The Comparison between Two Different Translation Versions of Watching the Cataract on Lushan Mountai

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  Abstract:These paper contrast the two different English translation versions to appreciate the seven-word poetry which is the most compact form of ancient Chinese poetry-Watching the Cataract on Lushan Mountain,which is the masterpiece of Li Bai,a well-known poet in China.The paper focuses on the textual characteristics of seven-word poetry and makes analysis and draws some valuable conclusions.
  Key words:Translation;Three Beauty Theory;Contrast;Social Background
  Under the guidance of translation theories,the literary translation in China has made a great progress in the last decades.Among these theories,the Faithfulness,Expressiveness and Elegance advocated by Yan Fu,the Similaritys raised by Fu Lei and the Transmigration of Qian Zhongshu are especially popular.
  Watching the Cataract on Lushan Mountain is the masterpiece of Li Bai,a well-known poet in China(Liu Zhongde,1995).It is selected in Chinese textbook of primary school,giving enlightenments to students from generation to generation.Xu Yuanchong and Wang Shouyi,two outstanding translators in China,translated Watching the Cataract on Lushan Mountain in English respectively.
  II.Theoretical Basis
  Translation theorists have put forward a variety of principles.Peter Newmark holds that in communicative translation,the translation unit can be sentence,paragraph or even the whole text(Newmark,2001:128).Translator Yan Fu put forward the triple translation criteria:faithfulness,expressiveness and elegance(Ye Zinan,2001:153).
  III.The Comparison of Two English Translation Versions
  We can contrast their differences from the perspective of form,person,words and styles.
  1.Comparison from the perspective of form
  A.Xu Yuanchong’s translation is 4 line,and the line number is the same with the poem.
  Cataract on Mount Lu
  The sunlit censer peak exhales a wreath of cloud.
  Like an upended stream the cataract sounds loud.
  It’s torrent dashes down three thousand feet from high.
  As if the silver river fell from the blue sky.
  Translated by Xu Yuanchong
  B.Wang Shouyi’s translation is 8 line,and the line number is the two times of the poem.
  Watching the Lu Mountain Falls
  Purple smoke rises from the mountaintop.
  Far away I see the valley stretching before me,
  he whole waterfall hangs there.
  The torrent dropping from thousand feet.
  Straight down to the valley floor.   I think it must be the milky way.
  Spilling to the earth from the heavens.
  Translated by Wang Shouyi
  2.Comparison from the perspective of person
  A.Xu Yuanchong’s translation has no subject,and he uses the person-‘It’.
  eg:It’s torrent dashes down three thousand feet from high.
  B.Wang Shouyi's translation use the first person,such as ‘I’.
  eg:Far away I see the valley stretching before me.
  3.Comparison from the perspective of words
  A.Xu Yuanchong use ‘censer park’.
  eg:The sunlit censer peak exhales a wreath of cloud.
  Wang Shouyi use ‘the mountain top’.
  eg:Purple smoke rises from the mountaintop.
  B.Xu Yuanchong use ‘Silver River.
  Eg:As if the silver river fell from the blue sky.
  Wang shouyi use ‘Milky way’.
  eg:I think it must be the milky way.
  C.Xu Yuanchong use ‘the blue sky’.
  eg:As if the silver river fell from the blue sky.
  Wang Shouyi use ‘the hezven’.
  eg:Spilling to the earth from the heavens.
  Throgh the contrast of two different English editions of Watching the Cataract on Lushan Mountain,we could know that Xu Yuanchong and Wang Shouyi use different form,person and words to translate the original poem.
  IV.The Enlightenment from the Comparison
  First of all,we should know about the author’s social background.It is necessary to read his other works and summarize his writing specialties.Second,it is important to consider the understandings of target readers.Third,to correspond with the narrative tone in the original text,we need to read the text carefully and analyze it in detail(Li Zheng,2008),and think about its intention to write.Last but not least,the progress in translation is a process with long-term practice so we should read more,write more,and correct more to be a good translator.
  [1]Alexander Fraser Tyler.Essay on the Principles of Translation[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2007.
  [2]David,K.Translating Cultures:An Introduction for Translators,Interpreters and Mediators[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2004.
  [3]Hatim Basil & Mason Lan.Discourse and the Translation[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001:3.
  [4]Newmark P.P.Approaches to Translation[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001:7.
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