchuk and V.Shrubom (graduators of Repin Fine Arts Institute), the former who had affected his world view let him decide to apply for university, the latter gave him arts interesting, making him start art creating, complete military service and be admitted to the sculpture department of Repin Fine Arts Institute in 1960 when he finished his military service.
  In the freshman or sophomore class of sculpture department, Charkin and young active Chinese student Chunsheng Cao were in the same class. Later Chunsheng Cao studied in Anikushin studio, and Charkin studied in Pinchuk studio.
  During working and studying in Pinchuk studio, Charkin got to understand that art was not just excellent feat, the ability of imagine, and feeling, but the reflection of fine and just ideal. Another important characteristic that artwork needed to embody is simple, true, sincere. These principles have always accompanied with Charkin and affected his art view.
   Six years later Charkin had graduated with outstanding achievement. His graduate creation “for masses destiny” which figures the typical image of a December revolutionary with adamant and distinct character has gained the first prize of Cultural Ministry of the former Soviet Union.(Picture two)
  After graduation Charkin worked in Tomskoi studio four years which been succeed by Anikushin, and started his independent creation career.
  The day of May 9, 1985 is the 40th anniversary for Russia victory in the Second World War. The monument for victory created by Charkin, Sveshnikov, and Petrov was completed in public squares in the center of Saint Petersburg. (Picture three,four)
   1988, monument sculpture “Kiew, defending person of Muscovite”was completed in Lu Ben the city he had lived in, Vladimir Sviatoslavovish who was the character of sculpture, is the creator of the ancient Russia Kiew periphery including this city a thousand years ago. Charkin has put much enthusiasm and energy on this sculpture, to embody the character of braveness, meanwhile, the work included kindness, beauty, and life belief. He used meticulousness according with historical facts in every possible way attire, weapon, and affirmative model, figuring hero’s typical and convincing image. Stirring and steady sculpture figure communicates brave spirit and heroic mettle accurately. (Picture five)
  The completion of Peter I monument which sits in the hall of the Saint Petersburg “Moscow”railway station made more people know this sculptor who had been the chairman of the art association of Saint Petersburg in 1993. After Soviet Union disintegrates in 1990 the name of Leningrad changed into Saint Petersburg. The portrait of Lenine figure sited in the hall of the Saint Petersburg “Moscow”railway station, which is the important door of city, was replaced by Peter I figure. The process was full of dramatics. The standard of historical portrait sculpture is extremely harsh in Russia. The monument building committee who had accepted Charkin’s suggestion, decided to shape the Peter I portrait according to the mold created by sculptor Rstrelly and collected in Eastern Palace museum. Although this original shape is among a select number of Peter I figures in his lifetime, the size is small. This portrait preserved every shape data of Peter I’s head. Charkin has made new chang to facial expression, and given the character more authority and hero feeling, this made the monument become a monument linking history and real Peter I. (Picture six)
  Generally speaking, when shaping a historical portrait of a person removed so long there is a tradition, which means the appearance of the portrait should base on the image molded by preceding artists as precise as possible. Because the time approaches to them, the appearance engraved in their mind is more real than us. When shaping the monument to A.Korchakov (in 1998, Alexander park locates in the center of the town) Charkin wasn’t eager to change the image of the main character existed, instead, he greatly respected the art style of the seniors. (Picture seven)
  In 2002, the monument to A.Korchakov has been completed and set in the Alexander Nevskiy Square, which makes the line of the Neva Street in the center of St. Petersburg becomes the gallery of Charkin’s works. (Picture eight)
  2004, the monument to “friendship and peace angel” completed by Charkin and Chinese sculptor Li Fujun, has perfectly combined realistic and romantic elements, created brand-new composition form for the monument sculpture, greatly advocated aesthetic feeling of the form of pure sculptures, while enriching content for the monument. (Picture nine)
  During that time, Charkin had completed a lot of sculptures, for example: portrait of Russian poet Sergei Esenin (1995, Russia ); “Mermaid” (1995, Germany); the bust of A.Men’shikov (1997, Russia); monument to Ostap Bender(2000, Russia),ect.
  Sculptor Charkin’s destiny was not simple, because his productive time had happened to be the period of the momentous turning point in history: the whole society abandoned former value orientation, politics as well as the economy. This affected the living environment of the entire society, also included the fate of the artist. Charkin had pulled through all these, and found himself in the complex course of evolution, showed iron will, essential and consistent character, and indispensable talent without saying. The way he cut into the artistic question and the thought he solved the creative problem all demonstrated his inherent talent, sensitive thought, and remarkable feeling ability. The value of his works lied in locating classicism style to show his own manner and modeling language. All these had given his works strong personality feature.
  Now the sculptor with strong responsibility is nearly 70 years old, but he is still devoting to the creation with Vigorous energy, at the same time acts as master of Repin Fine Arts Institute and chairman of St. Petersburg Art Association. Different from other artists, Charkin possesses highly political rights while holding social duties. “Making use of the rights always struggle with evil force in the art world, he is an idealism who uses practical means to reforming the world.” This is the community’s appraisal on him. The Hero “Kiorky” who rooted up the evil dragon in the religious myth symbolizes the patron saint of Russia. This is also a creative topic of Charkin. Giving a deep insight of Charkin, it is easy to understand that in fact “Kiorky” is exactly the source of Charkin’s idealism and the spirit vitamin of his life.
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在过去的两个世纪中,具像性雕塑经历了多次演变,从安东尼奥·卡诺瓦的冷峻的理想化雕塑到阿尔多·卡萨诺瓦(Aldo Casanova)的富有意趣的倾斜性抽象作品,雕塑家创造出了充满激情的理想化杰作,并且将雕刻对象进行了崭新的再造,接下来我将要叙述一段简史,内容是探讨独立的雕塑家是如何介入到贯穿于18世纪晚期至20世纪的象征性雕塑的演变的这一过程中的,每一个在本文中被提及的雕塑家均改变了这样一种范式,那
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