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  With table tennis as its national ball game, China has dominated the sport for some 40 years. Experts worldwide agree that an impressive and 1)versatile 2)array of techniques and 3)tactics is the key to China’s long-standing success. And high intensive training is another key.
  “I start training at eight o’clock every morning, nap for an hour in the afternoon, then continue traning for three hours,” says Wang Liqin, holder of many world table tennis championship titles. Now the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games are coming, he explains, “That is my daily life. Boring? I don’t think so. Everybody has their own dream, and my most cherished ambition is to win a gold medal at the Beijing Games.” Wang has won all world champion titles in his sport except at the Olympic level. Now, winning at the 2008 Games is his foremost ambition. Wang’s4)sentiments are shared by his fellow teammates on the China National Table Tennis Team.
  Nearly all 94 players of the China National Table Tennis Team are stars in the world of table tennis. Most of the 25 coaches, including retired 5)grand slam winning Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui, and the strict and experienced Li Xiaodong, are former star players.
  “I get nervous at the mere mention of ‘Olympics’ now,” says team leader Huang Biao. “The Games will be held in this country and the players will be more fired up than ever. But as host country players, we also face a big psychological test. Our biggest problem now is how to help players ease their stress.”
  In preparing for the upcoming Olympics, the team must try new methods and adapt to new changes. Much competition has been introduced to the team. “Since the quota of athletes for The Games is limited,” explained Liu Guoliang, chief coach of the men’s table tennis team, “we must assess each player thoroughly, and let them fully display their own potential. In this way they will be more qualified to take part in The Games and live up to 6)expectations.” Liu was the champion of the men’s team, men’s singles, men’s doubles and mixed doubles at the 43rd, 44th and 45th World Table Tennis Championships. In China, he is also the first grand slam winner of the World Table Tennis Championships, the World Cup and the Olympics. Probably, it is he who most understands the meaning of “competition.” “Now we will have dual meets within the team before an international competition takes place. Only the best will move on,” Liu says.
  On this all-star team, Zhang Yining and Wang Liqin serve as leaders. From the moment Zhang Yining took the championship in the women’s singles final at the Athens Games, put down her 7)racket and blew a kiss to the 8)spectators, she established her position on the team. She has remained on top ever since. Still, she continues to work as hard or harder than any other team member. Often when others are relaxing, she heads to the gym to work on strength training.
  Born into a worker’s family in Beijing, Zhang began to play table tennis at the age of five. Since then she played out of love for the sport with a drive to be a world champion. Her dream was made reality, and now she has set a new goal: to stand on the champion’s 9)podium at the 2008 Games.




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