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  Co-sponsored by China Mergers and Acquisitions Association, Global M&A Research Center, and China Mergers and Acquisitions Network, 2012 China M&A Top 10 Deals & Dealmakers selection results are announced. Wang Dongming, Jack Ma, Wang Jianlin topped the 2012 China M&A Top 10 Dealmakers list, while events with symbolic significance such as the acquisition of U.S. AMC by Wanda Group, the merger of Youku and Tudou, and the acquisition of CLSA by CITIC Securities were selected as 2012 China M&A Top 10 Events.
  China M&A Top 10 Deals and Dealmakers selection has been successfully held for 12 years. The selection includes almost all influential figures and ground-breaking focal points and hot events of the year in China’s M&A field. The selection results as well as M&A industry development trends demonstrated by the selection have attracted much attention from the industry and the economic fields, both at home and abroad. Through years of accumulation and precipitation, the visibility, influence and authority of the China M&A Top Ten Deals and Dealmakers are getting more mature and powerful. The selection has been a positive impetus to the gradual standardization and maturity of Chinese M&A market, and the process of globalization of Chinese enterprises.
  马 云 阿里巴巴集团董事局主席
  王小康 中国节能环保集团公司董事长
  王东明 中信证券股份有限公司董事长
  王宜林 中国海洋石油总公司董事长
  王健林 大连万达集团董事长
  吴 焰 中国人民保险(集团)公司董事长
  张喜武 神华集团董事长
  鲁冠球 万向集团董事局主席
  梁稳根 三一重工董事长
  谭旭光 山东重工集团董事长
  中石化收购美国Devon页岩气项目 (2012年1月)
  五矿资源收购Anvil公司 (2012年2月)
  优酷土豆合并 (2012年3月)
  中信证券收购里昂证券 (2012年3月)
  光明食品收购英国Weetabix (2012年5月)
  万达集团并购美国AMC (2012年5月)
  港交所收购伦敦金属交易所 (2012年6月)
  中海油并购尼克森 (2012年7月)
  分众传媒达成私有化协议 (2012年8月)
  美敦力收购康辉医疗 (2012年9月)
As an economist, he proposed many theories on national reform, economic development, and enterprises that not only set off waves indomestic and international academic circles, but also generated profo
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Live in the era of currency over, both the Chinese and American investors have to keep their wealth safe. To fight the battle, people need "bargaining chip" property which is relatively undervalued or
2012年,三一重工、中联重科这对冤家,相继卷入间谍门、裁员门、微博门、行贿门等多起口水战。近日有媒体发布发表一篇题为《三一恨别长沙 梁稳根的内心独白》的文章,在业界引起轩然大波。文中梁稳根公开自述三一恨别长沙背后的辛酸故事,称不堪中联重科恶毒攻击。对此,中联重科火速反驳,称报道严重违背事实。究竟,孰是孰非?  微观点  @梁稳根:受欺负不丑,作恶才丑,三一要学会唾面自干,别人唾在脸上不要自己擦干
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In 2012, after rising to the world’s second largest economy, China’s M&A became an important force influencing the world! China’s M&A not only achieved many good transactions in the domestic markets,
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