教育家都认为:兴趣是学习的动机,它尤如催化剂,能加速成功。数学教学如何激发学生的学习兴趣,使其在一种愉快的教学情景中学习新知,现以得数是13的进位加法为例,谈谈个人的浅见。 “得数是13的进位加法”要求学生进一步掌握“凑十法”,能正确计算。为了突出重点突破难点,我要求学生准备同一花色扑克牌13张与火柴棒13根,用以进行愉快教学。 一、创设教学情景,激发学生的兴趣,为新知的学习奠定基础。
Educators believe that: interest is the motivation of learning, it is like a catalyst, can accelerate success. How mathematics teaching can arouse students' interest in learning so that they can learn new knowledge in a pleasant teaching scenario, for example, take the addition of 13 as a carry-in example and talk about personal opinions. “The addition of 13 is the carry addition” requires students to further grasp the “Minato Ten Act” can be calculated correctly. In order to highlight the key breakthrough difficulties, I asked students to prepare 13 cards of the same suit and 13 match sticks for pleasant teaching. First, create teaching situations, stimulate students' interest and lay the foundation for the learning of new knowledge.