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  hen Sarah Castellanos decided to
  surprise her daughter with tickets to a
  Hannah Montana concert, it never occurred to her that the little girl would let loose with a series of
  1)hideous screams that could cause hair to stand up on end.
   That’s just a small 2)slice of the global 3)mania
  currently surrounding the just-turned-15 superstar Miley Cyrus, the daughter of country singer Billy Ray Cyrus and heroine of the Disney Channel’s hit 4)sitcom Hannah Montana.
  It wasn’t all that long ago that Cyrus was content to ride 5)trails on her family horses and 6)participate in
  competitive cheerleading. But at a young age, she
  developed a love for the stage while watching her father perform. After building her 7)resume with parts in some TV shows, she found herself beating more than 1,000 competitors for the role of Hannah.
   “She came along at the perfect time,” says a Disney Channel executive. “She’s old enough so you can buy her as a pop star, but young enough so our viewers can see themselves in her.”
  In the series, Cyrus plays Miley Stewart, an ordinary student viewed by her classmates as a total geek. But little do they know that, aided by a blond 8)wig, she leads a double life as superstar. Hannah Montana is Superman
  for 9)tween girls: she’s got the secret identity of pop star, a more 10)relevant superpower of singing, and a wig
  instead of a 11)cape. But the key to the show’s success is her Clark Kent – the friendly, sweet, funny and relatable
  Miley. With YouTube and gossip websites, Celebrity
  today seems more 12)accessible than ever. It’s
  13)tantalizing but, as personified by Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, terrifying. Miley – a normal, grounded school kid – represents an 14)oasis.
   “She’s a good role model – all pure and 15)wholesome,” says Sarah Castellanos. “There’s not that much of that going around these days.”
  Being America’s biggest kid superstar, Cyrus already has enough experiences to fill a postmodern novel. Around 5 million fans catch her act every week. After the concert tour 16)concluded this January, production will soon begin on a big-screen movie. So is it safe to say that Cyrus has 17)dethroned Hilary Duff as the new Teen Queen?
   “Oh, I wouldn’t say that,” says Cyrus. “Hilary is a huge star. I’m just gettin’ started. I moved from a small town to L.A. But once you’re a country girl, you never change. I’m still me.”

It was 2 p.m., and she was running. She hated running. 1)Loathed it really. She felt like it was something only 2)masochists would truly enjoy. That’s what made it so appropriate. Today she was punish
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