A Pragmatic Analysis of Doctors’ Consolation Speech Acts on Removing Patients’ Negative Mood in Grey

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  Abstract:From the 1970s, the pragmatic functions of speech acts have become a hot issue in pragmatic analysis research. However, very few studies have been taken on consolation. Consolation speech acts as a common social phenomenon universally exists. Here, the author takes doctors’ consolation speech acts in removing patients’ negative mood as the subject of the thesis. This study is operated in terms of the turn taking mechanism based on the . conversations in Grey’s Anatomy. It is designed to reveal the linguistic features of doctors’ consolation speech acts.
  Key words: consolation speech act; conversation analysis; turn-taking;
  Relevant studies of consolation speech act
  Based on the definition of Wen Yunshui (1999), in his paper, consoling is defined as a speech act through which the speaker can comfort the hearer so that the hearer will feel better instead of grief sorrow or disappointment. And this paper would like to define consolation speech act as follows:
  Consolation speech act is an act that the speaker performed to make comfort to the hearer’s grief, sorrow or disappointment in order to make the hearer feel much better and affect the hearer positively.
  There are many scholars home and abroad who make use of speech act in observing the language phenomenon. A group of scholars including Blum Kulka and Olshtain (1984) has ever carried out a project called Cross-Cultural Speech Acts Realization Patterns for an international cooperative study. The project has studied different speech acts under different situation in different cultures. Their studies mainly focus on the speech acts of requests and apologies. Many scholars have made studies on speech acts such as praise (Wolfson, 1988), apology,complaint and so on.
  In China, the speech acts studies mainly have been treated as an isolated topic which has never been put into a specific institution even in a TV series. Besides, the relevant researches on consolation speech act are very few, which provides a large space for further discussion.
  Turn-taking mechanism
  The conversations should obey some rules if speakers want to organize it well. The process of conversations is called “turn-taking”. As we all know, conversations must require at least two participants: initiator and receiver. One of them make the discourse, the other then take the turn to continue the conversation. If only one person keeps talking but no change of the turn, it will never make a conversation. About conversation turn-taking, many linguists have been performing an extensive research and comprehensive study in the previous several years. According to Harvey Sacks, the basic unit of normal conversation is the “turn”, that is, a shift in the direction of the speaking flow which is characteristic of normal conversation. (He Huiying,2007: 64)   According to the turn-taking mechanism, the person who speaks first becomes the listener later. Any participant never occupies the position of the initiator indefinitely, but takes turns to talk with each other. In terms of the conversation participant, the process of turn-taking is also the process of change from an initiator to a receiver.
  The turn-taking mechanism here mainly contains five aspects:
  (1) Initiation and control of the topic
  In the TV series, the author chooses to look at the control of conversational turns and topics. Powerful speakers in the conversations often plays a more important role and have most turns, the longer turns, control what should be talked about, who talks, when and interrupt others.
  (2) turn-length
  Because the data in this thesis are mainly collected in a TV series, it brings a lot difficulty for the author to account the time that the speaker takes
  (3) turn-type
  It is commonly agreed that there are two types of turns: the initiative turns and responsive turns. While some turns are both the responses of the previous turns and also the initiative turns; some are interruptions, some are just a new topic that the speaker wants to talk about. It is difficult to distinguish them.
  (4) Interruption and monologue;
  Turn-taking generally should be in the transition-relevance place, that is, the moment in a conversation when a transition from one speaker to another. If the turn violates the rule, it can be an interruption. In the present study, monologue means a long speech made by one speaker.
  (5) turn-control strategies.
  Based on the turn-allocation, there should be two kinds of turn-control strategies. One is the current speaker gives the right of speaking to the receiver and let him be the next speaker. The other strategy is that the current speaker continues to talk about the former topic and tries to keep the right of topic control. Besides, according to Li Huadong & Yu Dongming (2001), there are three other strategies: pre-sequence (specific turn that has the function of pre-figuring the coming action), space-making strategies (ways to control the turns and interrupt the other’s turns), and paralinguistic features (including intonation, stress, facial expressions, behaviors, gestures or even silence, etc.)
  Data collection
  Data used in this thesis are drawn from the American TV series Grey’s Anatomy. Grey’s Anatomy is an Emmy and Golden Globe award-winning American primetime television medical drama. The main character Meredith is a “dark and twisted” girl. The story contains the relationships of Grey with her boyfriend (later husband), Derek, her intern friends, her colleagues and also with her patients.   The medical cases in this TV series are all comes from the true cases in reality. Thus the examples which drawn from these two seasons are very close to the natural conversations in daily life between doctors and patients.
