Desire——the drive for history development

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  【Abstract】About the drive for history development, scholars both domestic and abroad have got a wide diversity of arguments. However, what is the crucial factor of accelerating history development? This article is from the Holy Bible to research.
  【Key words】desire Holy Bible history development
  Christianity is a world?鄄wild religion founded by Jesus Christ and its prime ideology was recorded in the Holy Bible. Christianity and the Bible have always been considered as the core of the western civilization from the Middle Ages and it has shown great influence on all fields of society, such as literature, art, history, philosophy, economic and law.
  This paper mainly introduces the power for historical promotion from the perspective of desire in Genesis of the old tastment of the Holy Bible.
  2.the “Desire” in Genesis
  From the human being birth, human beings have been evoluted because of the desire. “In apes, the use of the hands and feet already have some kind of division of labor. Hand picking is mainly used to hold the food, and like mammals with relatively low forefoot done”. Why did the hands and feet engage in different activities? Mainly due to the different needs and the diversified goals. Angel once said:“Labor created human beings”, however, it is just the various demands that had prompted them to engage in the totally different labor activities. And in some classical mythologies, we can feel the changes because of the desire. This paper mainly takes the Holy Bible for example.
  2.1 Desire
  In the first book of the Old Testament, there is a story, before the snake deceives the woman, she says:“but God said, You shall not eat the fruit of the tree, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.” So the woman do not eat, we can say it is the desire for living that hinders her from eatting, she follows the God’s words until the appearance of the snake. The serpent said “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat it your eyes will be opened, knowing good and evil.” “So she took off its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband”. Here the problem seems to be the deceit of snake. However, you will acknowledge that it is the desires that promote them to have a taste, they thought the fruit could make their eyes bright, which was an extraordinarily temptatious facet and they longed for brightness so much.
  2.2 the Rules and Institutions Under various Desires   Human?蒺s desires are so much, when humans have endless desire, correspondingly, some necessary regulations are required to keep our society function well. Just as Gustav. Schwab said, “because they can not control their feelings, unbridled action makes this new human being into a disaster.” So the LORD God said to the serpent, “cursed are you above all livestock and above all beasts of the field.” To the woman he said,“I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing. Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.” These series of punitive provisions is the primal institutional of human beings.
  History is always promoted by human?蒺s desires and needs. We need to survive and live. In the early epoch, Adam needed to work extremely hard to gain food. Therefore, we had developed agriculture, animal husbandry and another basic necessities of life. In order to live a better lives, later human creates a series of spiritual activities, such as reading. All of these activities are actuated under the inner desire.
  3. the Thinking about the Force for History Development
  About the issue of history development, there are two kinds of viewpoints: First is the power of human themselves, the second is some force outside human. And for the power of human themselves, it can be divided into two kinds: one is the spiritual level; the other is practical level. Marx once said:“History is nothing but the human activity of pursuing his own purpose only.” The force outside human, of course, the most typical is the theory of God made man. The Holy Bible is not only the production that stands for the level of historical development of Christianity, but also a monumental historical book involved in very sphere of social life. Of the most important ideology is the idea of God made man. But demand is the radical driving force for historical development. We can find some relative examples from the history.
  The first is the physical aspect .We need some basic necessities of life , such as garment, food, house, transportation, so livestock and crop production are the human first important sectors to get food. The fellowed is spiritual level. we go on pursuing the new knowledge, because we want a more wonderful life.
  Through the simple but relatively deep going analysis of this paper, we can learn a fact that human desire is the ultimate driving force for historical moving forward. whether those who hold the viewpoint of class struggle, or any other points of view, they are all rooted in human mind and human desire—intrinsic and extrinsic pursuits, which have been formed the inexhaustible motive force for human progressive development and constant fighting.
  [1]Gustav Schwab, Greece myths[M]. Harbin: Harbin Press, 2005.
  [2]Holy Bible[M]. English Standard Version.
  [3]Lenin. Lenin Collected Works,[M]. People?蒺s Publishing House,1984.
【摘要】德育,即思想、政治和道德教育,对保证人才培养的正确政治方向,促进学生的全面发展起着主导的决定性作用。青少年时期是德育的关键时期,作为新时期的班主任,如何做好学生的德育工作我们任重而道远。  【关键词】班主任 德育 任重道远  我认为一个人能否养成良好的行为习惯和高尚的思想品德,关键在于小学阶段的教育。学生良好的思想行为不是一朝一夕形成的,而是通过每一件事,每一项活动,每一节课,长期熏陶才能
【摘要】根据《基础教育改革纲要(试行)》中所指出的,要改变课程实施过于强调接受学习,机械训练的现状,尝到学生主动参与,乐于探究,勤于动手,培养学生搜集和处理信息的能力,分析和解决问题的能力以及交流与合作的能力。根据这样的指导精神,我们创建了小组合作学习这样的全新形式。下面我就根据我的教学经验来浅谈一下小组合作学习。  【关键词】小组合作 高效率 自主学习 小组构建  首先,我们要研究的问题是如何把
【摘要】教育,不仅在于传授知识,更在于唤醒、鼓舞和激励。魏书生说:“学生的大脑忙着受训斥和处罚,就无法静下心来裁判心灵中旧我和新我的论战。”在教育过程中,一句简单的鼓励胜过十句的训斥。对于学生的错误,老师一定要采取宽容的态度,采用和风细雨的谈话方式,要严慈相济,多表扬、多鼓励,少批评、少斥责。教师要以宽容之心对待学生,以他们之乐为乐,以他们之忧为忧。这样的教师必能得到孩子的爱戴与尊重。  【关键词
【摘要】在实际教学过程中对学生创新能力的培养,已引起广大教师的高度重视。如何培养学生创新能力,引导学生再去主动探究,让学生掌握更多的方法,了解更多的知识,培养学生创新能力。找到培养和发展学生创新能力的有效途径,在教学中越来越显得重要。  【关键词】创新 探索 兴趣 动力 创新精神 创新意识 创新能力  人贵在创新,创新精神是创造力的核心。培养有创新意识和创造才能的人才是中华民族振兴的需要,让我们共
【摘要】如何搭建沟通的桥梁,是高中班主任工作的重心。在沟通的过程中,高中班主任必须具备三心,即责任心、爱心和细心,用心搭建起沟通的桥梁,才能使班主任工作有的放矢,绽放出多彩的艺术之花,结出丰硕的艺术之果。  【关键词】沟通 桥梁 责任心 爱心 细心  班主任工作艰巨而繁杂,特别是高中班主任,面对的对象都是自我意识和自我评价都走向成熟的学生,要引领他们树立正确的价值观,班主任就必须用“心”搭建起师生
【摘要】在当今崇尚教育的年代,在追求素质教育的今天,我们必须要建立起平等、民主、和谐的师生关系。用爱筑起师生良好关系的桥梁。  【关键词】热爱 沟通  爱是教师最美的语言,是师生沟通的桥梁。要当好一名教师,就要爱岗敬业,热爱学生,爱的专心致志,爱的无私无畏。随着社会的发展,党和国家对教育的深切关注,真诚地热爱学生已被视为当代教师的师德之魂。因为:  一、热爱学生是建立平等民主、和谐师生关系的基础。
★教师论坛★  俗话说:“教师是天底下最光辉的职业,幼儿教育事业是良心的事业”。所以每一位教师只要“用心”的去带孩子,教育孩子,用良心开启他们的智慧之门,和孩子一起飞。每一位老师都喜欢自己班里的孩子,经常为他们点滴进步感到高兴,也为他们的缺点生气。而在教育幼儿的过程中,教师的言行有时会引起家长的误解或违反教育原则,可如果听之任之,常规又得不到发展,从而增加了工作的困难性。怎样才能很好的平衡两者的关
【摘要】和谐的师生关系是一种以民主、平等、理解、尊重为基础的积极合作的师生关系。教师与学生不是管与被管,更不是领导和被领导。教师是学生生活上的指导者,是学习上的引路人。教师不仅仅是年龄上的长者,更应当是人格上平等的朋友。  【关键词】民主 平等 尊重 理解 和谐 友善 兴趣广泛  在现代社会,对教师的各方面素质都提出了全新的要求。建立和谐的师生关系是现代教学的基本要求。和谐的师生关系是学校的一种文