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  Abstract: The change of attitude towards the errors by second language learners witnessed the development of the theory of second language acquisition. Being a successor of Contrastive Analysis, Error Analysis became a heated subject and a recognized part of applied linguistics since the late 1960s.
  Keywords: errors by second language learners, Contrastive Analysis, Error Analysis
  In the process of learning English, the learner inevitably makes various errors. Before 1960s, when the behaviouristic viewpoint of language learning was prevailing, learner errors were considered something undesirable and to be avoided, as errors were considered to be a wrong response to the stimulus, which should be corrected immediately after they were made. Unless corrected properly, the error became a habit and a wrong behavioural pattern would stick in learner’s mind.
  It was not until the late 1960s that people came to realize the importance of the errors made by a foreign language(FL) learner. Actually, an FL learner’s errors tell us more than when he/she produces correct, error-free utterances. As soon as an error is made, we can look at its nature and try to work out why it was made. It is rather like the pain that may tell the doctor more than all the parts that do not hurt.
  1. From the perspective of Contrastive Analysis
  In the history of SLA research, Error Analysis (EA) was a successor which supplanted Contrastive Analysis (CA) in the 1970s. CA was based on Behaviourism psychologically and Structurism in terms of linguistics. Contrastive Analysis had been interested in comparing two linguistic systems-the learner’s L1 (mother tongue) and the target L2 in order to find out the similarities as well as differences between them. The underlying assumption of CA was that L2 learners transfer the habits of their L1 into the L2. The transfer could be divided into two types. One was positive transfer which occurred when the habits of the L1 were the same as those of the L2. At that time, the learner would transfer appropriate properties and be successful. That is to say, the learner would find that part easy to learn and use it correctly. The other kind of transfer was called negative transfer. It occurred whenever the habit of the native language differed from those of the target language. In this process, the learner would transfer inappropriate properties and learner errors would result. On this account, CA sought to predict the errors that learners make by identifying the linguistic differences between their L1 and the target language.   2. The challenges that Contrastive Analysis was faced with
  However, during the 1960s the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (CAH) was challenged by Mentalism. Besides, people found that many errors committed by the learners could not be accounted for in terms of CA. There appeared a growing skepticism about the plausibility of a behaviourist (i.e. habit formation) account of Second Language Acquisition which was the basement of Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis. Meanwhile many empirical studies of SLA failed to prove the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis. On the contrary, many of these kinds of studies turned out to indicate that the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis made the wrong predictions. For example, people found that sometimes the second language learners were successful and made little errors where the linguistic structure of their mother tongue differed from those in the target language. That was beyond the explanation of CAH.
  As a result, the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis was in a wane and lost favor with many researchers. The awareness that many errors made by the second language learners were not due to the negative transfer led to researchers focusing on errors themselves, rather than on comparing the similarities and divergences between L1 and L2. With the shift of interest, researchers began to study and analyze the errors themselves. The study of errors was carried out by means of Error Analysis (EA).
  3. From the perspective of Error Analysis
  The era of Error Analysis came with the publication of a well-known article-The Significance of Learner’s Errors which was written by Corder (1967). The shift from comparing two linguistic systems-the learner’s L1 and the target L2 with a view to determining structural similarities and differences to focusing on the errors themselves was captured in Corder’s article. Corder maintained that learners’ errors were invaluable to the study of the language-learning process. According to him, if a teacher untakes a systematic analysis, he will find how far towards the goal the learner has progressed and, consequently, what remains for him to learn. Errors came to be viewed as a reflection of L2 learners’ mental knowledge of the second language: their interlanguage grammar (Selinker: 1972). Researchers therefore began to analyze corpora of second language errors in order to understand better the nature of interlanguage grammar.
