班会是学校对学生进行德育教育的重要形式。近几年来,我们发现有些年轻班主任由于缺乏经验,不善于组织班会,有些班主任对班会的重要性认知不足,往往把班会搞成训话,念报纸,形式呆板,内容空洞,学生不爱听。根据这种情况,我校开展了“优质主题班会”的评比工作,下面选取几种不同的形式,做为示例来谈谈。 示例一:(高二年级) 主题班会标题:《凡人凡言》。这次班会采用演讲式,由学生自己组织,主持人及演讲者均为学生。 班会开始,主持人道开场白:
Class meetings are an important form of moral education for students. In recent years, we have found that some young headteachers are not good at organizing classes because of lack of experience. Some class teachers do not know enough about the importance of class meetings. They often make classes in classes and read newspapers in a dull way. The contents are empty and students do not like to listen. Based on this situation, our school has carried out the appraisal work of the “High-quality Theme Class Meeting”. The following selects several different forms and serves as an example to talk about it. Example 1: (High 2nd grade) Theme class title: “The mortals speak.” This class will adopt a speech style and be organized by the students themselves. Both the host and the speaker are students. The class begins and the moderator starts the opening: