1997年11月3日至7日,中国新闻技术研讨会在美丽的西子湖畔胜利召开,来自全国各报社、广播电台、电视台和通讯社,以及近20个厂家的200多人参加了本届研讨会。 今年杭州新闻技术研讨会是在党的十五大胜利召开后举行的,重要的一点是为了落实党的十五大提出的跨世纪目标,我们全国的新闻界,特别是新闻技术的发展如何跟上时代的步伐,如何抓住机遇而不丧失机遇,新闻技术如何为我国社会主义的新闻事业服务,为正确的
From November 3 to November 7, 1997, the China News Technology Symposium was held successfully on the beautiful West Lake. More than 200 people from newspapers, radio stations, television stations and news agencies across the country, as well as nearly 20 factories attended the seminar . This year’s Hangzhou News Technology Symposium was held after the victory of the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The important point is to implement the cross-century goal put forward by the 15th National Congress of the CPC. How can the development of the news media in our country, especially news technology, follow How to seize the opportunity without losing opportunities at the pace of the times? How can news technologies serve the socialist journalism in our country?