  Serving as an important instrument of research, Error Analysis was first prominent in the late 1960s. As being mentioned above, the wave of interest in learner errors started as a challenge to the Contrastive Analysis notion that errors were solely evidence of the first language interference. CA gave way to EA as this notion came to be challenged. In fact, Error Analysis was not a new development. As Sridhar pointed out that Error Analysis had a long tradition. However, before the early 1970s, Error Analysis consisted of little more than impressionistic collections of “common” errors and their linguistic classification. The goals of traditional Error Analysis were pedagogic, for errors provided information for teaching and for designing remedial lessons. But because of the absence of any theoretical framework for explaining the role played by errors in the process of Second Language Acquisition (SLA), there were no serious attempts to define “error” or to account for it in terms of psychology. Also as the enthusiasm for Contrastive Analysis grew, the interest in Error Analysis declined. In accordance with Behaviouristive learning theory, the prevention of errors (the goal of Contrastive Analysis) was more important than the identification of errors. It was not until the late 1960s that there was a resurgence of interest in Error Analysis. A series of articles by Corder (e.g. 1967;1971;1974;1981) traced this resurgence and helped to give it direction. According to Corder (1974:25), EA was instructive because it can be used in three ways : (1) to tell the teachers how much the learners have learnt, (2) to assist SLA researchers in piecing together a picture of language development, and (3) to enable learners to learn the rules of language through error correction. Besides, Corder (1981) also stated that there were two justifications for studying learners’ errors: its relevance to language teaching and the study of the language acquisition process.   Since the late 1960s, Error Analysis had been a heated subject, becoming a recognized part of applied linguistics as well as a development owing much to the work of Corder’s works, many works had focused on it concerning the classifications, the causes of the errors of the errors committed by the second language learners. In China, most researches into Error Analysis focused on the review or survey of it (Tang 1995; Wu 1998; Hong 1998).
  [1]. Corder, S.P. The significance of learner’s errors. International Review of Applied Linguistics 5, 1967:161-70.
  [2]. Corder, S.P. Idiosyncratic dialects and error analysis. International Review of Applied Linguistics 9, 1971: 149-159.
  [3]. Corder, S.P. Error analysis. In Allen and Corder (eds), 1974.
  [4]. Corder, S.P. Error Analysis and Interlanguage. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981.
  [5]. Selinker, L. Interlanguage. International Review of Applied Linguistics 10, 1972: 209-231.
  [6]. 洪流. 中介语错误探源,《山东外语教学》第4期,1998:34-37.
  [7]. 唐承贤. 差错分析综述,《山东外语教学》第6期,1995:46-50.
  [8]. 武波. 误差分析述评,《外语与翻译》第2期,1998:23-28.
摘 要:中等师范学校英语专业的学生,普遍存在词汇量匮乏的问题,这是他们英语学习中的一道门槛,能否跨越这道门槛是他们能否学好英语的关键,本文将结合课堂实践,详细研究词缀记忆法,探讨教师在课堂中应如何指导学生巧用词缀学习和记忆英语单词。  关键词:前缀;后缀;记忆;英语词汇  英语是世界上现存的5,000多种语言中词汇最丰富的语言之一,其词汇已远远超过200万个,如此庞大的数量使得很多英语专业学生将词
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摘 要: 当前,小学英语教学越来越受到重视,但小学英语阅读教学却没有得到足够的重视,一线教师对阅读教学感到茫然,小学生英语阅读能力弱,缺乏阅读方法及主动学习英语的能力,本文试图分析当前阅读教学存在的问题,运用各种方法进行阅读训练,提高小学生的阅读能力。  关键词:小学;英语;阅读;教学  一、解读《英语新课程标准》  《英语新课程标准》对于小学高年级学生“读”的能力明确标明:1、能认读所学词语;2
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摘 要:翻译就是把用一种语言表达的信息准确通畅地转换成另一种语言的活动或行为。高中英语教学越来越关注学生翻译能力的提高和素质的培养,开设高中英语知识拓展类“初级翻译”校本课程切实可行。英汉两种语言在句子结构方面存在着很多差异,如果能熟悉这种差异,同时也能了解中西方文化等诸多特点,这样译出来的内容才会通顺流畅,符合汉语的行文习惯。因此,要让学生“准确”、“通畅”地翻译英文,英语教师应从句子结构、文化
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摘 要:本文通过对目前英语应试教学现状的分析,笔者认为,应从思想上重视英语的读、说、背,呼唤背诵教学法的回归,以自己亲身实践证明:运用背诵教学法,可以挖掘学生的英语潜能;可以让学生在英语学习中充满自信;学生良好的口语能力的培养,大大提高了就业的竞争力。  关键词:背诵教学法;英语教学;口语;回归  在新时期,中国以崭新的形象向全世界开放,为了与国际接轨,作为国际通用语的英语引起中国人的高度重视。因
摘 要:本文投眼于“人文旨趣”的基督神学近年来在中国大陆的发展,以冯象新著《创世记:传说与译注》为例,浅析其与鲁迅《故事新编》相似的后现代主义行文特色,为现代人文主义走向的释经方法提供一种研究视角。  关键词:译经;人文主义;仿译;改写  1.引言  苏格兰翻译理论家乔治·坎贝尔早在18世纪就曾提出,《圣经》翻译应该为文学和宗教两种不同目的服务。在中国,自古至今也都有人文主义的《圣经》翻译传统,但