  Data Analysis and Discussion
  This paper focuses on the linguistic features of the consolation speech acts which performed in the doctor-patient conversations. It analyzes the data collected in from the American TV series Grey’s Anatomy in terms of the turn-taking mechanism.
  Most episodes in Grey’s Anatomy, especially the season 5 and season 6 would firstly show the symptoms of that episode’s main patients as well as his/her personalities and some necessary background information. And then, it follows the treatments of the doctors including Doctor Grey and her colleagues. After that, here may comes the patients’ problems which can be caused by the illness or even some personal problems. Under most of these cases, the doctors would in their attempt to ease the negative mood of the patient though some consolation speech acts. It is exactly the point that the author focuses on.
  In the following example (1), the patient is a little boy, Duncan, who is only about 7 years old. He got a serious illness that may cause terrible consequences to him or even death. Not similar to the other patients, the boy is quite outgoing and active. However, he is a very special boy not only because the above all, but also because his curiosity to everything. He always wants to know everything. In the dialogue (1), the boy refuses to have an injection due to his fear of the pain. Doctor Grey and George tried to make use of his curiosity and ease his negative mood.
  Example (1):
  Grey: Hey, Duncan. We are gonna put an I.V in your arm real quick, and you can go back to your playing, okay?
  Duncan: What is it?
  Grey: Oh, it’s a little tube we put in your arm.
  Duncan: No.
  Mum: Duncan.
  Duncan: No, it’s gonna hurt.
  Daddy: Come on, kiddo. It’s not gonna hurt.
  George: No, it’s gonna hurt. It’s a needle. It’s gonna hurt. But it’s only for, what, three seconds?
  Duncan: I don’t believe you.
  George: You don’t believe me? Do you want me to prove it for you? I’ll prove it. I’ll have dr. Grey put one in me. This is a tourniquet. And you wrap it around your arm, so that your vein pops out. See? Like that? So now the needle——That’s the part that’s gonna hurt. That goes in, and that’s… hurting. That hurts. It hurts and it doesn’t hurt anymore. And now that stuff goes into here. Doesn’t hurt at all.   Duncan: Ok, I’ll do it.
  Topic Duncan’s refusal to put an I.V and George’s persuasion
  Characters Grey Duncan Mum Daddy George
  Turns 2 5 1 1 2
  Control of topics sometimes always never never always
  Turn-length(w/t) 18 3.2 1 7 48.5
  Turn-type initiation 1 0 0 0 1
  response 1 4 0 0 1
  Initiation after response 0 1 0 0 1
  interruption 0 0 1 1 0
  monologue 0 0 0 0 1
  Turn control strategies Pre-sequence(times) 2 0 0 0 0
  Space-making strategies(times) 0 0 1 1
  Paralinguistic features(times) 0 0 1 1 2
  Table 4.1 Quantitative Turn-taking Analysis of Example (1)
  From the above table, it can be found that Doctor Grey initiates the topic, as she asks the patient to put an I.V. While, in this dialogue, it is always the doctor controls the topic no matter Grey or George. They decide when to speak, interrupt others, and change the topic as he will. This dialogue is about the doctors to console the patient because the little boy is afraid of the pain. Thus, the main participants are the doctors and the little patient. When the doctor George finds that the negative mood of the little kid, he decides to use a monologue to show him the progress which makes the boy’s curiosity satisfied. As a result, he never feels afraid anymore and agrees to have a try of the I.V. As the topic controllers, Grey and George always use pre-sequence and paralinguistic strategies to control the topic. The parents are not the major participants in the dialogue, they never control the topic and turn-lengths are relatively short.
  Example (2) is about a man who had been fished out of a working garbage truck, multiple crush injuries, open fractures. The doctors need to take a surgery at once. However, the man may never walk again. The patient disagrees to have the surgery. He even chooses to die without his legs.
  Example (2):
  Doctor Hunt: What’s your name?
  Miller: Timothy Miller.
  Doctor Torres: Mr. Miller, we need to get you into a surgery.
  Miller: I’m gonna be able to walk, right? I gotta be able to walk.
  Doctor Shepherd: Right now, we’re just trying to keep you alive.
  Miller: I don’t want to live if I can’t walk.
  Doctor Hunt: We’ll do our best to save the leg.
