【导学内容简析】九年义务教育六年制小学数学第八册“减法的意义”包括减法的意义 ,加、减法各部分间的关系和加、减法的简便算法等内容。本节内容的学习重点是从理论高度概括出减法的意义和加减法的基本数量关系式 ;学习难点是理解减法的意义和灵活运用加、减法各部分间关系?
【Content】 Analysis of the nine-year compulsory education six-year elementary school mathematics eighth volume “significance of subtraction,” Including the significance of subtraction, plus and subtraction of the relationship between the various parts and add, subtract the simple algorithm and so on. The content of this section focuses on learning from the theoretical summary of the significance of subtraction and the basic quantitative relationship between addition and subtraction; learning difficulties is to understand the meaning of subtraction and flexible use of addition and subtraction between the various parts of the relationship?