研究发现稻田周围田埂、路边禾本科杂草上栖息着能寄生于稻飞虱卵的寄生蜂有缨小蜂科和赤眼蜂科两类,它们是非稻田生境中稻飞虱卵寄生蜂群落的重要成员。群落中,缨小蜂科数量较多,其四个属中,数量上 Anagrus>Conatocerus>Neurotes>Mymar赤眼蜂科数量较少,所占比率小于9%。非综防区化学农药的毒性和残效加重了生境中寄生蜂生存压力,造成群落中多个物种占有优势地位,而稻飞虱主要天敌一缨小蜂的优势被削弱,不如综防区群落中缨小蜂的优势地位突出。
It was found that the parasitoid parasitoid Nymphalidae and Trichogramma were parasitic on the fields around the rice fields and on the roadside weeds. Important member. In the community, there are a large number of Nymphalidae, and the number of its families is smaller than that of Anagrus> Conatocerus> Neurotes> Mymar. The proportion is less than 9%. The toxicity and residual effect of chemical pesticides in non-defensive areas aggravate the survival pressure of parasitoids in habitats, resulting in the predominance of many species in the community. However, the advantage of the dominant natural enemies of planthoppers is weakened, Bee’s dominant position prominence.