科技部为推动内需,促使具有经济新增长点的自主新技术和产品加大产业化、商品化和规模化应用力度,启动6 000亿元的重大科技专项资金为石化等10大产业的振兴提供技术支撑,以配合国务院提出的振兴石化等重点产业振兴规划。据悉,以下5个方面将作为石化行业科研项目的选择重点。(1)
In order to boost domestic demand and promote self-owned new technologies and products with new economic growth points, the Ministry of Science and Technology will intensify efforts in industrialization, commercialization and large-scale application and launch 600 billion yuan of major scientific and technological special funds for the revitalization of 10 major industries such as petrochemicals Technical support to meet the State Council proposed the revitalization of petrochemical and other key industries revitalization plan. It is reported that the following five aspects will be the petrochemical industry as the focus of scientific research projects. (1)