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语文教学正在大刀阔斧地改革着。语文测试方式与以往相比,也有了很大突破。许多地方简化了测试形式:淡化客观性题目,突出主观性命题;只考阅读理解和写作两部分。这确实是一种了不起的进步。但,无庸讳言,在考试中,阅读理解问题的设计却大多仍停留在浅层的分析上。特别是那些人为规定的所谓答案,往往忽视了民族语言丰富性、生动性、多样性的特点,忽视了语文阅读中许多“只可意会,不可言传”的东西。它们以狭隘的“一家之言”,死板的标准,封闭的形 Chinese language teaching is being reformed drastically. Compared with the past, language testing methods have also made great breakthroughs. In many places, the test forms have been simplified: the objective issues are diluted, and subjective propositions are highlighted; only reading comprehension and writing are examined. This is indeed a remarkable progress. However, it goes without saying that in the examination, the design of reading comprehension problems still mostly stays in shallow analysis. In particular, those so-called answers that are artificially stipulated, often overlook the richness, vividness, and diversity of the national language, and ignore many things in Chinese reading that can only be interpreted as meaningless. They are narrow-minded “house of words”, rigid standards, closed shape
换元法是代数中的一种非常重要的解题方法,利用它可使繁难复杂的问题变得简单,易做,举例说明如下: The substitution method is a very important problem solving method
说明:本卷满分120分,测试时间90分钟,包括第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷. 可能用到的相对原子质量: C:12 H:1 O:16 N:14 P:31 S:32 Cl:35.5 Br:80 I:127 Si:28 K:39Ca:40 Na:23 Mg:24 Al:2
A gay and noisy crowd,mainly of professorsand students from the University of Pisa, wasgathered in front of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.A math professor from the
1 资料与方法1.1 资料 本组 19例 ,男 13例 ,女 6例 ,年龄 31~ 6 6岁 ,所有病例均经 B超及 CT确诊。左肾 15例 ,右肾 3例 ,双肾 1例。囊肿位于肾上极 3例 ,下极 16例 ,囊肿
4.代数式的值的求法学会求代数式的值是很有用的. 求代数式的值的方法很丰富多采,往往是因题而异. 求代数式的值,最基本的方法是(1)直接代入字母的值例1 已知a=-4/5,求代数
Edwardsiellosis of flounder and turbot occurring in different mariculture farms during 2001~2004 was examined, including the conditions of disease occurrence, cl
数学问题是由空间形式和数量关系两方面构成的,在研究和处理问题时,有意识地将数和形结合起来,形中思数,数中构形,有助于我们找到思考问题的新视角、新思路. 一、数中构形,