
来源 :中学数学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flywhc
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联想是感知或回忆一些事物,连带想起其它事物的心理过程。解数学题往往是通过由此及彼、由表及里的联想,去沟通命题的结论和条件间的逻辑关系,发现解题途径,从而迅速、正确地解决问题。外形联想就是由题中已知条件或结论的外表形式联想到以前的定理、法则及有关的知识,从而根据这些定理、法则及有关的知识来解决问题。例如:计算(2~(1/2)~log23,由此形式,我们自然联想到恒等式a~(log_a)N=N;再如,在解决有关三角形问题时,由a~2+b~2-c~2,联想到余弦定理 a~2+b~2-c~2=2_abcosC等。解数学题,通过外形联想往往能产生妙解!但有 Lenovo is the process of perceiving or recalling some things, together with the mental process of thinking about other things. Solving mathematics problems is often through the association of the other and the other, the association between the table and the inside, to communicate the logical relationship between the conclusions and conditions of the proposition, and find the solution to the problem, so as to solve the problem quickly and correctly. Shape association is to associate the previous theorems, rules and related knowledge with the appearance form of known conditions or conclusions in the questions, so as to solve the problems based on these theorems, rules and related knowledge. For example: calculation (2~(1/2)~log23, in this form, we naturally associate the identity a~(log_a)N=N; again, when solving the triangle problem, from a~2+b~2 -c~2, associates the cosine theorem a~2+b~2-c~2=2_abcosC, etc. Solving mathematics problems can often produce wonderful solutions through appearance association!
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一. 选择答案题(本题满分36分) 本题每个小题给出A、B、C、D四个答案,其中只有一个是正确的,请把正确答案的代号选出,填在题后的圆括号内,每填对一小题得6分,填错和不填均得
A组一.选择题(以下各题中,有且仅有一个选择支是正确的): 1.函数y=lg(arccosx)的定义域是( )。 (A)-1≤x≤1;(B)-1≤x≤1; (C)-1
在三角中,某些问题如我们能充分注意到它们的几何背景,并藉助于解析几何的有关知识,往往可以得到较为简洁的解法。本文列举数例,以资说明。例1 已知 cosa-cosβ=1/2,sina-si