Effects of intelligence on foreign language learning

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  [Abstract]Intelligence is a hot issue in the language studying.According to the explanation of dictionary,intelligence is usually called ‘wisdom’,means the ability of study,memory,thinking,knowing objective things and solving the practical problems.
  [key words]intelligence,foreign language learning
  Traditional intelligence refers to the ability of languages and logical mathematics,modern ‘IQ’ namely intelligence quotient was developed according to Alfred Binet’s research on the beginning of this century;it has mainly contained the comprehensive test of language and logic mathematics.Success in the study and life seems to be identical with high IQ.In study model of Ausubel,high IQ person has high-efficiency ability of information input and store undoubtedly.The ability is of great function to set up concept system and reject useless information.
  Now,let us discuss on foreign language learning,can we think briefly that ‘a wise man’(who has a high IQ)can learn a foreign language more successfully? The biggest obstruction of foreign language learning stems to lie in the issue of memory.We can suppose like this:If a student can remember what the teacher taught and what he once heard,then he would he a very successful foreign language learner.Is the situation really like this? In fact,‘IQ’ of foreign language study is far more complicated than one can imagine.
  Dr.Gardner(1937)of Harvard University has put forward an objection to the present intelligence test.He thinks that intelligence should include seven kinds of factors:①the linguistic,②the logical-mathematical,③the spatial,④the musical,⑤the body-kinesthetic,⑥the intrapersonal(e.g.insight,metacognition),⑦the interpersonal(e.g.social skills).However,traditional intelligence tests only examine the first two abilities.Gardner thinks to briefly define intelligence as the ability of linguistics and logical mathematics,actually only witnesses a small fraction of intelligence by excluding the majority of the human intellectual strength of heart.
  Then,what influence does intelligence have on foreign language learning? Some researchers find that one’s intelligence is in direct proportion to his or her foreign language learning achievement.Davies had been investigated students who studied French in 32 middle schools in Britain from 1966 to 1969.The result indicated that one student's general intelligence has the closest relations with his French level.The results of Chastain(1969)and Genessee(1976)'s studies showed that intelligence had relation to cognitive symbol teaching approach and academic language ability(reading,grammar and vocabulary)rather than listening,speaking and verbal expression skills.Ekstrand(1979)also found that the intelligence had little relevance to listening and oral abilities,while intelligence had great relation to reading,dictating and writing.   In Oller and Perkins' opinions,intelligence factor and language acquisition ability fell into the category of general factor.However,such general intelligence factor is not the necessary factor in mother tongue learning.All children(except those with serious amentias)can learn the Grammar of mother tongue.In this case it can be regarded that since intelligence is not the decisive factor in the mother tongue learning,probably it isn't an important factor in foreign language learning,either,especially when the acquisition of second language is performed in the natural environment.Cummins(1979)put forward a compromise statement in which he distinguished two kinds of language abilities of different nature:① Cognitive or academic ability,this ability is closely related to general intelligence;② Basic interpersonal ability,it is one of the essential compositions of the oral communication ability,and the factor which influence social language skill.In his opinion,these two kinds of abilities are independent from each other.Both of them have great impact on acquisition of mother tongue and foreign language.The viewpoint of Cummins has its theory meanings:If the study of foreign language is proceeded under the natural environment,ability is not a decisive factor;if the foreign language teaching is mainly conducted on class and if it emphasizes on the form teaching,intelligence factor will play an important role,which is a very useful predictive factor:Up till now,there is no final conclusion about how great is the influence of intelligence on foreign language learning.Dai Weidong(1994)wrote that:‘the intelligence factor itself is a concept,which is hard to be defined.The intelligence factor is related to age,namely the brains maturity,and environmental factor.Its influence on the course of language learning is complicated.According to some existing results of study,the younger the age is,the smaller is the influence of the intelligence factor;the more formal study environment is,the more comprehensive analyzing capability and skill arc needed,and vise versa’.
  [1] JackC.Richards & Theodore S.Rodgers,Approaches and methords in Language Teaching [M].Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press & Cambridge University Press,2004.
