Syntactic analysis and countermeasures of ambiguous sentences

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  【Abstract】Ambiguity is a common phenomenon in language, and ambiguous sentences in English are more common. The existence of English ambiguous sentences is mainly caused by three factors, pronunciation, vocabulary and syntax. The syntactic ambiguity is the scope of the study of syntax, and is an important part of it. In this paper, we will combine examples to explain the syntactic mechanism of the source of several structural ambiguities in English, and try to propose a practical approach that overcome and eliminate such ambiguity.
  【Key words】Ambiguity; Linguistics; Practical method
  Introduction:Ambiguity refers to the fact that a structural term in a language contains more than two different interpretations leading to two or more interpretations of the structural term. Ambiguity makes the meaning of sentences unclear and ambiguous, and becomes a barrier in language communication. Ambiguity is a very important linguistic phenomenon, and it is also an important part of linguistics, especially semantics.

1. The Introduction of Ambiguity

  A. Definition of ambiguity
  Ambiguous sentences produce two possible sentences in understanding, in other words, sentences that can be understood in one way or another. How many ways of understanding a sentence.
  The study of ambiguity in modern linguistics is quite different from that in traditional grammar. The latter points to the function of commenting on ambiguity and only considers the difficulties in grammatical provisions such as homonymy and polysemy. The former attempts to describe the ability of native speakers to understand its meaning.
  Linguists observe languages at three levels: phonetic, syntactic and semantic. Bolinger and Kingstmann thought that phonological factors, such as connection, segmentation, stress and intonation, were the most important factors of ambiguity. The change of meaning brought by the ever-changing tone is difficult to describe, so the ambiguity caused by the tone is inevitable. The causes of ambiguity at the phonological level are “homonym polysemous” and “polysemous” discovered by traditional grammars. The so-called polysemy is that a word has multiple meanings, and these meanings revolve around a single center.
  B. The function of ambiguity sentences
  Ambiguity is a normal phenomenon for natural language. It is difficult to simply say good or bad. Can not all be regarded as a language disease, complete prohibition. Ambiguity is even used consciously in literary works. In crosstalk works, ambiguity is often used to create baggage. Some rhetorical devices, such as “puns”, which are frequently used in daily oral communication and written communication, can also be regarded as positive application of ambiguity in a certain sense.

2. The classification of ambiguous sentences

  2.1 The Type of ambiguity sentence
  Ambiguity sentence is a kind of grammatical form that exists widely in language system, and it can also be called ambiguous sentence. It refers to a linguistic phenomenon with two or more meanings in the same language form.
  We can discuss the types of ambiguous sentences from the following aspects: homonym, word weight, polysemous words, multiple parts of speech, combinational levels, semantic relations, multiple modifiers, verb-object structures, and inexplicable meanings.
  At the level of semantics, the main purpose of the study of ambiguity is to explain the psychological process in which language users recognize and eliminate ambiguity according to context. Instead of analyzing ambiguous sentences in isolation, this study considers how context plays a role in the interpretation of ambiguous sentences.
  2.2 Example
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【摘要】基于信息化课堂教学具有突破时空限制、最大限度地发挥学生主观能动性的优势,结合高职英语教学实践,本文从创建信息化学习环境、善用移动智能终端设备、培养自主学习能力和强调协作学习四个方面探索了信息化环境下的高职英语教学。  【关键词】信息化;高职英语教学  【作者简介】张婉华(1978.11-),女,兰州职业技术学院教师,副教授。  网络技术和信息技术的飞速发展,为教学的新发展创造了优良的条件。