The reaction catalyzed by the enzyme was stoichiometrically investigated with a scanning spectrophotometer. At different times after the start of the reaction, scanning was performed in the wavelength range of 200-400 nm, and different absorption spectra were observed until the absorption spectrum did not change any more, thereby the m-hydroxybenzoate 4-hydroxylase catalyzed the conversion of m-hydroxybenzoate As 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid absorption spectra over time. The concentration of each component was calculated using the molar extinction coefficient. The molar ratio of substrate to product was 1: 0.998 and 1: 1.085, respectively, in 2 independent experiments, suggesting that the source was Co The testosteroni KH122 3S MOB4 HOase strains reported in the literature from the Aspergilus niger MOB4 HOase catalyzed reaction is the same.