  [2] D.H.Brown,Principles of Language Learning and Teaching [M].Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2005.134-132
摘 要:音乐课程是我國小学教育中的重要内容,对于学生全面发展具有极大的影响。文章就此介绍了将趣味发声练习有效引入到小学音乐课堂中的具体措施,包括结合学生学习特点,引入趣味发声练习;创建趣味发声练习的学习场景、设定课堂主题,进行趣味教学等,希望能给相关人士提供一些参考。  关键词:趣味发声;小学;音乐课堂  引言:随着时代的进步和社会的发展,人们对于教育事业的重视程度也相继增加,小学教育是我国人才培
摘 要:目前,英语是一门重要的语言,但对于英语的学习,还存在着巨大的差异,地域不同、家庭环境不同以及重视程度不同等因素影响着英语的学习。高职学生知识文化水平差异较大,而英语基础则更加薄弱,高职英语分层教学模式比较合理的将不同层次的学生分开,可以简单有效的帮助学生提升英语成绩,下文即笔者的一些认识和理解,仅供参考。  关键词:高职英语;分层教学;有效性  目前来说,我国的教育得到了全面的发展,也取得
摘 要:口译自我训练对高校口译学习者至关重要。本文就初、中高级阶段的自我训练办法分别讨论,旨在促进训练中难题的解决。  关键词:口译;高校;自我训练  引言  口译是英语专业高年级必修课。随着市场对口译人才需求增速,我国各高校增设了本科翻译专业和翻译硕士专业;高校口译人才的培养层次更加多样化,人数不断增加;随之而来的各种口译认证考试和比赛也受到高校口译学习者的加倍重视。然而,与这种对高质量、高密度
摘 要:建构主义作为一种教学理念,对教学设计具有相当大的指导意义,建构主义认为在教学过程中,学生是主动接受知识的一方,教师则是其在知识探究道路上的“引路人”,这与新课改下的人本教学理念不谋而合,因此,探究建构主义教学理念下的新型教学方法对提升教学效率和教学质量具有非常重要的意义。据此,本文以高职英语为例进行探究。  关键词:建构主义教学理念;高职英语教学方法;创新策略  笔者认为,建构主义实则是为
摘 要:大学生在校期间的安全教育问题是营造校园安全稳定的基础和前提,不仅关系到学校的整体形象塑造,对整个社会的稳定发展也有较为深远的影响。针对当前大学生安全教育的严峻形势,及当代大学生安全教育存在的一些问题,并提出了自己的一些对策。  关键词:高校;大学生;安全教育  随着社会的高速发展,高校的改革开放也随之深入。伴随着大学生的生活空间的不断扩展,交流领域也随之不断拓宽。在校期间,他们除了正常学习
摘 要:近年来,随着我国综合国力的增强,党和国家对高校的思想政治工作非常重视,要保证高校始终成为培养社会主义事业建设者和接班人的坚强阵地。同时,面对高校思政课存在的一系列问题,教育部具体提出了一系列改革措施,要求结合学生的具体特点开展思政课的教学工作。在思政教学实践中,要充分结合时代背景,结合高职院校的特点,结合学生的层次和专业特点,开展多种形式的思政教学活动。向正确的方向引导学生的思想。  关键
摘 要:“代理家长”参与未成年人刑事诉讼程序是国家刑事司法制度对未成年人的一种特殊保护,体现了国家监护的理念。本文从明确“代理家长”角色、参与的法律效力、权利义务以及选任条件,拓展其参与阶段,完善激励和监督机制,以及在“网络时代”下新的参与模式等方面,对进一步加强未成年人“代理家长”工作的运行和保护未成年人的合法权益提出了建议。  关键词:未成年人;代理家长;合法权益  一、未成年人“代理家长”制
摘 要:在高职学生中,普遍存在英语基础薄弱,学习积极性不高、缺乏自信心等问题。但是,对于当代的高职学生而言,学好英语这门课程对于他们今后的职业发展又是十分必要的。因此,高英语老师必须采用更加科学有效的教学方法激发出学生的学习积极性与主动性,尤其对于医学专业的学生来说,还要让学生们深刻意识到学好英语对于自己今后职业生涯发展的重要性。在教学实践中,探究式教学在提高学生学习兴趣及课堂教学质量方面都表现极
摘 要:朗读是高中语文学习中不可缺少的一个部分,通过朗读可以把书面语言转化为发音规范的有声语言,可以有效的提升学生的学习理解能力与语言组织能力。众所周知,语文教学在我国的教育体制中占有重要地位,而语文朗读教学作为一项重要的教学方式,对学生的语文学习起到了巨大的促进作用。通过朗读不仅能培养学生们的文学功底与语言能力,还对学生的阅读及写作能力有着很大的帮助。为此,本文首先分析朗读在高中作文教学中存在的