中国的女新闻工作者对目前的工作满意程度如何? 中国社会科学院新闻研究所和中华全国新闻工作者协会开展的“中国女新闻工作者现状和发展调查”表明:女新闻工作者对目前的工作表示“很满意”者占9.6%,“满意”者占60.5%,合计为70.1%;有10.9%的人表示“一般”,还有16.9%的人表示“不大满意”,2.1%的人表示“不满意”。 《中国女新闻工作者现状和发展》调查报告系由联合国教科文组织资助,由中华全国新闻工作者协会和中国社会科学院新闻研究所联合组成课题组完成的,笔者任课题组长。该项调查在全国除台湾省外的30个省、自治区、直辖市进行,以拥有新闻专业职务(含新闻记者、编辑、校对、翻译、新闻节目主持人和播音员)的2.8万女新闻工作者为总体,随机抽取4033人为调查对象,另外随机抽取1834名男新闻工作者作为对照组。
How satisfied are Chinese female journalists with current work? The Survey on the Current Situation and Development of Chinese Journalists in China conducted by the Press Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the All China Journalists ’Association shows that the journalists’ 9.6% said they were “very satisfied”, 60.5% said they were “satisfied”, and 70.1% said they were “satisfied.” 10.9% said “average” and 16.9% said “not very satisfied” and 2.1% Said “not satisfied.” The investigation report on the status quo and development of Chinese female journalists is funded by UNESCO and composed by the All-China Journalists Association and the Institute of Journalism of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The author is the leader of the project. The survey was conducted in 28 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities outside the province of Taiwan to cover 28,000 women journalists who hold professional journalistic positions (including journalists, editors, proofreaders, translators, news program presenters and broadcasters) As a whole, randomly selected 4033 people as survey subjects, while a random sample of 1834 male journalists as a control group.