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  Bonnie Tsui 徐灵凤,美籍华人,1976年出生于纽约皇后区,后搬至长岛,毕业于哈佛大学英语和美国文学系,现在是一名旅游记者。上个世纪60年代,徐灵凤的祖父母和父母相继移民美国,虽然在美国出生,但她是在唐人街的氛围下长大的。2009年,徐灵凤在经过五六年的筹划之后终于出版了《美国唐人街》(American Chinatown: A People’s History of Five Neighborhoods)一书,介绍了美国的五大唐人街,讲述了发生在那里的居民身边的故事以及唐人街在美籍华人移民过程中的作用。该书获得《纽约客》(New Yorker)杂志推荐,并曾荣登旧金山文史类最畅销书籍第五名。
  Rebecca Sheir: Chinatowns sprung up in the U.S. during the Gold Rush. But since then, the neighborhoods have seen gradual yet significant changes—not so noticeable to the average visitor, perhaps, but quite 1)drastic to those who’ve called these communities home. We headed to the nation’s biggest Chinatown, in New York City. We started on the unofficial main street, Mott Street: a narrow but 2)bustling 3)thoroughfare lined with 4)souvenir shops, tea houses and restaurants, and packed to the gills with people. Our guide on this cold windy day?
  Sheir: She got to know Manhattan’s Chinatown at a very early age.
  Tsui: I was 5)baptized here, and all the members of my family were.
  Sheir: We’re standing in front of the Church of the Transfiguration.
  Tsui: Sort of the 6)adjacent street is the funeral row. So it all begins and ends here in Chinatown for a lot of Chinese Americans.
  Sheir: The church used to offer services 7)solely in Cantonese, the dialect that dominated North America’s Chinatowns for decades. But these days, the church presents services in Mandarin, too, which Bonnie says reflects Chinatown’s current population.
  Tsui: You’ll hear a lot of different dialects. You won’t just hear Cantonese, and you won’t just hear Toisanese, which is a sort of 8)subdialect of Canton province. You’ll hear Fujianese, and you’ll also hear a lot of Mandarin. So it’s a real 9)potpourri these days.
  Sheir: Another big change, she says, is with industry. Traditionally, Chinatown’s twin trades were clothing and food. Tsui: Of course, the garment industry is sort of dying off a little bit now, but for a long time, it basically employed all of the women in Chinatown, you know? And my grandmother worked as a 10)seamstress for decades.
  Sheir: And your grandfather worked in a fortune cookie factory?
  Tsui: My grandfather worked in a 11)fortune cookie factory.
  Sheir: The garment industry may have 12)shrunk, but the food business is going strong—from groceries and markets…
  Tsui: People are picking out 13)crab and 14)shrimp and fresh vegetables.
  Sheir: …to restaurants.
  Tsui: Fay Dah bakery is…that place has great gai mei bao.
  Sheir: But here’s the thing: Not all of Chinatown’s food 15)establishments are necessarily Chinese.
  Tsui: One thing to note about Chinatown is that it welcomed Chinese immigrants in its history in all the Chinatowns across the country. For example, the one in L.A. became a welcoming
  spot for Southeast Asian immigrants: Vietnamese, Cambodian, Thai.
  Sheir: Many of whom, Bonnie says, just feel more comfortable in Chinatown.
  Tsui: You can think about Chinatown as a revolving door, right? So a lot of people come and a lot of people leave.
  Sheir: And on any given day, you’ll find a bunch of these people in Columbus Park, as they play chess, listen to live music. Bonnie calls the park Chinatown’s living room.
  Tsui: You know, a lot of the apartments are so small that people come outside and hang out, and it’s wonderful to see life go by.
  Sheir: We meet a woman named Kitty who’s been coming here for decades. She moved to Chinatown from Canton province in 1969, and says the biggest change she’s seen in the neighborhood?
  Kitty: The food, no good. The bakery, the coffee and…it’s no good.
  Sheir: But not just the quality of the food, the price. In fact, Kitty says just about everything costs too much nowadays….
  Kitty: Like the rent, too high; the water, too expensive; the heat, expensive; tax property, too expensive.
  Sheir: …which is why Kitty eventually left Manhattan’s Chinatown for the less pricey Flushing, Queens, what Bonnie Tsui calls “a satellite Chinatown.” But while this 16)relocation might benefit the people departing, Bonnie says it’s not so great for the urban center they’re leaving behind. Washington, D.C.’s Chinatown has been fading for years. San Francisco’s is seeing increasing outward migration. And as for New York’s, Bonnie goes so far as to say it’s fighting for its life.
  Tsui: When the working class starts moving out of a neighborhood, it loses that 17)vitality, you know? I mean, and there are different pressures not just of…of rising rents, but also the relationship between Chinatown and China is changing.
  Sheir: And a lot of that has to do with the economies of the U.S. and China. The International Monetary Fund predicts China’s economy will be bigger than America’s by 2016. And that means more work and higher 18)wages for people back home. So as our friend, Kitty, points out:
  Do you know people who moved here and then decided to move back to China?
  Kitty: Yeah. A lot of new people come here, right? They
  cannot find a job, right? And in the main country where they
  have a house, at least they don’t pay that kind of money like
  Sheir: But even more well-off people who come to America for
  an education often head back. There’s even a term for them. Can you talk about the sea turtles?
  Tsui: The sea turtles. Well, so they have been 19)lured back by
  20)incentives from the Chinese government.
  Sheir: Like cash bonuses, financial aid, tax breaks, housing
  Tsui: And so before it would have been a 21)no-brainer that
  they would have stayed in the U.S.. And, you know, now it’s
  just not a given. There’s competition.
  Sheir: So where do you see New York City’s Chinatown in, I
  don’t know, two decades, three decades?
  Tsui: I certainly can’t say for sure, but there are certain trends
  that we can look at.
  Sheir: One being the 17% drop in the population of New York
  City’s Chinatown over the past decade.
  Tsui: And that seems like it’s significant. Perhaps this points
  to Chinatown becoming more of a cultural and symbolic
  22)touchstone as it has for many Chinese Americans. But
  maybe it becomes less of a functional, you know, living,
  working, daily life kind of place that at least New York
  Chinatown has always been.
  Sheir: So many are left wondering...
  Tsui: What is the future of Chinatown? We don’t know, but
  these are important things to look at as we go forward.凯蒂:有。很多人初来乍到,对吧?他们没法找到工作,对吧?但是在国内,他们有房子,至少不必支付这笔(比如租房的)费用。

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