Who is responsible for paying college costs, parents or children?

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jackwang02
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  【Abstract】The paper tells about who takes the responsibility of paying college in China and US. It explores both American and Chinese undergraduate families’ attitudes towards the responsibility of paying for college. And it explore the cultural differences manifested in the way people pay for college. Then some opinions and implications are offered.
  【Key words】paying college costs; attitude; cultural difference
  During my visit at California State University Fullerton, I have learned that less than 30% undergraduates in this university can graduate within 4 years. Most of students usually take 6 or 7 years to graduate. I felt curious about that. What caused the delay of their graduation? The answer is they need do part time job to pay for their college. That is why they need more time to graduate. Do American parents pay for their children college? This aroused my interest in this topic. So I conducted a survey about it. And my research question is: who is responsible for paying college costs, parents or children? I interviewed some American parents and college students for this survey. Next I’ll tell about the findings of my survey.
  1.Who takes the responsibility of paying for college education?
  For many Chinese families, especially those relatively well-off, the idea of who will pay for college is a given: It is the parents’ responsibility. But in America, things are different. According to a national study by Sallie Mae ( it is the nation’s saving, planning and paying for college company), three in five families believe that paying for college is a shared responsibility between the parents and student. Now let’s look at a chart.
  From the chart, we can see 45% of the college students have to pay college by themselves in America. 55% students get their parents’ help to pay for college. That is, most American parents and children share responsibility for paying college costs.
  2.American undergraduate families’ attitudes towards the responsibility of paying for college
  American parents’ attitude: According to my interviews with some American parents, some said that they can afford their children’s college education and they want their children to concentrate on their studies. So they would like to pay for their children’s college in full. While some other parents said although they can afford their children’s college, they want to teach their kids the responsibility of paying for part of their education. They think if their children do not make contribution to their college costs, they can not truly understand the value of education and money. So these parents would share the responsibility of paying for college with their kids. In fact, most parents hold the belief that their children should share the responsibility of paying for college with them.   American college students’ attitude: As for American college students, many think that they should take some responsibility for life when they are 18 years old. Some said the American way helps them grow up faster and realize that life isn’t a free ride. They need work during school, get scholarships and grants, and work part-time to pay for their education. Some said their parents required them to pay for college, and helped them handle their personal finance, and turn them into a financially savvy adult before they graduate. And some others think that earning scholarships, grants, and even taking on loans make them learn more responsibility and gain more real life skills. Many students think they now remain more focused on education rather than party life because they know it is not easy to make money. They have learned the value of money and therefore they’ll be more prepared when they hit the “real world”.
  Besides interviews with American families, I also had some interviews with Chinese families.
  3.Chinese undergraduate families’ attitudes towards the responsibility of paying for college
  Chinese parents’ attitude: Most of Chinese parents hold the view that they would pay for their kids’ college education in full. Some parents said they’ll pay for their children’s education if they can because they have only one child and they would do everything for their child. Others said they want their children to focus on studies instead of working part time.
  Chinese college students’ attitude: According to the interviews, most Chinese college students think it is their parents’ responsibility to pay for their college education. A majority of students believe their parents will cover all college costs for them. Some students said “To me, focusing on my studies is much more important than a part-time job to cover my personal spending money. ” Some said it is their parents’ obligation to raise them and pay for their education.
  4.Cultural differences in this issue
  From the above explorations, we can see cultural differences in the way people pay for college. There is a saying: Culture shapes beliefs.
  American culture is an individualistic one. It emphasizes the belief---independence. The goal of American parents is to help children stand on their own two feet. They expect their children to be independent and self-reliant. Parents see responsibility, independence and hard work as most important to teach children.   Chinese culture is a collectivistic one, which emphasizes the belief---interdependence. They hold a belief in the interdependence of family members. Chinese parents typically raise their children not to be independent, but to be integrated into the family. They think families can depend on each other. There is a mutual understanding within the family. That is, parents will help children in their upbringing and children will support and care for their parents in old age.
  So it’s common that college education is supported by parents. That’s why it’s uncommon to see Chinese college students with huge debts compared to Americans.
  In addition, many Chinese parents tend to bring up their children with sufficiency and indulgence. Therefore, they believe that everything can be and should be done for their children and children should be closely watched. Consequently,many Chinese children become excessively dependent on their parents. An investigation made by the Social Investigation Center of China Youth Daily indicates that about 70% of the unemployed young people in China now live off their parents, thus becoming Neets.
