“Advent” was a science fiction film released by Paramount Pictures of the United States. The 89th Academy Award for Best Sound Editing in 2017. The film is based on the original science-fiction novel “The Story of Your Life” of the Chinese science fiction writer Ted Ginger (Chinese name Jiang Fengnan). The novel has won the 1998 Nebula Award and the Sturgeon Award, which tells about human and alien exchanges and focuses on the most basic place, language. For Chinese students, English as a required course has become a nightmare for many people. Therefore, it is really a kind of experience to say that English is not a good thing. It really makes people talk and talk and tears. At the two conferences that were held not long ago, Li Guangyu, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman of the Board of Directors of China Yuhua Education Group, said. Mentioned the English education, his proposal is very direct: The college entrance exam cancels English! Then,