【摘 要】
On the edge of the South Pole the land is still sleeping after a harsh and endless winter. The com-ing Antarctic summer will last for only four months,like a semblance of spring before the temperature
On the edge of the South Pole the land is still sleeping after a harsh and endless winter. The com-ing Antarctic summer will last for only four months,like a semblance of spring before the temperatures dive back down to the standard minus 40℃. This warmer climate, then, is eagerly awaited by millions of creatures that come here every year to summer on the polar beaches.
每个人的心目中都有一个不同的巴黎,每个人都迷恋着巴黎,因为这里凝聚着我们一切浪漫的梦想,承载着我们对美好生活的期望。今天,我们与美女历史学家Sandrine Voillet一起在巴黎的街头漫步,体会它的优雅与知性。 This is Paris, a city of romance and adventure, from the bars of its cafés to its 2)swing
有人说,每个名人都有一些不为人知的小秘密,更何况是世界上最年轻的亿万富翁。这个据说不喜欢穿袜子的人当然也非同寻常。 Mark Zuckerberg, the 1)mogul who is guiding its extraordinary growth. What everyone wants to know is: Is he old enough to be running a comp
Introduction Speech Lord Attenborough In 1)1970, when I was Chairman of BAFTA, I had the great honour of presenting the very first 2)Fellowship of all, and it went to Alfred Hitchcock. Since then,
“乐”亦无穷 对于娱乐圈来说,现在真是一个网络统治的时代。有些没有才能的人依靠它取巧获宠,但是也有些有才能而没有背景的人能脱颖而出。Katy Perry(凯蒂·佩里)就是其中一个受益于网络的成功例子。她的《U R so gay》和《I kissed a girl》连续成为i-tune铃声下载率最高的歌,使这个寂寂无名的漂亮摇滚女孩一举成名。 Katy Perry出生于1984年10月25日,美
我们清楚自己被建筑物围抱着,我们会赞美那些叹为观止的建筑,会忽略那些不起眼的、甚至颓败的建筑,我们以为建筑只是没有生命的容器。但是,用心想想,你会发现其实每个真诚的建筑,都是人存在于世界的一种形式。诗意的建筑甚至能提升人的精神和周围环境的层次。这次我们介绍的“旋转中心”正是人类用自己的聪明和美感,在天空划下的一道亮丽景致。 Completed in 2005 after a four-yea
Argentina’s capital, 1)Buenos Aires, has long been known for its 2)sultry tango, and now the dance is bringing in a lot of money. Busloads of tourists arrive at tango show houses each night to catch a
China—the oldest civilization on earth. A land founded on extraordinary customs and 1)ritual, celebrated in monuments without equal, preserved in thousands of years of learning, a country that is home