Rethink Classroom Observation

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  【Abstract】The thesis takes the open class of a first year English teacher as a case to rethink the practice of classroom observation. More specific suggestions are put forward for school’s management to improve the effectiveness of the classroom observation, which facilitates the professional development of teachers.
  【Key words】Classroom observation; Professional development; Evaluation
  1.The Introduction of Classroom Observation
  1.1The Definition of Classroom Observation
  Classroom observation is defined as a process by which the observer sits in a classroom , records the teacher’s teaching practices and student actions, and then meets with the teacher to discuss the observations ( Daniel Weisberg, Susan Sexton, Jennifer Mulhern, and David Keeling,2009).Generally speaking ,classroom observation is conducted through three stages: pre-observation meeting, observation, and post-observation. The purpose of pre-observation meeting is to share information that facilitates both the teacher and the observer to prepare for the observation. The observation stage is about data-collection ,which include the teacher’s and students’ doing and saying, and the interaction of them. The post-observation is a descriptive stage where the observer describes the lesson from different perspectives and the teacher is also asked to reflect on his/her teaching.
  1.2The Purposes of Classroom Observation
  To the teacher who is observed, the main purpose is to allow the teacher to get feedback from the observer. They believe that the classroom observation contribute greatly to the professional development of teachers.
  To school’s administration, the classroom observation is a kind of examination of teaching ability . To a large extent, classroom observations is also used to evaluate teachers.
  2. A Case of a First Year English Teacher
  2.1 The Background Information of Teaching Material and Students
  In Shaoxing Vocational Education Center ,it is the rule that every newly recruited teacher should give a lesson per semester during his first three years in school . After the lesson , other experienced teachers will discuss together and comment on the lesson. They praise the highlights of the lesson and point out the shortcomings at the same time . In this way , young teachers will enhance their teaching abilities greatly.
  This thesis mainly focuses on a new English teacher ,who has been in school for only one year. Her lesson focuses on the reading and writing part of Unit 5 It’s time to change from the text book English base Module 2 published by Higher Education Press . This part mainly talks about healthy and unhealthy living habits. Since living habits are closely related to students’ lives, it is easy to arouse students’ interest. Students who attend the class major in guiding , so they are confident and outgoing. As to English ,they are usually good at speaking and listening, while their reading and wiring abilities are often quite poor.   2.2 The Teaching Process of the Lesson
  The first step was leading -in. The new teacher used pictures to introduce new words and phrases to students. The second part was passage skimming. The teacher asked students to underline the words and phrases that they didn’t know. The third part was intensive reading. The teacher explained key words, phrases, sentences and important grammar points. The last step was summary .Obviously ,the lesson was not a successful one . As a graduate of Normal university , She had learned how to deal with a reading passage in an English class. However, she found that transferring learning from training to the classroom was difficult. The variables of the classroom, including students, content, added the complexity of implementation of the lesson (Emily Dolci Grimm, Trent Kaufman and Dave Doty,2014) .After a series of frustrations ,she took the way that her high school teacher used, that is , cramming. Thanks to the classroom observation, the new English teacher realized her teaching problems. Otherwise, she would take this teaching method for granted.
  3. Improvement of Classroom Observation in Shaoxing Vocational Education Center
  Many teachers have the problem that professional development experiences fail to work in the real classroom. Many of them think that they need another colleague to help them examine what they are doing in their classroom. That is why we need classroom observation urgently.
  3.1 Add Pre-observation Meeting Stage of the Classroom Observation
  During the pre-observation stage ,the observed teacher identifies the focus of the observation. However, the situation of classroom observation in Shaoxing Vocational Educational Center is a little different. Without pre-observation stage, the observers are leading roles. They enter the observed class with no specific aim and decide their focuses of the observation on the basis of their personal preferences. For example, some observers pay close attention to the observed teacher’s classroom language while others concern about students’ actions and responses. Though the results from these classroom observation are useful , they usually don’t meet the specific need of the observed teacher . If the pre-observation stage can be added, the classroom observation will be much more purposeful.
  3.2 The Objective and Experienced Observers Rather Than Traditional Supervisors
  In our school, the observers are always the traditional supervisors who usually sit at the back and document the classroom events. The purpose of the observation is perceived by the teacher as a mean to judge their quality of teaching instead of offering advice for future enhancement ,which makes teachers much more anxious and stressful.Frankly Speaking , an objective and experienced observer can provide more useful suggestion than a supervisor .Meanwhile,the aim of classroom observation should be the teaching ability improvement rather evaluation.
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【摘要】奥斯卡金像奖(Academy Awards)是全世界最具影响力的電影奖项。本文从本届奥斯卡颁奖典礼中选取了观众笑声最为热烈的几处作为研究对象,从合作原则出发对主持词中蕴含的幽默进行分析。  【关键词】合作原则;礼貌原则;言语幽默;奥斯卡  【作者简介】张婧(1993-),女,四川内江人,北京工业大学外国语学院硕士研究生,研究方向:外国语言学及应用语言学;李丽华,北京工业大学外国语学院。  
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【摘要】伴随新课改的不断深入,学生思维能力的培育和提升愈发受到各界的关注,构建起一套有助于强化学生思维能力的英语课堂教学评价系统是紧要课题,本文主要从两个角度、多层次内容入手就促进学生思维能力发展的小学英语课堂教学评价加以探索,以期为全面深化对于思维能力发展视角的小学英语课堂教学评价的认识,强化学生思维能力的发展建言献策。  【关键词】思维能力;英语课堂;教学评价  【作者简介】万娴,江苏省无锡崇
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1.Introduction  Language, as one of the most influential aspect for manifesting the uniqueness of human beings, enables people to produce and receive information. This paper has been divided into thre