1999年7月至9月,作为人民日报科技记者,笔者随中国首次北极科学考察队,乘雪龙号科学考察船前往北极进行了为期两个半月的考察采访。 在报社领导的关心下,科技处和摄影组的同事给我准备了报社最好的装备:价值十几万元的专业数码相机,全报社只有一套,笔记本电脑,是走前刚买下的;卫星电话,全报社只有两台,一台配备了驻南联盟记者站,一台跟着我。
From July to September 1999, as a reporter for science and technology of People’s Daily, the author conducted a two-and-a-half-month inspection interview with China’s first Arctic scientific expedition team and the Xuelong scientific expedition to the North Pole. Concerned with the newspaper’s leadership, the science and technology department and colleagues in the photography group prepared the best equipment for the newspaper: a digital camera with a value of more than 100,000 yuan, only one newspaper in the newspaper office, and a laptop, ; Satellite phones, all newspapers only two, one with a correspondent stationed in Yugoslavia, one followed me.