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  而对于不关注网球的人,她的金发长腿和甜美笑容也足够吸引。我们有理由相信,随着她的技术不断完善,尤金妮夺取大满贯锦标并非空想,她的粉丝群也会不断壮大——毕竟,我们如何对年轻貌美又有实力的她say no呢?
  Sometimes a tennis talent comes along that is so apparent[显而易见的] that the world stands up and takes notice. The next great tennis superstar is Eugenie Bouchard, a 20-year-old Canadian who is taking the tennis world by storm with her attacking on-court[球场] tactics[战术,策略], and wide array of weapons on the court.
  Eugenie or “Genie” Bouchard, was born in Montreal in 1994. She started playing tennis at age five and moved to Florida at age 12 to train with former pro[专业人员] Nick Saviano, who still serves as her coach.
  At 15, she returned to Montreal to continue training and eventually[最后] became one of the top junior[年轻人] players on the planet. She won the junior doubles title at Wimbledon in 2011, and the junior singles and doubles crown at Wimbledon the following year, making her the first Canadian ever, junior or pro, to win a singles Grand Slam注1 title.
  Genie’s breakthrough began at the start of the 2013 season when she began qualifying[使具有资格] for more big events and making it through qualifying matches against higher-ranked opponents[对手]. She successfully made it out of the first round at the 2013 Wimbledon, made runs later into bigger more difficult tournaments[锦标赛] and challenged some top players. Genie made her first WTA注2 finals appearance late in the season, and was awarded the WTA Newcomer of the Year Award at the end of the tour.
  2014 has been the Year of Genie so far. She made a remarkable[值得注意的] run at the Australian Open, defeating[击败] former world No. 1 Ana Ivanovic in the quarterfinals[四分之一决赛] (the second time she had defeated Ivanovic in her career) before falling to Li Na in the semis[半决赛]. She has since won her first WTA tournament, the Nürnberger Versicherungscup, and just fell short[变得不足] in the semis of the French Open against Maria Sharapova after edging out[险胜] Carla Suarez-Navarro in the quarterfinals. She captured[引起(注意等)] the attention of the world with her remarkable run at Wimbledon, where she marched through to the finals[决赛] before going down to two-time champion[冠军] Petra Kvitova. The finals appearance lifted her to No. 7 on the world rankings.   Even at a relatively[相对地] young age and with limited success, she already has companies rushing to sign her and crowds of fans that cheer her on at every event known as “Genie’s Army.”
  Genie is a star off the court as well. She keeps all her social media channels up to date and posts pictures of herself enjoying the life of a young tennis star.
  到目前为止,2 0 1 4年一直是“金妮之年”。她在澳大利亚网球公开赛中取得了引人注目的成绩,在四分之一决赛中击败了前世界第一的阿娜·伊万诺维奇(这是她在职业生涯中第二次击败伊万诺维奇了),后来在半决赛被李娜淘汰。在那之后,金妮在WTA巡回赛纽伦堡站获得自己的第一个联赛冠军,并在法国网球公开赛四分之一决赛中险胜卡拉·苏亚雷斯—纳瓦罗,不过在半决赛中惜败于玛利亚·莎拉波娃。金妮在温网的出色表现引起了全世界的关注—她一路杀入总决赛,最终不敌两届冠军佩特拉·科维托娃,但这样的佳绩已经让她的世界排名跃升至第七位。
  At the 2014 Wimbledon Championships, Bouchard became the first Canadian to reach the finals of a Grand Slam in singles, finishing runner-up[亚军] to Petra Kvitova. Before Wimbledon, she also reached the semifinals of the Australian Open and the French Open.
  One of Bouchard’s biggest fans is her twin sister, Beatrice, who is six minutes older than her. Genie and Beatrice were named after Prince Andrew’s daughters. Their younger sister, Charloee, was named after Princess Caroline of Monaco’s daughter. To top it off, the youngest of the Bouchard clan[家族]—William—was, of course, named after England’s next king.
  Bouchard’s favorite player was another woman who gets a lot of attention for her looks but deserves[应该得到] the spotlight just as much because of her play: Maria Sharapova.
  The comparisons[比较] to Sharapova have picked up over the past year, and not just from male fans admiring Bouchard’s looks. Even Bouchard’s agent[经纪人], Sam Duvall, couldn’t resist[忍住] comparing the two, telling the Sydney Morning Herald during the Australian Open that he thinks his client can be even more marketable off the court than the superstar Russian.
  近一年来,(越来越多人)将布沙尔与莎拉波娃相提并论—并不只是大批男粉丝为布沙尔的相貌而倾倒,就连布沙尔的经纪人萨姆·杜瓦尔也忍不住将两名选手进行比较。他在澳大利亚公开赛期间对《悉尼先驱晨报》表示,他的主顾在球场外会比那位俄罗斯的网坛天后更加耀眼夺目。   Bouchard’s love life has been a popular subject over the past two years. She was asked in a post-match[赛后] interview during the Australian Open who she’d date if she could pick between anyone in the worlds of sports or entertainment.
  Her answer, after laughing and shaking her head, was another popular (but much more polarizing[两级分化]) Canadian: Justin Bieber.
  But according to the website Fabwags.com, Bouchard has had her sights on someone else. It says Bouchard has been rumored[传闻] to be dating 20-year-old Alex Galchenyuk, an ice hockey forward for the Montreal Canadiens of the NHL注3.
  Neither Boucahrd nor Galchenyuk has confirmed[确认] the relationship.
  The two met at age nine and were once so close that Bouchard stayed with Robson at her family home near the All England Club when they played there. They went on to put together a Gangnam Style video (featuring tennis stars like Sharapova) which became an Internet sensation[引起轰动的人或事] in 2012.
  The reason for their falling out isn’t clear, but it is believed to centre around coach Nick Saviano, who Laura appointed last autumn when he was working with Eugenie.
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