  5.My opinion
  From the discussion we can learn that shared responsibility for paying brings about many advantages such as development of children’s independence and responsibility, respect for various careers, value of money. Children will be more likely to take school seriously and work harder at their studies if they take on the responsibility of paying for college. If both the parent and child pay for college, the advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages.
  In contrast, Chinese parents tend to do everything for their children, which results in children’s too much dependence on their parents, poor independence, lack of responsibility and they will not value money. It is obvious that students who are not responsible for their own expenses may not learn how to control their own spending. Then what’s the solution? In my opinion, parents can pitch in to cover the large part of cost and leave a smaller portion for their college aged kids to pay.
  From the discussion I draw a conclusion: Students should share responsibility for paying college education. This is the answer to my research question. Both of American way and Chinese way are out of love. We should be open-minded and learn the merits of the American way so that we can do better. Be sure to bear the following points in mind: Even if you can pay for all of your child’s college costs, it’s probably worth asking yourself if it’s a good idea. You know it is not a kindness to a child to let them live a fairytale. Your job as a parent is to prepare them to be an adult in the real world.
【摘要】随着我国经济的快速发展,我国与世界各国的交流日益增多,急需拥有大量高素质翻译人才,而大学是培养高级英语翻译人才的场所。但笔者在调查中发现,我国大学英语翻译教学中还存在着诸多不足,严重制约着大学英语翻译教学质量的提高。本文首先指出了我国大学英语翻译教学中存在的问题,接着提出了提高大学英语翻译教学质量的主要策略,希望有利于提高我国大学英语翻译教学质量。  【关键词】大学英语;翻译教学;问题;对
应用型本科教育要求教育工作者能够解放思想,大胆调整教学计划和课程体系。2007 年教育部颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》明确规定:“大学英语教学应贯彻分类指导、因材施教的原则,以适应个性化教学的实际需要。各高等学校应根据本校实际情况确定教学目标,并创造条件,使那些英语起点水平较高、学有余力的学生能够达到较高要求或更高要求。”云南经济管理学院的大学英语课程是一门通识教育必修课,它的开展应以学生的需求为
【摘要】分组教学就是在传统课堂基础上,由教师将学生分为固定数量的几个小组,而后学生以小组的形式参与课堂活动。从基础形式上看,分组教学能够培养学生的交流能力、主动性和钻研精神,因此在初中英语课堂中应用分组教学具备实际价值。下文就将以初中英语课堂教学为主,对分组教学的应用模式进行分项研究。  【关键词】分组教学;初中英语课堂;教学模式  【作者简介】刘杰(1978.10.01- ),男,汉族,安徽亳州
【摘要】在新型教育改革的发展历程中,中学英语的授课方式得到重视。在日常授课的时候,学校虽然已经在努力提高授课质量,但是依然有一些需要创新的方面,学校的教育品质没有得到更新,导致无法进步,要寻找一个切入点。在传统英语授课中,一般强调教师的授课,新式的英语授课讲究研究性学习。本文就高中英语的研究性学习展开分析,探究其具体实践运用的方法和应用。  【关键词】高中英语;研究性学习;教学  【作者简介】雪艺
【摘要】小学生具有活泼好动、好奇心旺盛的心理特点,这些心理特征导致小学生不能有效地控制自己的意识和活动,这就要求小学英语教师必须精心设计、合理安排课堂内容,采用动静结合的教学方法,充分调动学生的积极性,发挥较高的管理和调控能力,为小学生学习英语提供井井有序的学习环境,从而促进小学英语教学质量的提高。  【关键词】小学英语;课堂调控;策略  【作者简介】石成坤,广东省广州市增城区朱村街山田小学。  
【摘要】本文从校园文化的基本内涵出发,阐述了当前我国大学英语教学现状,对校园文化元素在英语课堂教学中的作用进行了具体分析。  【关键词】校园文化元素;英语课堂教学;作用  【作者简介】熊晓雪(1977.10- ),苗族,贵州大学外国语学院,副教授,研究方向:英语教学,二语习得,学习策略。  一、校园文化的基本内涵  高校校园文化包含了学校系统内的各种结构因素,并随着社会大环境的变化不断丰富、充实,