  Miller: I’m hopeless. Walking is how I survive. It’s how I get from one day to the next. Marion Street’s safe from 2:00 to 6:00 a.m. And then I go over the half-mast bridge, and I hang there till 6:30 until the traffic hits. And then I go over to belltown and hang out on the waterfront. And then the waterfront, If it’s trouble, I go back up to 4th street. I’m homeless. I can’t not walk. What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?   Doctor Sloan: Your injuries are critical. If we not get you to surgery….
  Miller: Will your surgery make me walk? Huh?
  Then I don’t want it!
  Doctor Hunt: Okay. All right.
  Doctor Shepherd: Mr. Miller
  Miller: What does a guy have to do to get a little peace and quiet around here?
  Doctor Shepherd: The fatigue you’re feeling is from the blood loss, the queasiness, the dizziness….
  It’s because you’re slowly bleeding to death.
  Doctor Hunt: Are you trying to scare him?
  Doctor Shepherd: No, I’m trying to ascertain whether he’s suicidal or just defeated.
  Doctor Hunt: Mr. Miller, you survived in the street, so I know you are a fighter.
  Miller: That doesn’t make me a fighter. It makes me lucky.
  Doctor Hunt: How long have you been out there, 10 years, 20?
  You are not in jail. You are not dead. That’s not luck. You’re smart.
  You gotta be smart to take care of yourself on your own.
  Miller: I guess.
  Doctor Hunt: What you are doing right now, Mr. Miller, refusing surgery, It’s not smart.
  Doctor Shepherd: There’s a rehab center not too far from here. Medire takes care of it. You could stay there. Food, bed, long as you need.
  Doctor Hunt: Just let us operate. Let us operate, and we’ll figure the rest out.
  Topic The patient’s refusal to take a surgery and doctors’ persuasion
  Characters Hunt Miller Sloan Torres Shepherd
  Turns 8 8 1 1 5
  Control of topics sometimes Sometimes seldom seldom sometimes
  Turns of length(w/t) 12.125 18 11 10 13.2
  Turn type initiation 5 1 1 1 1
  Response 2 5 0 0 1
  Initiation after response 1 0 0 2
  interruption 1 1 0 0 1
  monologue 1 0 0 1
  Turn-control strategies Pre-sequence(times) 2 1 1 1 1
  Space-making strategies(times0 0 3 0 1 1
  Paralinguistic features(times) 1 0 1 1 2
  Table 4.2 Quantitative Turn-taking Analysis of Example (2)
  In the above dialogue, Doctor Hunt is definitely the center participant who controls the topic always and chooses who speak next and even how the receivers may response. Besides, Doctor Shepherd plays an important role in the example. He use paralinguistic features as the strategy to control the turn and let the next speaker continue the topic as he will. It can be easily found that when doing consolation speech acts, the doctors always initiate the topic and be the controller. Decide what to say next and who says next due to the response of the patient. Monologue is quite a familiar type of turn in the consolation speech acts of doctors. It is worth mentioned that the paralinguistic features show great importance when the doctors try to comfort the patient and let him make the right choice.   From the above analysis of the two dialogues, it can be safely concluded that quantitative turn-taking analysis is quite an effective method to reveal the relationship of the characters and also how the doctors’ make consolation speech acts. Based on the data of this paper, there are generally four findings as follows:
  (1) The doctors are always the controller of the topic.
  (2) Under most conditions, doctors will initiate the topic. They choose to listen to the patient after that and decide what to do next.
  (3) Monologue will often occur when the doctors are attempt to comfort the patients and remove their negative mood.
  (4) The doctors often employ paralinguistic features as an important strategy to control the topic.
  This paper has been completed on the basis of the data collected from the American TV series Grey’s Anatomy.
  From the perspective of quantitative research, it can be safely concluded that doctors’ consolation speech acts show some special features based on the turn-taking mechanism.
  Firstly, the doctors are always the controller of the topic.
  Secondly, under most conditions, doctors will initiate the topic. They choose to listen to the patient after that and decide what to do next.
  Thirdly, monologue will often occur when the doctors are attempt to comfort the patients and remove their negative mood.
  Finally, the doctors often employ paralinguistic features as an important strategy to control the topic.
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农村中学的体育设施因受到乡镇经济的牵制,所以大多数农村中学体育课比较难展开,学生体育运动达不到国家体育锻炼标准。全国中学生中,农村学生占了好大一个比例,他们的体质增强是全民健身的基础。为适应新课程的实施,要让学生在有限的空间确保中学生每天一小时锻炼,促进身心健康,新课程必须改革才是农村中学体育教学的出路。  1、体育与健康新课程的改革:新课程标准下的体育教学,促进学生身体、心理和社会适应能力整体健