基本概况橱安跃,1982年8月2日出生,云南省腾冲县人,汉族,身高 1.75米,体重60公斤,身材匀称 1999年9月考入云南省体育运动技术学校,进入田径队,师从高级教练员胡国昌,从事中长跑项目。 2002年3月底入选云南省呈贡体育训练基地田径队,专项为中跑。几年来训练、比赛成绩表现突出, 始终在全国比赛中占有一席之地, 填补了长期以来云南田径中跑项目无人参加全国比赛的空白,扭转了落后局面。入队后逐年比赛成绩见表1。长期以来,专业队教练员选到
Basic profile Chen Anyue, born August 2, 1982, Tengchong County, Yunnan Province, Han nationality, height 1.75 meters, weight 60 kg, body shape In September 1999 admitted to the Yunnan Provincial Sports Technical School, into the track and field team, under the Senior coach Hu Guochang, engaged in long-distance running project. The end of March 2002 was selected sports training base in Chenggong Yunnan track and field team, special for the run. Over the past few years training, outstanding performance of the competition, always in the national competition has a place, to fill a long time in Yunnan track and field midfielder no participation in the national competition blank, reversed the backwardness. Entries after year race results shown in Table 1. For a long time, professional team coaches selected