1979年,天津市中等教育结构改革开始起步,当年办起四所职业学校,招收学生五百八十九名.六年之后,人们看到,天津市职业技术教育取得了鼓舞人心的进展: 1984年,市区职业学校已达四十七所,开设专业七十个,在校学生人数达一万零七百二十三名,连同中专、技校在内,全市接受中等职业技术教育的学生人数,占全市高中阶段学生总数的44%. 1985年,天津市职业技术教育的发展出现新的势头,市区各类中等职业技术学校招生人数,超过普通高中招生人数. 天津市职业技术教育取得这样好的成绩,原因是多方面的,其中关键的一条,是做好了职业学校毕业生安置工作.他们的具体做法是:一靠政策,二靠有关部门的通力合作.
In 1979, the structural reform of secondary education in Tianjin started its course, and in the same year it started to run four vocational schools and enrolled a total of 589 students. Six years later, people saw encouraging progress in vocational and technical education in Tianjin: 1984 In 2007, the number of vocational schools in urban areas reached 47, and there were 70 majors and 10,723 students enrolled in schools in the city. Secondary vocational and technical schools, including secondary schools and technical schools, Accounting for 44% of the total number of high school students in the city.In 1985, there was a new trend in the development of vocational and technical education in Tianjin, and the enrollment of all kinds of secondary vocational and technical schools in urban areas surpassed the enrollment in ordinary high schools. Such a good result is due to many reasons, of which the crucial one is to do a good job in the placement of graduates of vocational schools. Their specific measures are: one is to rely on policies and the other is to rely on the cooperation of relevant departments.