今年“六一”节前,坐落在北京海淀区花园村的国务院幼儿园(全称为国务院机关事务管理局幼儿园)沉浸在建园45周年的喜庆之中。他们既为幼儿园有着光辉的历程而自豪,也为幼儿园继往开来,不断前进而欣慰。 确实,这是一所光荣的幼儿园,曾在战争年代就作为一所托儿所为保育革命先辈的子女立过功勋,1951年正式建园后,更是受到了党和国家领导人的亲切关怀与鼓励。敬爱的周总理、邓大姐曾到幼儿园看望孩子和老师,宋庆龄副主席请孩子们到家里做客,并愉快地与孩子们合影留念。郭末若副总理曾为幼儿园题
This year’s “61” section, located in Haidian District, Beijing Garden State Department nursery (full name of the State Department Authority Kindergarten) immersed in the celebration of the 45th anniversary of the park. They both proud of kindergarten has a glorious course, but also for future kindergarten, keep moving and happy. Indeed, this is a glorious nursery school that served as a nursery school for the children of the revolutionary forerunners in the war years. After its official establishment of the park in 1951, it was even more cordial and encouraged by the leaders of the party and state . Dear Premier Zhou, Deng Sister went to kindergarten to visit their children and teachers, Vice Chairman Soong Ching Ling invited children to the house guest, and happily take pictures with the children souvenir. Deputy Prime Minister Guo was a kindergarten teacher