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  When you’re 14, there are rules to the cell phone, starting with: you need to have one.
  Molly: I think people should have cell phones.
  Always answer that phone. Take your phone everywhere. Do not turn it off, not even in the movies, or while you’re sleeping. And, folks, please, know the correct phone medium for the kind of conversation you’d like to have.
  Molly: Like, if you’re shy about talking to them on the phone, you can always text messages. Just like e-mail, but it’s faster.
  Most importantly, communicate constantly: where you are, what you’re doing, who you talked to last, what you’re wearing, what you’ll wear tomorrow, and, what just happened 30 seconds earlier.
  These rules belong to Molly Takuda. She tells me with complete sincerity that her phone is who she is. It’s not that it’s her link to the most important thing in her life—her friends, it IS her friends. They’re each represented on her phone by a customized ring tone.
  When her best friend, Claire, calls, it’s…. When it’s Jasmine,…etc., etc.
  Molly’s mom, Barbara, has a cell phone, too.
  Barbara: I don’t know what the ring tone sounds like. I think Molly chose it. Do you wanna hear it?
  Reporter: Yeah, I do.
  Barbara: Let me see if I can call myself.
  Like her 1)über-connected, always 2)distracted daughter, Barbara also carries around a cell phone, a very similar model, but mother and daughter do not understand one another’s behavior.
  Molly: She just uses her phone to talk, but on her phone there’s so many more…like text-messaging, getting music, getting ring tones. She just uses it to call people.
  Barbara: They have a need to communicate, and to talk about everything, anything. Molly will ask a friend, well you know, “Did you talk to so-and-so today? Oh, how many times?”Or, “Have you gotten any messages?” And so they’re updating each other on when the last phone call was to some other friend.
  3)Barb says she uses her phone for updates, too. She calls her husband to tell him what time she’ll be home; she calls work to check in. But these, she says, are important calls. Toma Takuda 4)chuckles at that.
  Toma’s Molly’s grand-mother, Barbara’s mother-in-law. And just as Barbara rolls her eyes as Molly builds her thumb muscles texting, Grandma Takuda shakes her head at Barb. She doesn’t get mother, or daughter, and their constant chatter.
  Toma: I can’t imagine. To me it’s just another distraction. One phone is enough for me without a cell phone. My goodness.
  Grandma Takuda’s kids bought her a phone a few Christmas’s ago. Barb said that thing never saw the light of day.
  Barbara: It’s connected; had a number. She didn’t use it once.
  Toma: Why would I use it when I have a phone already? I returned it to them. I said, “I don’t need this thing. You know?”
  Molly’s 5)hunched on the carpeted floor beside her grandmother, texting, non-stop. The center of Molly’s life, the way she connects with the world. Her grandma has no idea what it is.
  Molly and her grandma got their cell phones around the same time, and for the same reason: someone else decided it would make them both safer. Of course then they went in two opposite directions from there.
  The Takuda’s cell phone bill just arrived the other day. Molly ran up a huge bill in fees and overtime minutes. As soon as Barbara saw that, she disconnected the service.
  Barbara: This is my favorite sound— turning off the cell phone.
  Reporter: So how did life change the day after your phone got shut off?
  Molly: I felt like I…there wasn’t, like, a purpose to live.
  Barb is not worried about Molly’s survival. She says it may just be that a cell phone is a freedom Molly’s too young to handle. Grandma Takuda says that a cell phone is a freedom she doesn’t want. And at the moment neither Grandma or Molly have one.



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