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  Alesson in “heart” is my little, 10-year-old daughter, Sarah, who was born with a muscle missing in her foot and wears a brace1 all the time. She came home one beautiful spring day to tell me she had competed in “field day”—that’s where they have lots of races and other competitive2 events.
   Because of her leg support, my mind raced as I tried to think of encouragement for my Sarah, things I could say to her about not letting this get her down—but before I could get a word out, she said, “Daddy, I won two of the races!”
   I couldn’t believe it! And then Sarah said, “I had an advantage.” Ahh. I knew it. I thought she must have been given a head start or some kind of physical advantage. But again, before I could say anything, she said, “Daddy, I didn’t get a head start. My advantage was I had to try harder!”

  邓惠尹 摘译自Mind & Spirit
大千世界,无奇不有。上到奇妙的自然景观,下到人间的奇闻轶事,无不让人大开眼界。那么,遗嘱中又能有什么特别的花样呢?请看本文——    1  Ms Eleanor Ritchey, the unmarried granddaughter of the founder of Quaker State Oil, died in 1968 with an estate worth around $12 m
在捷克西南的波西米亚山区,有一个著名的温泉度假胜地——卡罗维发利温泉镇。它远离尘嚣,地处深山密林之中,秀美的峰峦与纯欧式的建筑和清澈的流水在这里相互辉映,好似一个现代化的“世外桃源”。置身其中大有“山中方七日,世上已千年”的感觉。    Carlovyraky, located 10km west of Prague by the Ohre, is a small beautiful mounta
自信是成功的基石,正如文中的“我”对梅甘的父亲所说的那样:“你的女儿可能永远也成不了冠军,甚至可能永远也参加不了比赛;但如果她继续尝试,并且相信自己,她从中所获得的自信心将会比任何一枚金牌重要得多……”梅甘的事例证明,只要你认为你行,你就行!    “Tumbling time!” I called out. My group of giggling children lined up befor
情人节就要到了,这是情侣互诉衷情的时候。如何能让今年的情人节更加浪漫呢?下面这番对话就为您支招。  Mike is going out later with his sweetheart, Julie, for valentine’s Day. Here, Mike’s friend Sue gives him some advice on how to have a good date.   迈
When you are feeling down,  Or when you are in a bind...  I’ll be right beside you,  Comfort you will find.  If you need an ear to listen,  Or a loving helpful hand...   I’ll be right here for you.  I
Deart Sir or Madam,   I am writing in regard to your notice about the delay in shipment of my order for 14 dozen Olympic quality, ultra1-accurate, carbon arrows. Perhaps you do not understand the urge
看过影片《雨人》的人,一定不会忘记那个患有自闭症、却拥有超常计算能力的“雨人”。“雨人”的原型是美国犹他州盐湖城的金·皮克。目前,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)正在对皮克的大脑进行研究,试图通过大脑扫描图像破解他神脑的秘密。    It was a prodigious1 feat. Yet for Peek—the real-life “savant” on whom Dustin Hoffma
穆罕默德·巴拉迪 (Mohamed M. El Baradei) 1942年生于埃及,现任国际原子能机构总干事。20世纪60年代,他在开罗大学获得法律学士学位。1971年和1974年,他又先后获得纽约大学国际法硕士学位和博士学位。1997年12月1日,巴拉迪接替前任瑞典人布利克斯,成为国际原子能机构总干事,2001年9月获得连任。因为他在处理和解决国际核问题上业绩显著,被授予2005年诺贝尔和平奖
人人都希望拥有美丽的面容,但遭遇了一场意外,不但眼睛失明,而且还平添了一道丑陋的伤疤,这样的不幸该如何去面对……    I was fifteen months old, a happy carefree kid... until the day I fell. It was a bad fall. I landed on a glass rabbit, which cut my eye badl
古语云: “勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。”它告诫人们不要因为恶事很小就去做,也不要因为善事很小,就不屑于去做。其实,既使做不了伟大的事,只要我们带着伟大的爱心去做一些小事情,也会给别人带来莫大的感动。    The day was Thankful Thursday, our “designated day” of service. It’s a weekly tradition that m