In accounting education, the status of women has long failed to keep up with men of her seniority. Even those minority women who are involved in the education sector are usually only able to serve in two-year schools and mainly teach “primary accounting” courses, but with the deep popularity of the Women’s Liberation Movement and the number of women entering the CPA profession market The increase, a large number of women began to enter the higher education sector. The majority of women accountants as a research group, has begun to receive the attention of the community. Colleen T. Nadagard, currently the chairman of the Board of Education of the American Accounting Association, conducted a survey of 446 accounting women scholars at universities in the United States, which is by far the first comprehensive assessment of the professional achievement of women accountants. First, the female accountant’s titles and academic status In the survey of 446 female accountants, there are 34 professors, accounting for 7.6% of the total number of other titles and the proportion of the number were: Associate Professor 84, accounting for 18.8 %, Assistant professors 177, accounting for 39.7%; senior lecturer 88, accounting for 19.7%; lecturer 46, accounting for 10.3%; other 11 people accounted for 2.5%; unanswered 6, accounting for 1.4%.