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   Jane Eyre was written by Charlotte Bronte (夏洛特·勃朗特) in the 1840s. It is the story of a young woman who becomes a governess. Governesses were poor young women who lived in wealthy families’ houses and educated the children of the family. The story is set in the 1830s, in the north of England. The following story happened at the beginning of Jane Eyre’s coming to Thornfield.
  It was a hot day in June and I was walking in the garden when Mr. Rochester came up to me. He asked me if I liked living in Thornfield Hall. When I said yes, he smiled and said,
  “Will you marry me, Jane?”
  “If you love me, I will marry you,” I replied. Mr. Rochester told me that he did.
  In July, two days before the wedding Mr. Rochester went away for the night. I went to bed early and gazed at my wedding dress and veil before falling asleep. I did not sleep well.
  When Mr. Rochester returned I told him about a strange dream I had had. In it I saw Thornfield Hall burned to the ground. Then I saw a tall woman with long black hair standing in my room. She held my wedding veil in her hands and was looking at herself in the mirror. Then she tore the veil into the pieces. Finally she laughed and went away. Mr. Rochester told me it was all a bad dream but I showed him the torn veil.
  The next day we went to the church to get married. As the vicar began the ceremony a man sitting at the back of the church called out:
  “These two people cannot get married.” I looked around and saw Mr. Mason. He spoke again,“Mr. Rochester already has a wife. Her name is Bertha Mason. She is my sister and she lives at Thornfield Hall.”
  Mr. Rochester was silent for a while and then spoke.
  “It is true. I did get married to Bertha when I was in the West Indies. She is mad. Come back to the Hall and see the mad woman.”
  Having returned to the Hall, we climbed to the top of the house. Mr. Rochester opened a door and I saw Grace Poole sitting in the room. Also there was a large woman with long black hair. She was the woman I had seen in my bedroom. The mad woman screamed and ran at Mr. Rochester but he held her arms tight.
  “There is my wife. There is Mrs. Rochester,” he said angrily.
  I left Thornfield Hall. I moved to a quiet village and taught in the local school. A year passed. Then, one day when I was walking on the moor I heard a voice in my head saying, “Jane. Jane.” It was Mr. Rochester’s voice. I had to see him again.
  Reaching Thornfield Hall I saw that it had no roof. It had been burned to the ground. No one was there. In Millcote village I heard the story. One night the mad woman had set fire to her room. Mr. Rochester had tried to save her but she had died in the fire. He was badly injured and was now blind. “I must see him,” I said to myself.
  I took a carriage to a small house where I found Mr. Rochester sitting alone by the fire.
  “I know that is you, Jane. Why have you come to see me?” he said.
  “Because I love you,” I replied. “I have always loved you. Now I will be your wife.”
  Mr. Rochester and I got married. His sight is improving and we will soon have a child.
  1. What happened to Mrs. Rochester at last?
  2. Who prevented Jane from marrying Mr. Rochester?
  简·爱的父亲是个穷牧师,当她还在幼年时,父母就染病双双去世。简·爱被送到了舅母里德太太家抚养,里德先生临死前曾嘱咐妻子好好照顾简·爱。简·爱在里德太太家的地位,连侍女都不如,受尽了表兄弟表姊妹的欺侮。她再也不想待在里德太太家了,里德太太就把她送进达罗沃德孤儿院 (Lowood School)。孤儿院院长是个冷酷的伪君子,他用种种办法从精神和肉体上摧残孤儿。简与孤儿海伦结成好友,然而,孤儿院里一场传染性的伤寒夺走了许多孤儿的生命,海伦就在这场伤寒中死去,这对简·爱打击很大。
  1. I was walking in the garden when Mr. Rochester came up to me.
  ● 本题中含有一个常用结构be doing...when...,意为:正在做某事……这时……
  I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busily drying myself with a towel when I heard the steps.
  I was walking along the road when suddenly someone patted me on the shoulder from behind.
  ● be about to do sth...when... 正要做某事……这时……
  We were about to start when it began to rain.
  He was about to tell me the secret when someone patted him on the shoulder.
  他正要把秘密告诉我, 这时有人拍他的肩膀。
  ● be on the point of doing sth...when... 正在做某事……这时……
  Jack was on the point of leaving when someone knocked at the gate.
  (1) I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busily drying myself with a towel _________I heard the steps.(2006湖南卷)
  A. whileB. when C. since D. after
  答案: B。
  分析:句子中含有be doing...when...这一结构:I was busily drying myself with a towel ______ I heard the steps. 我正在用毛巾把水擦掉,这时听见了脚步声。
  (2) He was about halfway through his meal _______ a familiar voice came to his ears.(2006辽宁卷)
  A. why B. where C. when D. while
  答案: C。
  分析:此题主句中虽然没有直接含有be doing这一形式,但根据意思我们可以知道:他饭正吃到一半的时候,这时突然一个熟悉的声音传到了他的耳朵里。故还是要选when来表示突然发生某事。
  2. Having returned to the Hall, we climbed to the top of the house.
  The storm left, having caused a lot of damage to this area.(05全国I)(the storm与cause是主动关系,但动作先于主句的谓语发生,故用现在分词的完成式)
  Having written the letter, he went out to post it.
  写完了信后, 他出去寄信了。
  Having been told many times, he still repeated the same mistake.
  to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead. (2008重庆卷)
  A. Fail B. Failed C. To fail D. Having failed
  答案: D。
  分析: 本题中分词的动作与主句的谓语动词存在先后顺序,应是先发生没打通电话,然后才发的邮件,此外根据fail这一动作与主句的主语we为主动关系,因此使用现在分词的完成式。
  1. gaze at
  She gazed at me in disbelief when I told her the news. 我告诉她这消息时,她以怀疑的目光注视着我。
  2. veil (n.) 面纱,面罩
  a bridal veil新娘的面纱
  3. burn to the ground 烧成灰烬
  4. looking at herself in the mirror 照镜子
  5. vicar (n.) (英国国教的)牧区牧师
  6. ceremony (n.) 典礼,仪式
  a marriage/wedding ceremony婚礼
  7. set fire to 放火,纵火
  1. She set fire to her room and though Mr. Rochester tried to save her, she died in the fire.
  2. Mr. Mason, Mrs. Rochester’s brother.
  (作者单位:蒋文娟 江苏省常州市田家炳实验中学;李春 江苏省常州市前黄高级中学)
有这样一个故事:陶行知先生在武汉大学演讲,他来到台上,从包里拿出的不是演讲稿,而是一只大公鸡!在众人诧异的目光中,他按住公鸡的头,强逼它吃放在桌上的一把 There is such
我觉得我们这一代很幸运,当我们进入社会的时候,国家由计划经济转向了社会主义市场经济。我们可以把自己的知识很快地与市场结合起来,可以使科研成果很快地实现 I think ou
教学要求: 帮助幼儿了解春季特征,并学会用适当的词句描述,从中发展其思维和想象,激发创造力。教学过程: 一、认识春天带幼儿去户外观察春天景色:(植物方面)柳树发芽,小草变